Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed

Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hi Miwa, Yeah thanks mate..
Shes gaining daily and Im not sure what to make of it, whether she will finish earlier than my previous or will she flower for about the same time but build weight?? I am not sure at what the answer is??
She s just over 4.5ft tall now and has branch shoots all over crashing into each other too Ive had trouble with some but Im sure they will not give much at all, Im really hoping on the top 2/3rds or so to bring in the bulk weight...
Time will tell.. Cheers again, Chat soon. Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Yeah and I found you too!!! Its meant to be:) lol.. Good to have you around! PICS SOON!@@ Smokems..
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Yeah and I found you too!!! Its meant to be:) lol.. Good to have you around! PICS SOON!@@ Smokems..

Haha yesss :)
I created another journal for this, check the link in my sig!

They are real beauties again...

cheers :)
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

I think this deserves a song n dance. Yeah its definitely time for another Smokey song.
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Welcome guys, heres a few pics I took of my lil girl, Lucy, She is starting to grow well with the main branches gaining in height and I have around 12 main branches I think?..
Her flowers have been coming along fast, and Ive been having to trim a fan leaf or two daily now as each gets bigger and the plants branches grow.. Im liking how she is setting out, Ive done ok but could have perhaps done better if not for the breakage.
Sorry again some of the photos are out of focus - But those who know me will expect that:)
Hoping all your grows have been going well to, heres Lucy around 2 weeks into flower::


As you can see theres flowers on all branches and Ive looked at the branches and I should hopefully have some alright sized cola's as with my last girl, and Ill be stoked if I can pull an pound again!
Im starting to feed her Early Bloom and Liquid Blue soon, as of late its been Vita Blue,Seaweed or Seaweed and EB.. PLant is looking healthy so far, no more signs of defic, and her purple is seeming to lighten up a bit but still interested in seeing if I get any purp in the nugs..
My mates plant was harvested and he gave me back what he d borrowed, but due to him not trimming the fans off it has an average taste but the smell is sensational, almost fruity?? I wish Id grown it personally:)
Take care and cheers for dropping in again everyone.. And Yes Jimmy, maybe another crazy Hulk pic;) lol Cya guys... Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hoping it will give you a good yield Mate;)
"In the Flower time, when the weather is fine, I wanna roll one up and get real high, in the flower time - I got ganja, I got ganja on my mind.. " :)
Sorry I broke into song again... But yeah pistils is a good sign another 7 weeks or so maybe and you should have buds yeah? Is it a good producer?
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

:) Cheers buddy, I will be sure to check in mate!
Have to see what yo got growing in the ol majikal garden, seems you have a couple strains going, which I am unfortunate not to be able to do adequately at present, but Id like to have at least 2 strains p/harvest.. But for now, Im a one plant man - I dont play around with other girls:) lol
If I were to grow 2 plants as I do now, I estimate 2.5pound p/harvest - Id only need 2 grows a year to be fine for my meds.
Which is great, So I can grow for 4 mnths, rest for 2, grow again and rest again for 2 more, So it would not be very bad on the power..
I have to take a few better photos as the ones i got before suck, So will get some more later.
And does anyone know if you can use a magnifying glass in front of your camera to try get macro's?? I think I heard that somewhere..
Take care everyone, hope you all have trouble free grows and may your yields be bigger and better each time;) Catch ya's later.. Smokmeupm8:welcome::high-five::thumb: WOO HOO!! BUds buds bus buds..
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

I am eagerly awaiting one of your wonderful masterpieces;) On JokerJohns Journal he had the original Biggie Smalls Clip Of " JUICY ".. Made my day! I aint seen the whole thing in years ay, And I hope to soon have some JUICY buds myself one day soon.. " Way back, when I had the phat garden shack- with the plants that matched.. Remember tokin weed - Aha aha, I never thought that my crop would grow this far, Now I got the Lights right and the temps right, time to get baked - blaze up like a steam train, Bored sinner, Smokin bowls before dinner, remember when I used to have 5 strains in each hitter.. And if ya dont grow - then ya dont know ,nigga " :) lol.. Soz its kinda lame, remake of Biggie not so good?? Oh well Ive heard worse songs that have made it!! lol. Cya matey.. Smoemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

HI Invi;)
Thank you buddy! Ill try work it out from when I flipped until now and will post result once done, Ive got some pics to upload also as now the flowers are getting bigger.
I had some white fly, stupid things, well in 24hrs and 3 sticky traps later - I cant see any more flying:):) Suckers are stuck!!
So hoping to have wiped most out in a week or so. I have a couple fungus gnats, but maybe 2 or 3 now n then..
Ive fed her with some Early Bloom, Liquid Blue and a little Seaweed extract BPN of course! Ill see how she goes with this, Ill vary the amount of Early bloom I feed and will maybe just go with Liquid Blue and Seaweed for her last couple weeks? Not sure atm, Ill see how she responds to this feed schedule.
She has enough branches to make another pound if the buds will grow large as before, she is not looking too bad, some growth is wasted as the breakage made her push out some branches that are squashing into themselves, So I shouldve removed some, but I was not going to risk it at that stage due to wanting to give her time to heal..
The new pics should hopefully show you guys where she s at, and yeah, Ill work out her flower period, its not too long so far, and if she finishes in 8 weeks or something thats fine by me, its still 60 days - my last girl I pulled around day 60...
Thanks for stopping in and the kind words Invi:thanks: Chat soon.. Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Hello everyone, I just took a few pics of my girl, Yes, theyre stripey again!!
Her overall growth is good her leaves appear to be lightening a little in color, but that maybe from switching to the 600w?? Anyways I did a rough work out of her date and it ws about the 29/4 when she was first flipped, so yeah its been couple weeks now.
Ok well my friends, heres a few snaps of my purple stripey Lucy:)


Thanks again everyone, cheers for the support and Ill catch up with you all soon. Take care, and happy harvesting:) Later guys, Smokemup:thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hi Hank;)

This plant is still growing mate?? She s only just gone into flower - about day 17.. My last grow I got 16.5oz dry and prob gave away another half oz from it.. Great plant C99xPR - Pulled a bud Ive been curing for couple months now and man its got some killa strength to it:) Punches ya in the chest and cough cough then AHHH -_-
So yeah another 6-8 weeks or so to go and Ill see what this grow will give me.... Thanks for stopping in anyways, Stick around and you can see my girl finish up!! Take care - Smokemup:thumb:
P/s... SOME LAST HARVEST PICS!!!! Just for you;)
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

hey Smokemupm8, wow that's some serious bud, your results speak loudly about your method. I like the way you "see" your finished plant and are able to train her with LST to the vision. The split main thrown in by Murphy must have been to test the adaptability of you and your LST of which you've both prevailed :clap:. Really nice node spacing on Lucy those are going to join up to more of those big long beautiful buds you achieve regularly. I'll definitely be looking to steal some of your ideas and techniques to improve my yield.

Some of the best Gram per Watt figures i have seen mate :bravo: not bad for a skip :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

lucy is looking awesome mate!

she's gonna produce some nice colas, i know it! do you think you'll go back to the cindy at some stage? im wandering about getting some hybrids again, she is such a massive yielder.

can hardly wait to see how big you can get those colas mate :cheesygrinsmiley:

reps 100% :thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

:bigblush::bigblush: Aww Shucks... Thanks Dash;) lol
Cheers for such a nice post buddy - means alot.. And about your comment saying how I plan and set out my grows, well, initially Im an old school outdoor grower, who just happened to be on the cusp of Hydro and learned a few things but still mainly stayed O'naturale..
That was until I was lucky enough to meet some great people who showed me their indoor ways - the only thing that wasnt natural was the lighting pretty much - they kept it as organic as they could. That coupled with reading thru a few journals here and meeting some of these great guys who ve helped me when I was first trying to get my method correct, they saved my ass!!
And in return, what Ive learned, where I can, I help people who are having probs growing indoor in soil - I know a bit about hydro - BUT IM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE ADVICE WHEN IVE GOT NO FACTUAL RESULTS TO GIVE!
Id hate to ruin someones grow :/
But yeah, if you ve looked at my first grow on here, Cindy, she grew fantstically - just over 6ft tallx4.5ftw. I had a few 2ft cola's from her and the others were 1ft after trimming them up. I was robbed of most of my harvest tho, BUT the clowns left me the 2ft cola's??? Was kinda annoying - but still over 6.5oz dry so least I had somethin!!
So since using this LST method, Ive managed to have very similar results, in shape and amount of branches etc; I had to work out which ways were the most efficient, but as long as make enough space for each vertical branch they should bulk up well. Some of the node spaces are very close, others, not so, But they should grow well enough.
Unfortunately, due to that bloody clean snap of the original main stem it caused a bulk shit load of small shoots, along with some new main branches, but I wasnt gunna go attacking all the shoots and removing them as she was just into flower, I dont mind a few leaves here n there during flower but I dont want to Hermie or slow her growth. But Ive found that with my method, I do have alot of foliage so it may not affect it much but Im a bit cautious:)
All I know is that currently I have a good amount of light around 2/3rds of the way down the plant, I can see the light on the floor below, its just filtered in some spots so as the light passes thru each level it gradually dissapates in strength, but hopefully still enough to give me another pound!!!
Anyways, Cheers fa stopping in Dash, Ill do a drive by soon k matey. Later, Smokemupm8:thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Khemist... Hey Bro;)
Hows things been mate? Hoping all has been good on your side of the fence.. Yeah, Lucy MAY give me a good yield, she is set out as best I can and as same as what Ive done basically, So it will just depend on the strain of Lucy if it will give good yields, But she is growing at a rate of maturity faster than previous plants - MAYBE THE BPN!!! I think so...
Her flowers have trichs on them already so she will hopefully give solid good quality smoking buds. In regard to another C99xPR, well, I did find 1 seed among my last plant so I have one left:) Not sure, I want a skunk strain or maybe some kush..
Ill have to come and see ya over your journal - SORRY I M A RUDE BUGGER :( lol... Good to have ya back around and also thanks for the nice words. Take care and catch up soon. Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Well I was gonna make one of my goofy lil Smokem songs again. But instead I decided to just let the tunes roll.

Enjoy Smokey :)

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