Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm Makes 3 - Perpetual 2000w

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

WOW, nice breakdown of the SCoG for us. I love it. I'm going to make smaller versions of your PVC screen set up for each plant and tie them together so I can remove them indavidually once each plant finishes since they will each be 2 weeks apart. I'm sick of cutting a nd pasting if you will. I bet Lavendar will eat up your TeK. Great of you do take the time to do this teK for people.

...>So are you going to use Hot start timers for your digitals? I'm still shady about the digitals since I was working in the industry when they were first introduced. They were laded with problems, and from the sounds of it they are still housing a few bugs.

Thanx man. +REP for you my friend.

Doing each plant will work great! LabRat has a great single plant scrog going.

I have not decided yet what to do about the power. I guess the conditioner/regulator has the advantage of doing more lights or equipment at once, and would not interfere with any light schedules by even 15 minutes. But I'd really need one of the $190-290 models. Which begs the question 160 to fix 2 lights or 290 to fix all. Unfortunately I don't have enough $ to just decide on the obvious preferred choice. It will mean giving up something else. I just spent 300+ today on nutes as well. So I am a little cash poor right now.

Ah well - back to the fans! I hope to have some ducting in place by the end of tomorrow! :slide: Bout friggin time I get that done.

I was cleaning out the old sub and realized I haven't moved my circulation pumps or airstones down to the new reservoirs. :smokin: I'm a retard. That'll help lots. So between that and new ventillation I am getting pretty excited. The last thing on the list as far as upgrades to the room will be a 3/4" or bigger pvc DTW.

Then I can focus on getting the 2 new scrogs in place for the current batch.

There are of course about a million other #2 priority items - but I think all fires will be out in the next 18 hrs.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

EXCELLANT thank you....glad you like to teach....well, i have covered it twice now, and hope i'm ready....you may hear some screeching and yowling if i need help....which i'm sure i will....just finished one similar for a class i took, and it sure looks like a scrog, but without the wire....envolved pruning, supercropping and general mutilation of plants....but they took it like true champs....posting pics tonight i think....thank you again, lavendar...now to get the net built...:thumb::thumb:

Right On! Gonna be a masterpiece for sure. Sounds like you learned all the pruning lessons in the right order. I was a little bass-ackwards - put too many plants in too small a place and was amazed what you could do to make it work! I was forced in to it.

I guess it makes sense in hind sight that one needs to go denser than you think possible if you want to increase yield, but zowza was I amazed how much pruning makes the difference.

Power to ya on your scrog! Gonna be great!

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hi ya Papa Man, I sure am glad I'm growing outside. I hate it when I spend money on something and it causes even more problems than I had before. Now you have to buy even more equipment to get it to work right.:smokin: Do these manufactures even try their products in the real world?

I'm sure glad 420 stores all the finished journals. This and your first journal both have so much valuable information in them. We can still use them a references.

Have you ever been to Newegg? It's mainly computer products, but they have user comments on all they're products. Wish growers had a place like that so we could read the comments before we spend our money on something that isn't designed right. :grinjoint:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hi ya Papa Man, I sure am glad I'm growing outside. I hate it when I spend money on something and it causes even more problems than I had before. Now you have to buy even more equipment to get it to work right.:smokin: Do these manufactures even try their products in the real world?

I'm sure glad 420 stores all the finished journals. This and your first journal both have so much valuable information in them. We can still use them a references.

Have you ever been to Newegg? It's mainly computer products, but they have user comments on all they're products. Wish growers had a place like that so we could read the comments before we spend our money on something that isn't designed right. :grinjoint:

Yeah. Honestly I did do a pretty good amount of research before buying them. But unless you specifically search for threads involving power conditioning or voltage regulators and electronic ballasts - you won't find any threads. And as was pointed out neither the stores or the manufacturers of either the ballasts or the delayed hot start timers want to see that piece integrated or talked about. Lumatek because it would admit a flaw in their ballast and require a price increase to address it. And CAP because they like selling the delay. And the stores cause they win on both ends. pffffffff

Anyways - here are some pics of the scrog for grins. She's coming along nicely - week 5 of flower.




Got a light snow forming...

I had the light off to raise it so I was able to get some pics from a new angle:


And lastly, I remember thinking one day long ago,"I'll just grow my own. It'll be cheaper, easier and uncomplicated.:rofl::scratchinghead: ....

I have gotten a shit load of work done in the last 12 hours. Amongst the bigger achievements were getting the fans down from the old crawl space and up into the new one, and I replaced some stuff in the light rail. My buddy got called to work and never made it so it took a little longer than planned.

:smokin: :peace:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hi Papa!

Yeah. Honestly I did do a pretty good amount of research before buying them

I know enough about you my friend to know you did the research. Problem was the info wasn't there.:smokin:

The scrog pictures are outrageous Buddy. It's a jungle of buds. :thumb:
They look so healthy too! Just shows what can be done in actually a small space. :cheer:

Sorry your friend didn't show up. Well, its done and you won't be crawling around up there any more. Guess we get a side benefit of exercise we didn't want.;)

And lastly, I remember thinking one day long ago,"I'll just grow my own. It'll be cheaper, easier and uncomplicated.

That's a small fortune in nutes:smokin:

I renewed by MMJ ticket today. $175 for the Doctor appointment and $25 for the state! The state should get their own doctors. Not that it matters to you, but Hawaii voted against Dispensaries. I'm relieved because that would have stopped all home growing. :straightface::straightface::straightface:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa, I've got a couple questions about training my current grow and would be apprciate any thoughts you may have...

1. I'm 4 weeks in to veg and thought I'd start some LST. I'd have started earlier but the plants are staying very short and compact - internode spacing is only about half an inch - and this is the first opportunity I've seen where bending the plants over seems feasible. The thing I'm wondering is... which way should I bend them? I've tried a few different directions and none seem to be the obvious choice. Does it even matter?

2. I totally agree that pruning away some fan leaves is a good thing. I've watched more than a few growers do it with great results. My question is... how soon can I start the pruning? The secondary/side branches are coming along nicely and I'd like to get them more light, but I don't want to damage the plants in the process.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa just checking in. That scrog is looking sweet. I found that it is cheaper to do it right the first time than to piece it together. It cost me a lot more to do it the way I did instead of just biting the bullet and jumping in. It is a learning experience and I'm have a ton of fun doing it. Thanks for the education my brother.:peace:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

And lastly, I remember thinking one day long ago,"I'll just grow my own. It'll be cheaper, easier and uncomplicated.:rofl::scratchinghead: ....
haha yeah dude thats exactly what i was thinkin last september haha gotta say that it's not cheap uncomplicated or easy to grow some quality kind bud, but it sure is fulfilling and i don't think I will ever stop:thumb:great nute line up man i just got myself some of biothrives calmag+ and the silica blast great stuff worked wonders for my girls, good growin to ya papa:surf:
renewed by MMJ ticket today. $175 for the Doctor appointment and $25 for the state! The state should get their own doctors. Not that it matters to you, but Hawaii voted against Dispensaries. I'm relieved because that would have stopped all home growing. :straightface::straightface::straightface:

dude OMM i sometimes wish we never had dispensaries open up here i think growers collectives would've done the trick just fine and sometimes it seems like they just cause more problems with legalities then they do help me buy budz, but then again I don't have a clue were i would find earwax hash if i didn't have a dispensary and that stuff is somethin you want to get a hold of it'll make you look like this:thedoubletake:and then like this haha:loopy: i just don't see why we need 300+ theres more dispensaries in denver then there are starbucks haha
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa, I've got a couple questions about training my current grow and would be apprciate any thoughts you may have...

1. I'm 4 weeks in to veg and thought I'd start some LST. I'd have started earlier but the plants are staying very short and compact - internode spacing is only about half an inch - and this is the first opportunity I've seen where bending the plants over seems feasible. The thing I'm wondering is... which way should I bend them? I've tried a few different directions and none seem to be the obvious choice. Does it even matter?

2. I totally agree that pruning away some fan leaves is a good thing. I've watched more than a few growers do it with great results. My question is... how soon can I start the pruning? The secondary/side branches are coming along nicely and I'd like to get them more light, but I don't want to damage the plants in the process.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!

Good questions. When they're really tight like that I use some mental guidelines to myself, but I woudn't say any strict rules.

I cut fan leaves when they come from the stem and the branch directly above them in the same node is fully formed with its own leaves. Big or small. Stretched or not. If I need to create space a fan leaf goes. generally I keep most - not all - but most is the perfect word - most fan leaves along the main stem gone as soon as their branch is about 1-2" long. This also lets me see whats going on in there.

Also, I try to leave them if they're not getting in the way. So I guess I would say I favor leaving the leaves, but its often necessary to cut more than half along the main stem. Value judgement for sure. And definitely I'd do more indoors than out.

When bending them - start slow. If you support one part, and bend the other a little, then let it up. Then bend it more and so on. Slowly. And I try to bend in a large arc first, gradually working the bend to a specific spot. At some point they seem to go with it.

Some strains are just a bitch to bend.

Also, Silica will make them harder to bend. If you're going to scrog, you might think about going light on the Silica. I usually don't even use it at all in scrog bound plants.

Hey Papa just checking in. That scrog is looking sweet. I found that it is cheaper to do it right the first time than to piece it together. It cost me a lot more to do it the way I did instead of just biting the bullet and jumping in. It is a learning experience and I'm have a ton of fun doing it. Thanks for the education my brother.:peace:

I think we've all been through that experience. I know I did. My first scrog was wood and chicken wire I had in the garage. Oh the extra hours I spent cutting little parts of wire away from the plants to make room to weave!

Excellent looking SCroG Papa!

Thanks! Here's hoping I can keep the plants healthy. From here out I think its a race! If the stems and roots can keep up with the buds then I think we'll have a winner!

haha yeah dude thats exactly what i was thinkin last september haha gotta say that it's not cheap uncomplicated or easy to grow some quality kind bud, but it sure is fulfilling and i don't think I will ever stop:thumb:great nute line up man i just got myself some of biothrives calmag+ and the silica blast great stuff worked wonders for my girls, good growin to ya papa:surf:

dude OMM i sometimes wish we never had dispensaries open up here i think growers collectives would've done the trick just fine and sometimes it seems like they just cause more problems with legalities then they do help me buy budz, but then again I don't have a clue were i would find earwax hash if i didn't have a dispensary and that stuff is somethin you want to get a hold of it'll make you look like this:thedoubletake:and then like this haha:loopy: i just don't see why we need 300+ theres more dispensaries in denver then there are starbucks haha

Its a shame they need to be mutually exclusive. Just goes to show the anti-legalization powers are still winning. They have succeeded in dividing the community.

Same bullshit with "Medical" marijuana and seeds. Who decided that one strain is somehow "medical" while another is not. There are only two groups that benefit from any strain being labeled "medical". Seed Distributors (not growers or breeders) and the folks who use the "Medical" argument to keep marijuana illegal. Was Michael Phelps smoking "Medical" marijuana? Who cares?! The man won 7 fucking Olympic Medals. Trained his entire frigging life! More discipline before he was 15 than most of us will ever have. HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SMOKE A BONG BECAUSE HE WANTS TO! No Prescription Needed!

Same bullshit with commercial growers saying they harvest a week early for less amber and couch lock. All bullshit. If you want a plant with less THC get a plant with less THC! But don't grow a strain wrong! This is marketing bullshit by growers who want to turn out a faster crop. THC reaches max potency when the little bulbs on the tri are amber. When the stems of tris start turning amber they are over ripe. When 50% of the tris are amber the plant is at peak ripeness. After that for every one that turns amber, one will go over ripe. It's like bananas going from green to yellow to black. But if you want less THC that's like asking for a smaller banana. You still want the tastiest banana you can find, just a small one - a little less banana. Same with cannabis. If too much THC gets you too stoned - then grow or buy strains with less THC, but don't eat a green banana!

I have tested 5 different strains amongst MANY people now and I can tell you 100% - that's right 100% of the time - when I space a harvest over two weeks - the buds that are preferred by EVERYONE are the ones harvested at 50% vs 10%. Sativas or Indicas. Hell, the effects are so nicely rounded that half the time folks think my Indicas are Sativas.

Zowza - that one turned into a rant! Wait til you see the next.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

^^^^^ Arg,....I've been edited.................NOOOOoooooo.......I guess I was wrong. OOps. ;p
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Nice work. I think I'm going to do a 2 plant scrog for my winter grow.

Wow. That's quite the change from your current one! IF your scrog is half as nice as your current trees then we're all in for a treat! Thanks for stopping by and welcome aboard!

^^^^^ Arg,....I've been edited.................NOOOOoooooo.......I guess I was wrong. OOps. ;p

Thread has been reopened

Much respect to all ;)

Thanks guys.

Still here. Good update coming soon. Lakers game tonight. Update tomorrow!

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Wow. That's quite the change from your current one! IF your scrog is half as nice as your current trees then we're all in for a treat! Thanks for stopping by and welcome aboard!

Thanks guys.

Still here. Good update coming soon. Lakers game tonight. Update tomorrow!


Hi Papa...that's good news.:cheer:
Will be looking for the update....

Sorry, I'm a Laker fan too! Unfortunately I think those guys in the east are gonna get us this year.:smokin::smokin:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

I'm glad to hear that your still around. :thumb: ....I was beginning to wonder. I guess we'll just conform. Like the borg, Resistance is futile.

I cant hardly wait for the update. PG!

I'd tell you to keep up the good work, but I know you will anyways, so, Later, J
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

hey handsome,
i'm going to post some pics later tonight to show you what i have done, but i dont want to hear all the laughter clear to here....i think i may have killed it, or made her wish she was dead if not....im not at all sure i "got it" now....the poor plant....anyway, if you could would you, and dont spare my feelings, i know i have no common sense....lavendar:Rasta:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hi Papa...that's good news.:cheer:
Will be looking for the update....

Sorry, I'm a Laker fan too! Unfortunately I think those guys in the east are gonna get us this year.:smokin::smokin:
Its a shame Hawaii is too far for pro sports still. That's one thing I've never seen in a sci-fi movie that I think would be a nice subtle and classy way to fill in a future world with faster travel. Discretely show in the background Hawaiian pro sports teams.

As far as winning the whole thing - I gotta like my boys again this year. I've been a fan since the mid 80's - I can name every starting lineup since then - including the glory years of Vlade, Peeler, Threat, VanExel, and Eddie Jones ;) If Artest can produce a little like last game, and the rest stay healthy - I think they're unstoppable the way they're playing right now. LeBron is semi-healthy. Has looked good last few games, but we'll see as the playoffs get longer and more physical. Wait til the refs put the whistles in their pockets. Orlando has a shot of coming out in the East, as does Boston (my personal hope - would LOVE some revenge and another Lakers-Celtics final). But I think the Lakers match up very well against all those teams. They simply do not have an answer for the size of Gasol/Bynum and Wallton inside and the Kobe/Artest/Fisher outside game.

Ok - back to topic - can you tell I'm pro basketball junkie?

I'm glad to hear that your still around. :thumb: ....I was beginning to wonder. I guess we'll just conform. Like the borg, Resistance is futile.

I cant hardly wait for the update. PG!

I'd tell you to keep up the good work, but I know you will anyways, so, Later, J

To continue with the basketball talk - I feel a little like an owner in the NBA. I was listening to an interview the other day and an owner mentioned he'd be fined. When asked what for, he said "I can't tell you. They can fine me for talking about why I got fined."

But like that owner, he knows the rules and chooses to play in the league. And I do too. I said my peace, made as much of a stink as I'm willing to make, but when its all said and done - its their league and I wanna play in it. Thanks for the support!

hey handsome,
i'm going to post some pics later tonight to show you what i have done, but i dont want to hear all the laughter clear to here....i think i may have killed it, or made her wish she was dead if not....im not at all sure i "got it" now....the poor plant....anyway, if you could would you, and dont spare my feelings, i know i have no common sense....lavendar:Rasta:

I think I'm more excited for your pics than mine. I have to admit I just sat down and started typing - so I haven't checked your thread tonight if they're already up -but I will as soon as done over here. Gonna make some predictions before even seeing it.

#1 - Its great!
#2 - It's magnificent!

I know you're worried about what it looks like at first. Don't worry. Some folks are great at keeping them neat from the start, but mine always look weird until they start to fill with bud.

I trully believe that ANY scrog will increase your yield, and each one just gets better. I saw a crazy one the other day. A guy scrogged two 7' moms! The scrog was 6' in the air! He has lights above and below. Was sick!

K - got a few pics to sort and upload, then an update. Hopefully soon, but I am having to keep an eye on the room. With the ducting in, its too efficient now! It's keeping the room 72 day and night! And still having issues with the electronic ballasts so I got a watt/amp meter. Details in the next post. All the plants are healthy.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Lookin great there Pops,

I see that you are using Purple Maxx and Gravity. Are you experimenting with them or are they an established part of your nute regiment? What are your thoughts on these products, do they do what they claim or are they just marketing gimmicks?

I'm switching nutes to the Advanced Sensi Bloom and am starting to research all of these fancy additives so any input would be helpful. By the way the Magic will decimate all who stand in there way this year. :slide:
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