SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

Sorry guys! Just when I thought I was in the clear, my laptop failed on me again, this time it was a hard drive crash. Technology seems to have a vendetta with me lately >.< working on restoring it now, but of course, customer service/support from my manufacturer is only available on the weekdays during a certain time. Already lost all my links and data I had stored >.<

MF, what Sue said :) and it also makes for a good top dressing haha, mostly the neem with kelp meal though. I'd also look into getting some aloe juice/powder. Or an aloe plant ;) Gnats have been very annoying in my flower room lately. They're not really causing much noticeable harm but I can tell their numbers are going up. I'm probably going to do a 3 tbsp neem, 1 tbsp kelp top dress, watered in with aloe juice for my worst pots, I've noticed particularly in RCB's pot they are thriving. I guess its just a part of the watering practices I use (always moist soil is my goal) and the organic soil. Oh well. Gonna have to look into some BT dunks some time. I've been really lazy about my grow lately to be honest haha, not being the best example.

Also my Diesel mother looks like crap >.< not 100% why, but some new soil will help soon.... I've just been lazy about that. She's still in the same pot straggling along, slowly yellowing and getting some multi-deficiencies. I'm going to do an early harvest of CK#2, and as soon as CK#2's down, Diesel will take her place in a new 10 gal fabric pot full of re-used soil amended with CC's LOS amendments.

Argh lazy grower syndrome lol. I guess my life can't always revolve around my plants anymore. But I've been watering with some blackstrap molasses and Microbe Life (by Ecological Labs) at least, so there's something beneficial going into these plants still I guess hahaha. anyways... ciao 420 friends. gonna go smack my laptop on a table and see if it restores itself -.- :laughtwo:
MF, you should cook your soil for 2 weeks at least. You'll still have fine plants if you don't, but cooking it definitely helps get things going. :Namaste:

argh 380$ for VIP CO?? I really want to but damn that's a lot for one day! Crap... maybe though.

GD Thanks so much and happy Skunkday greens to you :)
MF, you should cook your soil for 2 weeks at least. You'll still have fine plants if you don't, but cooking it definitely helps get things going. :Namaste:

I have 2 x 70 litre tubs and one has been cooking for 3 months and one for 2 months. Do you suggest further cooking time just for the neem and crab?
Hey there SG - all caught up, man you have a lot of info in this journal for all us LOS growers, reps to you way to go, and ...... wait for it.....
Nice buds there buddy!!

Dont take dating too serious and have some fun meeting new friends. The one for you will show up and you wont have to wonder you will just know the right one and the right time.

What I did with my Fungus gnat issues is this - beneficial nematodes. You can order some and they come to you ALIVE in a container. I just add a little to my compost teas when they are brewing, seems to be working. Another tip I picked up from GD is 1 part H202 (hydrogen peroxide) 3 parts RO water and spray the soil top lightly - kills the dang adult gnats on contact right away so you can keep your population in check while the nematodes work on the larvae. I've had good luck with that approach, The H202 is beneficial for the plant just dont over do it as it kills gnats and also beneficial organisms too so i just spray the surface of the soil lightly and it works. The gnats get into your grow room from you compost, I think it's the only very very small downside to LOS you introduce living organisms and a few pests get in. Keep the plants healthy and they will be fine. Gnats are more of a nuisance that anything else but I hate to seem um flying and crawling around my grow room, i get a little itchy just typing about it now...

Keep it green and cheers
yeah the crab is there largely as a chitin source. that takes some breaking down. So go for it MF :) cooking always beats not cooking. just in a press, the plants will do fine without your soil being cooked. :)

LOL bobrown thanks so much for all your advice :) and have some reps back. My predator mites are probably the only thing keeping these gnats under control at this point, but when I water my plants, the mites seem to swarm out of the pots, while the gnats just take off and land again within 2 secs. I'm probably not going to order nematodes, but maybe one day when I'm less broke haha. But that peroxide tip, I may just try that for RCB, and maybe OG Kush PR. ;) thanks!
Thanks Bob. I'll get a small squirt bottle tomorrow. This will be a good way to get the adults crawling out of the sides of the fabric pots. Neat.
If you slice a potatoes in half the bugs will be attracted to it then throw it away with the bug collection in a day or 2. Yellow sticky cards. A top layer of sand on your soil will also work as they try to burrow they get cut up and they dry out and any larva die trying to get out to find food. I love nematodes!!!
ugh guys... some extremely upsetting news... CK#1 hermied on me, and pollinated my flowering room. It's male flowers snuck up like ninjas, hidden in the lower growth and now every plant surrounding it is producing seeds. This is SO demoralizing and so upsetting to me its ridiculous... I've already harvested CK#1, and CK#2's coming down today, Ghost OG will be soon too, all about 2 weeks before optimal time to chop, BBK next, FUCK. just FUCK. all that work for this... I should have known those herm seeds were bad, my friend even warned me when he gave them :( :( :( all the CK clones are getting culled, and those seeds will be used for SST's. It remains to be seen if any of my flowering plants do well and produce sinsemilla buds. I'm so mad at myself for not catching those, and growing them in the first place, ugh.. this grow is basically ruined. I've never ever been hit so bad by seeds/hermies. and I know it wasnt a hermie because of environmental conditions, it was genetics, 110% sure. god this makes me want to cry. its devastating to my grow, and there I was thinking I was growing such great buds, nah this is crap, total crap, not worth 5 bucks a gram imo. ugh I'm probably not going to be around for a while.. lots of work to do and this is no way to teach others to grow >.< .. plus I lost all my info when my laptop crashed, this journal is basically a failure.. I'll probably have to rebuild my entire grow room to get rid of the pollen, probably have to get rid of every flowering plant I have because, well, screw seeds in my bud... what a freaking nightmare... hopefully I at least end up with good hash or something.. Shit. well.. gonna go.. later guys..
Hey, Hey O Girl of the Soil...take a breath.

Call a boyfriend or smoke some weed or kill a cockerel. :) Or all three. Whatever helps.


Now, that feels better, eh?

I feel you, as we used to say in Shepherd's Bush. (That's proper West London. Don't put it on your holiday list). Bad things don't only happen to bad people. I know. :laughtwo: Did I ever tell you about the time I was shot in Russia?

Right. First things first. Your grow is exemplary. You know it was no mistake on your part that sent them hermie. Your work preparing the room and your top of the shop soil are fabulous and great lessons to us all.

It was the seeds. Out of your control. "Could have / should have" is nonsense. Not your fault. Really.

Next - laptop problem. Bummer. But bad things happen in threes. Is Denver an earthquake area? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Now, what can you salvage? Not my area, but hash? Oil? You know much more than me and will find something.

I'd like to get on a plane to Denver and help you clean and sort out your room.


If you can deal with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same

Or as David Soul put it so very much better than Rudyard Kipling

Don't give up on us, Baby

ughhh I'm sorry for freaking out guys, finding that all of them had seeds is just so disappointing >.< right when I was doing so well. and its just one of those days I'm very emotional >.<

thanks guys I don't mean it anymore ofc I'll be sharing more... just took a puff, and I actually took some pics.. but now I'm trimming up CK#2. I'll share with you guys how things go soon ok. Hopefully it all wont be so bad as I'm assuming... ugh. cya.
It always looks worse at first glance SoilGirl. If nothing else you can make butter and edibles. There's always some saving grace. Always.

I understand the emotional response. Best I can do is offer a big virtual hug. :green_heart:

It didn't take you long to bounce back I see. Your journal is beloved, so not journaling isn't an option, is it? We need your infectious energy.

You'll build an even better space. I bet you've had some plans for improvement running around in your head before this devastation. Now you can implement those changes. It will turn out to be a good thing. You watch. :love:
:sorry: to hear that CK#1 contaminated your grow area but you'll still have some great smoke. Buds with seeds are still buds. Where the heck do we think bag seeds come from Circuit?
Try to always see the positive side of every situation.
ughhh I'm sorry for freaking out guys, finding that all of them had seeds is just so disappointing >.< right when I was doing so well. and its just one of those days I'm very emotional >.<

thanks guys I don't mean it anymore ofc I'll be sharing more... just took a puff, and I actually took some pics.. but now I'm trimming up CK#2. I'll share with you guys how things go soon ok. Hopefully it all wont be so bad as I'm assuming... ugh. cya.

Hey Girl... haven't been on here as I deal with my own adventures (will post update tonight with details), but while bummed for you it hit me. Can you make lemonade from this? ie are any of these cross strains worth keeping as seeds? I have successfully (I think) generated seeds from my Baggy and Door girl. Seeds I am looking forward to growing, any chance you find it in you to grow any of these little bastards in the future?
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