The Hexapus's Garden

I'm sad to hear today of the passing of Howard Marks. I would encourage anyone who hasn't read this man's books to pick up a copy of Mr Nice, his biography. It's a great read and quite inspirational. I've read it a few times and think most of you who read this journal would appreciate it as much as I did.

Dennis Howard Marks - August 13, 1945 - April 10, 2016
Hey weasel thought I would pop in and see what's up lol. I know I been AWOL for a while now and I need to stop being so hermity lol. Just know I been stopping by to see what's up just haven't had a lot of words to say lately.
Thanks Lex. Funny I was just thinking to PM you yesterday and see if think are going alright for you. (?). I don't get to be nearly as hermity as I want these days- with the kid and other obligations. Kind of a blessing in disguise though. Not that I get tired of being a hermit- but I do start to spin my wheels a little if I don't have a few obligations to make me appreciate the times I don't.
Hope all's well. Still growing I assume. Thinking about journaling?
Thanks Lex. Funny I was just thinking to PM you yesterday and see if think are going alright for you. (?). I don't get to be nearly as hermity as I want these days- with the kid and other obligations. Kind of a blessing in disguise though. Not that I get tired of being a hermit- but I do start to spin my wheels a little if I don't have a few obligations to make me appreciate the times I don't.
Hope all's well. Still growing I assume. Thinking about journaling?

Ya i just been in a bit of a funk lately it happens with me all the time it seems. Its my ASD at its finest (not!). Ya I am still growing but trying to pop a sour d seed still, first one failed to sprout and it was discouraging for me cause I'm already a little vulnerable with the depression and so i had to back off and come back to it, so now just waiting for this one to sprout. Im going to start a new journal when I do get a sour d to sprout, till then i just been lurking here and there reading journal's i follow, such as your own lol, and i haven't been in a place where I have anything to say or add so i just chill in the background. I saw you say that you didn't think many people were here following along but i am and im sure there are other quiet lurkers lol. I might not always chim in but I'm always fascinated by your garden. Take it easy brother!
I'm thinking maybe he has important things going on. Might be king of some small tropical island nation and have a lot of responsibilities overseeing the coconut crop and the dance choreography of the annual spring festival of fruit maidens, and such. .

LOL :rofl::rofl: Stop it Weasel:rofl::rofl::rofl: you remind me of our Newfoundland friends who live on PEI. Canadians can be so funny :high-five:
Thanks Lex. Funny I was just thinking to PM you yesterday and see if think are going alright for you. (?). I don't get to be nearly as hermity as I want these days- with the kid and other obligations. Kind of a blessing in disguise though. Not that I get tired of being a hermit- but I do start to spin my wheels a little if I don't have a few obligations to make me appreciate the times I don't.
Hope all's well. Still growing I assume. Thinking about journaling?

you can have some of my obligations lol. i love hermiting :)
Thanks for visiting, all of you, and for the compliments. I quick dried a bit of Ace2 last week, and (yeah big surprise) smoked it. It was a nice clear sativa high, though quite mild. Immediately after smoking it I had a surprise visit from a gaggle of strangers who wandered up to my place. This rare event usually throws me for a loop because I live in an isolated place where things like this don't happen much. The fact that this little social occasion went easily and happily is, for me, one of the true tests of a good sativa smoke. I'm kind of funny that way though. Smoking often brings out my flight instinct. :lot-o-toke:

However, since I already have two great sativas in the form of the Malawi and Mama Thai, I don't think I will try to reveg her. Out of the solo cup crowd I am going to try to reveg Cheesy. I have a couple more Ace mix seeds which I'll probably sprout for solo cup/micro grows if I carry on with that. Every plant I've grown from Ace has been a good one. And actually I've never heard anyone say anything had about any Ace strain, ever.
I'm finding myself staring at this screen blankly, lol- it's been a long day and I think I'm going to run off to bed early. G'nite folks. ❤️
Hey Weasel. No worries, mate, I'm still being slack myself, dealing with a few issues, but your assumptions of UnkyHerbs possible life outside 420 Mag brought a smile to my face.. I pictured him as (Sterling) Archer, worlds greatest secret agent: I think the first 2 episodes of season 3, in which Archer becomes a pirate king after going AWOL from his home following the 'death' of his Russian KGB bride...
I assume, of course, that you know about the tv show Archer. If you do not know about Archer, I can highly recommend it if you are into cartoon violence, sex, espionage and perfect grammar.
Oh and butler abuse. Check my sig...
I always wondered what those signatures where about. I don't have a TV, and sometimes I forget they exist, but I'll keep that on my list for whenever I am there around one. It's not like I don't come across the locational TV show that I like such as my favourite, Deadwood, but I have a good friend who is addicted and likes to fill me in on what I'm missing out on.
I notice you mention "revegging" quite a bit. Do you find it a safe alternative to cloning for preserving genetics (i.e. Success rate)? Anything you do after harvest to prep your soil? I stuck a harvested plant out on the deck. Actually, that's where I cut her and didn't dump the rootball yet. I'm thinking I might just water her for a month to see. I didn't leave any flowers but we'll see.
Wease brother. Im still around bud. Just had alot of catchin up to do. Spring is coming fast and work has been idiot busy. The garage has been set up for the first round of 64 plants. Tents have been set back up. Gotta move my 4x5 after this auto run. Built a 2x3 for the 2l SoG.. Have no fear! Lurkers are here! :rofl: :high-five:
I notice you mention "revegging" quite a bit. Do you find it a safe alternative to cloning for preserving genetics (i.e. Success rate)? Anything you do after harvest to prep your soil? I stuck a harvested plant out on the deck. Actually, that's where I cut her and didn't dump the rootball yet. I'm thinking I might just water her for a month to see. I didn't leave any flowers but we'll see.

I kinda did the same thing.. Had that lil solo cup Headband picked clean.. Went back to do some "lab cleaning" about a week later and she had been sittin in the dark just a growin new stuff.. I popped her back in the tent and gave her a drink.. Ill be able to get 4 really nice cuttings off her to toss outdoors. :thumb:
I've revegged three or four plants. They all worked. I didn't put any special love into them. The first time I really noticed anyone doing it was when Pigeons revegged a plant last year. I did a quick google at that time and came up with a couple things. The standard info about leaving the bottom third of the plant alone when you harvest, before trying a reveg. The bottom third of the plant doesn't amount to much, so leaving it alone isn't too painful. Somebody out there also said to cut the rootball down to a small lump before repotting and putting it back in the veg room.
I've done it both ways- cutting the root ball down, and leaving the whole pot alone. Because I'm growing in peat moss, which tends to compact and lose some of it's quality over time, it makes sense to me to cut the roots down and repot it- less rootbound, and fresh medium for the roots.
Intuition says that it would be best to have a fairly dry pot at harvest. After harvest you have a plant with very little foliage, basically a small plant with little transpiration happening, even though it has a lot of roots. If it's in a large pot of wet medium I think it's going to struggle. Go easy on the watering.
As for the safety of the process/trusting that it's going to work- I don't know. It's really all or nothing by the time you reach the point of revegging after harvest. I'd clone first if possible. Right now I seem to be having cloning troubles for some reason and so far don't have a single clone of any of the three Malawi phenos. Some might have taken this week while I was away, but they weren't looking good. It's stressing me out a bit actually. If these clones fail I'll have to bet the Malawi farm on a reveg and try to reveg all three. If they survive, next round I'll figure out how to make some colloidal silver and produce some feminized seeds from them.
The other plants that I revegged weren't very important to me. The Malawis are at this point and I'd hate to see them disappear- so if I have to reveg them I'll definitely be pampering them and hanging around singing them little positive reveg songs and crap.
With Cheesy I've kept her on a low level of nutrient right to the end, rather than doing the water-only thing, and I'll also maybe be harvesting her a week earlier than I might otherwise- in the hopes that this allows her a little extra growing vigor. For some reason I usually like to leave my plants to flower long. I've become addicted to that colorful dead yellow leaf/gooey bud look. It seems wrong to harvest green plants- even though I may find I like the high better -I'm not sure, have it on my to-do list to experiment around with the harvest times of the Malawi and see how it affects the high.

Things have been insanely busy around here as well Stihl. I have a feeling that it's not just us, as a fair number of people have been pretty quiet here lately. The occasions I've had time to hang out here have been when I've been stalled waiting around for things at work. Not exactly quality time but I'll take what I can get.

Shiggity, I noticed your smokathon event and checked my calendar. I'll join in for sure and smoke as much as circumstances allow (as I usually do, lol)

Everything I've ever revegged without cutting the rootball down and repotting right then and there yellows up too soon in flower. Here's an example, a Grand Daddy Purple reveg:


I put the lower branches I cut off of a mother plant into the same pot when it's in bloom, and get these little flowered out clones I reveg after the harvest sometimes too:


Those right there are hard to get going though. It's gotten a little bigger in the last few days.
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