Tutankhamon & Pineapple Chunk Outdoors In Massachusetts

I'm going to let the girls dry up some before I do anything to them but prune. So it's STONER STORY TIME! I remember like it was yesterday. My neighborhood friend Patty who went to St Michaels College in VT needed to get back to VT after a little r&r back here in MA. Hitching a ride was the way to go then so I volunteered to escort her back to school. With a bag of Panama Red in my pocket we were off. At the time red was the best weed ever to grace our joints. It brought things to a nother level. Like 15$ a z to 35$ That was big and we didn't mind one bit! So we're on the highway, rt 89 I think, very high, a little paranoid, I put the weed under a rock to keep us safe. You know the rest. About a quarter mile up the road dawn broke on Marblehead. PULL THE CAR OVER MARVIN! We have to get out and get what we left where you picked us up. He would have nothing to do with that and put it his monte carlo in reverse and backed up the highway for all it took to retrieve our treasure. Everybody got a kick out of it and Marvin pulled a joint of Acapulco gold out of his shirt and lit it up when we got moving forward again. mmmmm Then being a bit of an overachiever I rolled a bone of red and lit it up. It didn't take long before we all decided we all were to stoned to drive safely so we pulled in to white River Junction where a diner of sorts was waiting to entertain and feed us. We laughed our asses off because the music they were playing was old time intermission drive in music. It was just a laugh riot. We ate something and sobered up a bit and went on our way. Marvin called me for months looking for the red. Good Times
I remember me and a buddy had 30 hits of Orange Sunshine and took of on a 550 Suzuki for a 450 mile road trip. Man that's a weekend I'll never forget and that was 45 years ago! Lol
I remember me and a buddy had 30 hits of Orange Sunshine and took of on a 550 Suzuki for a 450 mile road trip. Man that's a weekend I'll never forget and that was 45 years ago! Lol
Orange sunshine. I had that once. We mostly went with with windowpane. I don't think I'll ever do those again but am glad to have the experiance. Now was it a GS 550 because I had one of those. What fun 1978 GS550 zoom zoom
Yep it was, man it's not a touring bike at all. That little bike beat us to death!
Haha you got that right! It was fast off the line though. I've been on it hands only with my legs straight back from too much throttle in first after pulling over for a little smoke. Man it's hard to recover the seat because it's hard to throttle down holding on for dear life!
I like the way you think. However she's out of hand tall. next year I think it'll be topped bushes for me. My friend is 6' 3"
Use a piece of heavy twine, grap it about where your left hand is and tie it at a 90 degree angle. Drive a nail in that 2x4, to tie it too. just a suggestion ?
Use a piece of heavy twine, grap it about where your left hand is and tie it at a 90 degree angle. Drive a nail in that 2x4, to tie it too. just a suggestion ?
Good idea. I get wrapped up in all or nothing thinking when simple things that get most of the job done thinking is best most of the time. Thanks, nice thinking!
It's been 8 days of mostly rain. Last 2 not so much so I checked the ladies and found them quite saturated still. Fat and happy like me! So I took the knife and cut off some of the growth in close to the middle and bottom that won't add up to anything but trouble. Not too much, I get a bit wussy loping off appendages.
Alll right all right another story. One early morning before work I was using the trimmers for something in the grow area in the basement. Half awake mostly thumbs the trimmers fly out of my hand and fall point first into my first small toe. Not a big deal but it hit a small vein or something and I could see blood pumping out the tiny hole. So to finish the job there and get to work I needed a quick Tourniquet. Oh yeah, a tye wrap and kleenex got me back in business. Just let me know if you need any doctoring!IMG_2553.jpgOh right. Still too wet to do anything with the girls.
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