Trouble & Strife & Some Things Nice - Mr A Goes Perpetual Again!

Thought I'd beat you here this week. I'm stumbling a bit. :laughtwo: Love those wake 'n bakes. Next week I'll try to get the updates done earlier so you can enjoy them at the end of the work week. I can see how that could be a particular high spot, pun unintended but appreciated. :laughtwo:

:hug: :love: :hug:

Not that we need anymore, but then, it isn't about need, is it? This has become deliberate choice.


Interesting story. The daughter has a partner, I believe the right one for her, so what a relief that is for her mother. *whew* But he comes with cannabis shame baggage, raised by an ultra conservative narcissistic mother until he rebelled and went to be with his father, a recovering substance abuser of the greatest magnitude. Got a muscle ache? Here, have some pain killers.

So there's this bias to thinking of cannabis as a drug. The irony, huh? He lives with SweetSue's daughter. :rofl: He stands no chance. Lol! I'll be gentle with him though. :battingeyelashes: Anyway, the daughter has been an easy convert to canna therapies, once she allowed herself to relax into euphoria and discovered it's nothing more than enhanced wellbeing. So when she has a physical discomfort to deal with it's a cannabis administration she reaches for.

They have these charming conversations.

Her: "Ouch, that shoulder really hurts today." Reaches for the vaporizer to take an inhallation.
Him: "Did you take something for that?"
Her: "Uh....yeah......cannabis."
Him: "You should take a couple painkillers."
Her: "Ummm..... I took cannabis, and it worked."

This bit has been going on now for more than a year. We think he's practicing selective cognition. :laughtwo: He's an intelligent lad who simply refuses to see what evidence is demonstrating right in front of him - cannabis is a safe and effective alternative to the drugs that are screwing him up.

You can't force someone to use cannabis. It can be a delicate dance leading a loved one to their own awakening. This one has the fear of the piss test to overcome. Corporate America needs some sharp lessons on the dangers of their control of our healing options.
High Sue. :hug: :love: :hug:

Another good wake n bake, man was I high but Mrs A insisted I took her out for dinner. We had to take a cab into the village but I wore my new pigeons420 hoodie and Sat with my back to the door so everybody who entered saw it. :)

The son in law, The boy has no chance bless him. I'd love a mother in law with a store cupboard like yours. My MIL was a wonderful, beautiful lady who was ravaged by parkinsons disease for the last years of her life. Sadly I met Mrs A years too late but I did get her some relief from cannabis before she died. They had her taking approximately 25 pills a day. Her last month's smoking cannabis were the best she had. I miss that lady :love:

Stoney Sunday Update

It's that time of the week again folks, time to take the quick
tour through my garden of green and boy is it green. I'm super happy with how the spaces look, even the clones are starting to look good. Let's take a stroll shall we?

Veg Space



All these clones were cut and dropped in a glass of plain tap water for 2 weeks, all developed roots. Laziest cloning ever. They were put in soil 14 days ago.

First up we have the 3 Northern Lights . These are gonna be some bushy little plants, they will get topped are some point this week in preperation for some mad training. With the exception of #2, she doesn't look like she's doing much.






Next up are the Critical Jack girls. These look like they're having a hard time adjusting to the soil with some twisted growth and funky colors. They will come good in the end, Mrs A is looking forward to this one.





Last up is the 2 StarDawg clones. These are starting to take off now with some noticeable growth over the last few days. One of these 2 is next into flower.





Flower Box



Moving downstairs into the flower space, Mrs A makes a comment about me smiling everytime I come away from here. I'm so happy with it. Yeah, humidity is through the roof, Jack herer is almost into the light and there isn't a spare inch in there but look at them! All 3 look absolutely stunning. I'm a little bias but you can't disagree. :laughtwo:

All 3 of the girls here are 96 days from seed.

Starting with the youngest, Sapphire OG has been here for just 10 days as stretch has begun. It's gonna be a fight to keep her from the lights but im ready for it.




Next up is Jack herer at 23 days of 12/12. I believe she has stopped her bolt upwards and just in time, she has another 3 inches of vertical space before she gets all crispy.




Finally is my big girl, White Widow , also 23 days of 12/12 and looks awesome, she even has an early frost forming. :yahoo:




Thanks for joining me on the tour guys and gals, it was a pleasure to have you over. I hope you all enjoy what's left of your Sunday. :passitleft:

Couldn't end the day without stopping. :hug: :love:

The Jack Herer looks fabulous! Hope she slows before she's too close. Maddening, isn't it? :laughtwo: I'm curious, just plain tap water? Nothing added? They're looking hearty. What do you have, another month or so before you need to send one of the solo cup girls into flower? Lots of time to beef them up.

I'm considering setting up a clone cabinet with minimal lighting to keep the genetics going until I want them. Ever since Hash Hound described his friend's set up I've been eyeing that tall wooden cabinet in my living room. :laughtwo: I have no one telling me what can and can't be used for growing. It can be a challenge not to turn a whole room into a grow. Lol!

I have to go to bed now. Thanks for having me over. :hug:

Couldn't end the day without stopping. :hug: :love:

The Jack Herer looks fabulous! Hope she slows before she's too close. Maddening, isn't it? :laughtwo: I'm curious, just plain tap water? Nothing added? They're looking hearty. What do you have, another month or so before you need to send one of the solo cup girls into flower? Lots of time to beef them up.

I'm considering setting up a clone cabinet with minimal lighting to keep the genetics going until I want them. Ever since Hash Hound described his friend's set up I've been eyeing that tall wooden cabinet in my living room. :laughtwo: I have no one telling me what can and can't be used for growing. It can be a challenge not to turn a whole room into a grow. Lol!

I have to go to bed now. Thanks for having me over. :hug:

High Sue :hug: :love: :hug:

Yep, them clones were cut from the mother, had lower leaves stripped and dropped into a glass of plain tap water, Nothing at all added, didn't even scrape the stem.

It was supposed to be a one night thing but I'm lazy and didn't find my way to the grow shop. I switched the water up every 3 or 4 days and they all had roots after 2 weeks.

They have about 4 weeks to do something before space opens up in flower, the widow will be first to finish.

I long for more space but Mrs A does a flip everytime she see my numbers start to rise, I'm running at 10 right now. Until we get some form of legalisation in the UK I can't have more plants.


Looking good Mr. A, cant wait to watch the Stardawg flower out. I have 3 vegging right now. .

Cheers bro :high-five:

Mine should be going to flower in about 4 weeks, when will yours flip?

Stoney Sunday Update

It's that time of the week again folks, time to take the quick
tour through my garden of green and boy is it green. I'm super happy with how the spaces look, even the clones are starting to look good. Let's take a stroll shall we?

Veg Space



All these clones were cut and dropped in a glass of plain tap water for 2 weeks, all developed roots. Laziest cloning ever. They were put in soil 14 days ago.

First up we have the 3 Northern Lights . These are gonna be some bushy little plants, they will get topped are some point this week in preperation for some mad training. With the exception of #2, she doesn't look like she's doing much.






Next up are the Critical Jack girls. These look like they're having a hard time adjusting to the soil with some twisted growth and funky colors. They will come good in the end, Mrs A is looking forward to this one.





Last up is the 2 StarDawg clones. These are starting to take off now with some noticeable growth over the last few days. One of these 2 is next into flower.





Flower Box



Moving downstairs into the flower space, Mrs A makes a comment about me smiling everytime I come away from here. I'm so happy with it. Yeah, humidity is through the roof, Jack herer is almost into the light and there isn't a spare inch in there but look at them! All 3 look absolutely stunning. I'm a little bias but you can't disagree. :laughtwo:

All 3 of the girls here are 96 days from seed.

Starting with the youngest, Sapphire OG has been here for just 10 days as stretch has begun. It's gonna be a fight to keep her from the lights but im ready for it.




Next up is Jack herer at 23 days of 12/12. I believe she has stopped her bolt upwards and just in time, she has another 3 inches of vertical space before she gets all crispy.




Finally is my big girl, White Widow , also 23 days of 12/12 and looks awesome, she even has an early frost forming. :yahoo:




Thanks for joining me on the tour guys and gals, it was a pleasure to have you over. I hope you all enjoy what's left of your Sunday. :passitleft:

Love watching this part of the grow .
Do you go without pot between harvests?
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