SweetLeef's Gone Even More Mas Muy Loco - Perpetual - 4400W TopLED - SuperSoil

Yep patience can be a bugger for us all at times :)
Best of damn big buds to you my friend! :)

Ain't that the truth!
Thanks LA! Hope your buds are giant and frosty as well :high-five:

That's a patience testing puzzle you've got Sweet & I hope it's not a genetic thing :)

It is a patience testing puzzle, but I dont think it's genetic. I've already grown out several Thunder Scouts and JadeLotus is growing one of them out with no problems. I thinks it's from the bugs and treatment there of. Not all plants can be gansta gansta!

Everybody in flower except the Strawberry cough, AMS, Tijuana, and the HarleSin are hermied. Durban magic only had two nanners on it, Tangamanga had a few more Decent amount on. Critical Sensi star and Alien Jack Mota have a bunch. I went through and pulled all of the manners I could find off of the girls. Tijuana, while not having nanners, does have a seed or two.

I've come too far and we've only got a few weeks left for these girls. I'm going to pull nanners and try and keep the pollination to a minimum. I also will not be putting anyone else into flower until the 4 Scouts have finished up.

This really is a bummer for me. But things will get better. I am hoping that the girls in veg will have had time to recover from the bug stress and will be able to flower nanner free. Maybe I'm just fucked on this one.

Should I make a clone of the girls I want to flower next and put said clone into flower and see if it hermies, as an indicator that the mother will hermie too? I could do them in solo cups and get an idea as to wether or not they are ruined, and a sneak peak at the final product?

I've gotta come up with something, I really don't want to throw away the last five months of time and energy and ultimately lose to the bugs. Ugh.

What would you do in this situation? Continue to fight, or burn it down and start over?
Hey SweetLeef :peace: Sorry to hear the Ladies keep giving you troubles

If it were me I'd just keep on going and doing what I need to do until harvest. I'm lucky in that I only grow for me and I don't mind how it "ends up" because I seem to get a nice "something" for my efforts. Plus I learn a helluva lot more doing than reading I discovered. Guess I'm more hands-on than I realized. So, those are positives I think.

Man, when I was younger nobody gave a shit about buying bags with some seeds in it. We'd all sit around and clean it. Cultivation and choice has come a long, long way.

Keep us updated - :Namaste:
Thanks guys!

I will stay the course.

I've been thinking about it and reading a lot and came to realization that This first group of girls is all from Feminized seeds. How are feminized seeds made? By intentionally hermaphrodite-ing a female plant and pollinating another plant with it's pollen. When you read older information, you read a lot about how unstable feminized seeds are. I think I will have a batch of very unstable seeds. Thanks to science and genetic modifications things like feminized seeds and auto flowering seeds have come a very long way. I've no bunsen burners, beakers, flasks , or centrifugal test tube spinner things. So I will have old school unruly genetics. When you think about it, and Catman you touched on this, that's how it was done for a long time. You get a bag of weed, I'd say it's at least a 50% chance it came from a hermie. But you don't even think about that you decide. I'm gonna grow this thing you plant it, and your life changes.

My Thunder Scouts, might not even have and thunder in them, they could just be GScookies that hermied and knocked themselves up and it just happened at the same time as the neighbor had a male plants outside so that's what we think it is.

You just never know.

So that's why I will be continuing the fight! It may not be a sinsemilla crop, but it will definitely be a crop!

SKunny, Catman, and Jade, Thanks again!

I love this forum because it makes it easier to be patient in stressful times with the plants. You've gotta wait for a response or two so you can't just react and make rash decisions. Even if you were to go against the advise, at least you have the time between posting a question and getting a response to really think about you're next move and how it will effect the move after that and the move after that, and thusly why it is the best douse of action at any given time.

I just went from ramble to ramble. :lot-o-toke::bong2:

Gotta get ready for brunch with friends!

Have a good one everybody :)
I have enough seeds myself that id yank hermies and start new ones but if your limited grow it out and yank the nanners so you don't get seeds
With one strain I grew I pretty much always had nanners late in flowering and it was no biggie to pull them all- I'd get a few seeds but the nanners never got to be very numerous at all and they were actually quite easy to control. With a hermie with balls on it, it would be very difficult.
What would you do in this situation? Continue to fight, or burn it down and start over?

Just let the girls finish! At this point who cares of there are a few seeds.
Exactly! Never throw in the towel unless it's a straight up male; especialy if you have somewhere to isolate the hermies.
Reg seeds are a better choice, in the future. Stay tuff sweetleaf. I can't still feel the sting I felt when I had a whole crop hermie on me. In my case it was due to my own negligence (light leak).

It's a bitch though and I feel for ya.
Good call bringing them to term despite their current disposition, they will always bring some good with them in the end :)

Cloning & quick flowering the remaining ones in veg to see how they turn out, I think is a great idea. I'm very interested in the results of that experiment. Good info for the future if I should ever find myself in a similar pickle.

I know you are on top of this, but don't forget to spray your grow space down with water after the harvest, just to make sure no residual pollen remain. :goof:
I have enough seeds myself that id yank hermies and start new ones but if your limited grow it out and yank the nanners so you don't get seeds

I'm sure down the road, once the cycle is in full effect I can be much more judicious with which plants stay and which plants go. With 4 or 5 months in these girls and nothing to show for it so far, I've gotta go for it seeds be damned!

With one strain I grew I pretty much always had nanners late in flowering and it was no biggie to pull them all- I'd get a few seeds but the nanners never got to be very numerous at all and they were actually quite easy to control. With a hermie with balls on it, it would be very difficult.

Very good to know. I will be checking these lady-boys daily for nanners for the remainder of this grow and I will check weekly for all following flower runs. I will be letting the 4 Thunder Scouts finish before I start flowering anything else. Minus the clone trials.

Exactly! Never throw in the towel unless it's a straight up male; especialy if you have somewhere to isolate the hermies.

I could isolate one plant, I can't isolate 6 though, so were gonna have to take our chances. I'm not one to throw in the towel but I was feeling pretty beat up when I found all those nanners on all those pretty ladies.

Reg seeds are a better choice, in the future. Stay tuff sweetleaf. I can't still feel the sting I felt when I had a whole crop hermie on me. In my case it was due to my own negligence (light leak).

It's a bitch though and I feel for ya.

It's definitely a bitch. I will be checking for any light leaks that may have developed as a result of the negative pressure the extraction fan creates. I'm very grateful for this forum and all of you who frequent my journal. I've got heart, but it makes it so much easier having all of your support :)

Good call bringing them to term despite their current disposition, they will always bring some good with them in the end :)

Cloning & quick flowering the remaining ones in veg to see how they turn out, I think is a great idea. I'm very interested in the results of that experiment. Good info for the future if I should ever find myself in a similar pickle.

I know you are on top of this, but don't forget to spray your grow space down with water after the harvest, just to make sure no residual pollen remain. :goof:

Thanks OMe!

Yes I do think they'll bring some good despite their struggles. I will take 3 cuttings tomorrow to start off the Clone Trials. I've only got 3 open spaces in the cloner right now as I have three of the flower girls I was trying to root. I guess I should get rid of them though, now that I think about it. Yep. I will do 6 cuts tomorrow and in a week or two start the first round of HERMIE SEARCH 2015! On friday I will pick up a few airstones and another air pump and then I will be able to root 14 cuts instead of 6 :)

CO, I read you thing about rooting with Aloe and I am down to try it out. My aloe plant is super small still, probably won't be able to seriously harvest for a few months, at least not until summer is over. I am going to try and hunt down a larger one in the meantime. Perhaps a friend has one they down twang anymore or something. It happens.
Hello mate, well what a sh*t f*cking, bugger poo wee damn thing is going on here.

I'm long on advice today :)

So, yep I'd be staying the course...like you are, but have you considered finishing a room and doing a full strip/clean out disenfect....start again..l.finish off the bug room ...full strip/clean out/ disenfect type idea?

Like I'm thinking you got two issues/different/persisting in two different tents. Maybe they need a full cleanout before committing new plants to that room if you know what I mean.

I've got me fingers crossed for a strong finish for ya with the current mob in flower, a good clean out, and a new and perpetually healthy grow :) :) :)

Hello mate, well what a sh*t f*cking, bugger poo wee damn thing is going on here.

I'm long on advice today :)

So, yep I'd be staying the course...like you are, but have you considered finishing a room and doing a full strip/clean out disenfect....start again..l.finish off the bug room ...full strip/clean out/ disenfect type idea?

Like I'm thinking you got two issues/different/persisting in two different tents. Maybe they need a full cleanout before committing new plants to that room if you know what I mean.

I've got me fingers crossed for a strong finish for ya with the current mob in flower, a good clean out, and a new and perpetually healthy grow :) :) :)


Thanks Tassie!

The issues I have are cause and effect. I had a small bout with mites that I fought early enough to easily treat. However since my soil comes with fungus gnats, the frequent spraying of the plants kept things damp enough to give rise to the gnats. Got he mites under control things were looking good again and then they looked worse then ever. Got the gnats taken care of, and have ladybugs in there, will be deploying another group tomorrow and I will be getting some praying mantis pretty soon too. I will always have at least one or the other in the garden inside and out. :)

I think the hermies are all due to the plants being thrown into flower as soon as they looked better. Tangamanga still looked pretty shitty when I put her into flower. The stress of trying to recover from the bugs and the stress of flipping to flower sent them over the edge. I am hoping that the ladies in veg will have had enough recovery time so as not to hermie when I flip them.

Pulling everyone out and scrubbing then tents top to bottom is done on the regular now. Once I am able to get the CC soil mix rolling, between that and all of the above, I should be pretty set.

Thanks for stopping in TassieD :)
I chopped the Harlesin last night except for he branch I pollinated. That branch went back in the flower room and will get another two weeks or so. I just want to make sure those few seeds are viable.

We got 121.4 wet grams from the HarleSin last night. I would guess the final branch is another 20-30 wet grams. Not a bad haul. The buds are drying on my rack. They will get about a week of cure in the jar and then I will use this bud to make RSO for Magic. We're really excited to get her going on that :)


Well, off to work. Hope everyone has a great day :)
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