Tiger Balm's First Grow - Soil, AMS free, Mandala Satori, and AMS Medijuana

Well you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Most everyone knows the truth about Cannabis, and they know it should be legal. But most people do not have it in them to stand up and say Cannabis should be legal for all consenting adults.
I was working with a group i belong to, trying to get headquarters to adopt a resolution advocating for Medical Marijuana, but was disappointed when, this past week, they emailed me to say they decided not to endorse.

Now i will definitely get out and collect signatures and educate. I have accumulated a list of 'Must Read' articles that i am going to xerox and hand out to anyone who says they don't have enough info to make an educated decision. If my reasonably educated bunch of people can't endorse, well, damn. Need to step up the education part, too.

Here is my list;

Common sense overview:
Driven to drink by marijuana laws? | Analysis & Opinion |

Cutting edge research on Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System;
Illinois NORML - The Cannabis Papers Very cool - a book being published here on the web.

A scholarly public health report in Harm Reduction Journal;
Harm Reduction Journal | Full text | Medical marijuana users in substance abuse treatment Cannabis as 'exit-drug' or 'least-harm alternative.'

Concerning Social Justice;
t r u t h o u t | The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste

Legal aspect; Escalation of Punishment. (as opposed to the Least Harm paradigm of legalization), from the Virginia Law Review;
Legal History of American Marijuana Prohibition - Table of Contents

From the Associated Press, damning evidence of failure of Richard Nixon's Drug War;
AP IMPACT: U.S. Drug War Has Met None of Its Goals - ABC News

A short to the point op-ed by a Marine in Wyoming;
The War On Drugs: A War On Liberty And Common Sense - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
Hey Tiger,
I volinteered to do the same thing you're doing, but i never expected so many people to refuse to sign it . They either wont sign because of fear of retaliation from their employers. And i'm shocked at peoples ignorance, and some say they've never been registered to vote. I mean wtf, one dude told me today that he'd never register to vote, because then he'll have to do jury duty !! Ha !! I went to a party today, about 50 people and they all smoked, and we got 4 signatures. Most were unregistered !! Most said they just want to be left alone, with no goverment in their lives !! They all live way out in the boonies and all are great people to party with, but i was having a hard time understanding how they can just ignor their responcablity as a citizen !! So tell me Tiger, how do we get these folks to sign ?? I can't look them in their faces and say i know that someone wont find out that they signed. Once i turn in the petitions , it's like out of my control !! I got about 10 days, and need help !! I got about 100 signatures and need 200 for the 1st. Berkshire district. Help Tiger !! I thought this was gonna be easy, but no it isn't !! Hope all is well in your world ??
Hey Tiger,
I volinteered to do the same thing you're doing, but i never expected so many people to refuse to sign it . They either wont sign because of fear of retaliation from their employers. And i'm shocked at peoples ignorance, and some say they've never been registered to vote. I mean wtf, one dude told me today that he'd never register to vote, because then he'll have to do jury duty !! Ha !! I went to a party today, about 50 people and they all smoked, and we got 4 signatures. Most were unregistered !! Most said they just want to be left alone, with no goverment in their lives !! They all live way out in the boonies and all are great people to party with, but i was having a hard time understanding how they can just ignor their responcablity as a citizen !! So tell me Tiger, how do we get these folks to sign ?? I can't look them in their faces and say i know that someone wont find out that they signed. Once i turn in the petitions , it's like out of my control !! I got about 10 days, and need help !! I got about 100 signatures and need 200 for the 1st. Berkshire district. Help Tiger !! I thought this was gonna be easy, but no it isn't !! Hope all is well in your world ??

I may have to come out there and help you out! PM me.
Well you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Most everyone knows the truth about Cannabis, and they know it should be legal. But most people do not have it in them to stand up and say Cannabis should be legal for all consenting adults.
i'm floating a petition in Ma. for medical mj and most people are shell shocked and most don't even register to vote. People are afraid to register to vote because they don't believe in the process anymore !! Everytime they turn around, the goverment wants a piece of them. They're sorta like an underground society !! Something wrong, and it's really scary !! They're all good people, just lost trust in the system. Can someone tell me how to convince these folks to register to vote, so they can sign my petition. Ha !! i went to a birthday party of about 60 people. all potheads, and 4 people signed for medical mj !! i know lots of teachers and they're all afraid of retaliations from the state, as their lic comes thru the state !! I'm for this mmj petition, but i would be more gung hoo behind a petition to completely legalize it. The people are afraid of recipucations if they stand up for what they want, and tell me if that smells like freedom to you !! They control the citizens minds and brainwash them to do what they want !! And the people dealing mj, don't want mj legalized, they'll immediately be unemployed !! LOL In the mean time, i aint seen any liquor stores going under !! We need to take america back people !! And let's start by legalizing mj !! And Mr. Obama, I don't understand how you can run a productive country, when 40 per cent of them are afraid and controled by fear !! Would'nt it be much better if we all participated, mr president ?? I'm beginning to believe that i wasted my vote on you !! And you're right, most people don't have the will to stand up and do what's right !!
Slowpuffer, i'll come up there and give them what for. Tell them that as long as they act like they are in a repressive regime, we will continue to have a repressive regime with no hope of any change. Tell them to find their inner warrior and stand up and sign. The police are not collecting signature sheets.
so i printed out links to good articles, enough to fit on one page, and i'm going out tomorrow with MassCann to collect signatures.
Here is my handout -

In doing my own research on the issue of legalizing cannabis, I chose a few documents to make my case FOR legalization.
These documents concern:
* the history of legal responses, (Virginia Law Review)
Legal History of American Marijuana Prohibition - Table of Contents

* racially-skewed, violent enforcement, (author clerked for Blackmun)
t r u t h o u t | The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste

*Prisons for profit; (Halliburton is in there, building them!)
Cornell Corrections

*“The Drug War is a Disastrous Failure” (Associated Press May 14, 2010) Google that phrase!

* Citizen’s Guide To Cannabinoids (IllinoisNORML.org)(a book being released on-line a chapter at a time.)
Illinois NORML - The Cannabis Papers

* nutrition, perhaps one of the first crops, modern first response famine food
Hemp Seed: Nutritional Value and Thoughts

* Israel has been using medical cannabis in oncology Hadassah Hospital since 1999
Medical marijuana transforms into big business in Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

* Industrial uses will take off like a rocket – lots of jobs held back by this prohibition. And environmentalists like the fact hemp sequesters carbon.
Hemcrete: Smoking Hot Walls 7 Times Tougher Than Concrete : WebEcoist
those urls are very interesting...only had time to look at one so far, but wow...good on ya...will read the rest....i still have the love for a good battle, but the body is too tired...so thank you for taking up the banner...lavendar,:yummy: i was good in the 60-70's tho.....:peacetwo:
hey, lavendar! I'm from then too, was active in the anti-war protests in DC - where were you? It's good to get back together!
ooops - one more link; re curing cancer, maybe
Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - NORML

bazerkley, and the bay area, really hippy in those days....haight ashbury, the whole bit...back in the day when musicians partied with the common folk...so got to party with a few hard party:thumb:ing notables....was a fun time...and the causes were good.....also scary tho...those batons hurt...lavendar
bazerkley, and the bay area, really hippy in those days....haight ashbury, the whole bit...back in the day when musicians partied with the common folk...so got to party with a few hard party:thumb:ing notables....was a fun time...and the causes were good.....also scary tho...those batons hurt...lavendar
Yeah, this police brutality is old.
Well, standing in a hot, blindingly sunny parking lot is not for shits and giggles, i must say. But get a good spot and it's good business. Am getting ready to go out for another time, and had to toke up - i swear i do my best thinking with this Satori.

It suddenly occurred to me what death is. (coincidental with thinking about collecting signatures?) You know those images of a black hole - the grid that has a trumpet-shaped tube leading out -- i swear, death must be like taking a leap into that tube and being conducted into the next universe. You shuck your earth-suit in the process, and must come out the other end dancing pixels or pixies or something.
Well, standing in a hot, blindingly sunny parking lot is not for shits and giggles, i must say. But get a good spot and it's good business. Am getting ready to go out for another time, and had to toke up - i swear i do my best thinking with this Satori.

It suddenly occurred to me what death is. (coincidental with thinking about collecting signatures?) You know those images of a black hole - the grid that has a trumpet-shaped tube leading out -- i swear, death must be like taking a leap into that tube and being conducted into the next universe. You shuck your earth-suit in the process, and must come out the other end dancing pixels or pixies or something.

I feelin' your your groove there Tiger Balm! :rollit:
I feelin' your your groove there Tiger Balm! :rollit:
Munki, old horse, how the hell are ya! Yup, it's painful getting out there asking for signatures - we're trying to get senatorial districts to "instruct the senator to vote to regulate and tax the cultivation and sale of MJ" next time it comes up for a vote - which it never does, as any legislation is always sent somewhere to be studied first.
Got interrupted half way thru by a cloudburst and everyone was all OMG i'm getting rained on don't talk to me! Well, i'm out again bright and early tomorrow.
Munki, old horse, how the hell are ya! Yup, it's painful getting out there asking for signatures - we're trying to get senatorial districts to "instruct the senator to vote to regulate and tax the cultivation and sale of MJ" next time it comes up for a vote - which it never does, as any legislation is always sent somewhere to be studied first.
Got interrupted half way thru by a cloudburst and everyone was all OMG i'm getting rained on don't talk to me! Well, i'm out again bright and early tomorrow.

Tiger and SlowPuffer I live in RI and if there is anything I can do to help in any way let me know.:goodjob:
The storm that skirted Mass wiped really hit hard in Conn. Tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms causing much damage. While training birds I am out to Great Barrington, Otis and Springfield everyday. Have not been up there lately and wanted to say keep up the good fight. I would live in Mass definitely if MMJ or MJ was legalized and I dont mean the way it is now with the tickets and then arrest. I mean legal to Cultivate and Manufacture thats what we all need is our rights restored and end this Prohibition!
+Rep Tiger, SlowPuffer and Lavendar :bravo::nicethread:
Tiger and SlowPuffer I live in RI and if there is anything I can do to help in any way let me know.:goodjob:
The storm that skirted Mass wiped really hit hard in Conn. Tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms causing much damage. While training birds I am out to Great Barrington, Otis and Springfield everyday. Have not been up there lately and wanted to say keep up the good fight. I would live in Mass definitely if MMJ or MJ was legalized and I dont mean the way it is now with the tickets and then arrest. I mean legal to Cultivate and Manufacture thats what we all need is our rights restored and end this Prohibition!
+Rep Tiger, SlowPuffer and Lavendar :bravo::nicethread:

Thanks, Wingman - your encouragement helps! Will go out again soon this am.
Truly an amazing display of links Tiger. I don't understand why someone who 'partakes', won't sign a petition to legalize Medical Marijuana or for that matter, to legalize it for any responsible adult to use (according to the Law). If these folks that say they aren't registered to vote are young, then that's nothing new. Many of these youngsters that have grown up in the last few decades are quite apathetic when it comes to push and shove, Big mouths at demonstrations, but when it's time to 'count the beans', no shows.

Why would someone be afraid 'that the boss may find out?' Do they all work for the government?

Just venting! Sorry, great thread, keep up your fight.
Truly an amazing display of links Tiger. I don't understand why someone who 'partakes', won't sign a petition to legalize Medical Marijuana or for that matter, to legalize it for any responsible adult to use (according to the Law). If these folks that say they aren't registered to vote are young, then that's nothing new. Many of these youngsters that have grown up in the last few decades are quite apathetic when it comes to push and shove, Big mouths at demonstrations, but when it's time to 'count the beans', no shows.

Why would someone be afraid 'that the boss may find out?' Do they all work for the government?

Just venting! Sorry, great thread, keep up your fight.

Thanks, man. It's brutal out there in the heat, so your encouragement means a lot.
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