Sponsored Grow - Goliath & The Beast Auto Topping

Catnip and the perfect sun and autos.and wanting to push the auto limits.il be delighted to help mate as always.wouldnt miss this il be right over;)
My plants are growing super fast and strong update tmz.happy growing every1;)plants have been under goliath for 1 week. And the comparble results on think big plus topping plus tmz.just shows topping autos dont effect them 1 bit or slow them down.and amazing fast growth clearly due to goliath.outstanding performance.till tmz happy growing every1;)
Good day growers update time.plants have been under the goliath for 1 week and grown faster than any plants i have grown before.here some pics of think big so u get the idea of growth.this pic was on the 24th october.when first put under goliath
and here think big a day later on the 25th of october.was topped on this day
and today 7 days later;)
.monster fast growth;) and the 2 smaller think big both sharing a pot;) and here we have killer kush auto
and 3 bears og auto
and fastbuds blackberry.the freak wasnt growing so was destoyed.her replacement is kannabia seeds mikromachine auto;) new born
and group shots;)
thats all for now.happy growing every1;)
Tied think big auto down today for the start of her lst structure.tied up.at 12 o clock dinner time
and here she is 6 hours later.super strong cnt be bad;)
happy growing every1;)
Plants are growing fast indeed beast.can not to wait to see when harvest aproaches.keep doing what ur doing bro;) ur a top grower and a top man.and just wna say a huge thanks for all your help mate much respect:)
That was a fast recovery. 6 hours after tie down they are back up already. Thats gotta be some type of record. I've seen plants bounce back in like 10-12 hours. But jeez.

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Ok, Im in need of help on ripening..My auto mazar is at w21, yes 144 days and still has praying white pistils. Spotted about 5% or less amber trichs but have fattening foxtails now. I had trouble at around 12 weeks when it would not stop stretching at around 5 foot in a 1.2x1.2 tent so i flipped from 20/4 to 12/12 for 2 weeks which worked. Then went back to 18/6 to maxout bud size which caused a few foxtails, no problem there its personal smoke. Any ideas/tricks on ripening would be good, i have now at 20weeks gone back to 12/12 as the yield aint gonna suffer.. thanksInAdvance guys (btw its in a 6 litre pot,growstones,hydro)
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