Utopian Submarine - 2000W, Indoor, Perpetual

Hey Papa! Lovin the upgrades and changes to the sub. You have been very busy my friend. Love the budding clones, those where some awesome pics. I must admit I can't approach anywhere near the complexity and intricacy of your setup. But I do love reading about it hehe. I do think about my next attempt and have plenty of stuff that I can improve upon...Stuff I learned on 420mag from growers like you bro. Keep it green friend.

Holy Caesar's Ghost! That's a mind boggling set up. +Rep for all the work just posting that. Lots of good ideas in there tho I think if I start pumping water it'll be a lot simpler set-up than yours.

WOW! well done + reps

Thanks! I'm such the rep whore too :)

I want to visit the sub I want to see this for myself. Your outrageous my man. :cheer:
You are of course welcome ANY TIME! But I recommend it be more than about 4 or 5 weeks from now (gotta allow for the dry and cure) ;)

Hey Papa! Lovin the upgrades and changes to the sub. You have been very busy my friend. Love the budding clones, those where some awesome pics. I must admit I can't approach anywhere near the complexity and intricacy of your setup. But I do love reading about it hehe. I do think about my next attempt and have plenty of stuff that I can improve upon...Stuff I learned on 420mag from growers like you bro. Keep it green friend.


Can't give you reps yet but damn that thing is amazing i'm gonna be staring at that thing for a while to figure it all out nice job...

Holy Caesar's Ghost! That's a mind boggling set up. +Rep for all the work just posting that. Lots of good ideas in there tho I think if I start pumping water it'll be a lot simpler set-up than yours.


I don't mind telling you guys I spent months measuring and building that space. Have you ever seen the movie Life of Brian? Where the other prisoner is hanging from the wall and he says "Ooooh to be spat at in the face. What I wouldn't give to be spat at in the face." Thats the way I feel about every square inch in that room. There were soooo many places where if I'd had just 1 more inch it would have been soo much easier and cheaper as well. For example the Veg area I had to use CFLs instead of T5s because the dimensions work out to EXACTLY the wrong size by about a half inch to place 2' or 4' tubes in any way that also leaves room for moving them. And that size is dictated by the width of the reservoirs and the 2x4 frame. And I would give my left nut to have bigger reservoirs by about 15-20G So I may put a float valve to top off the reservoirs. Those three days last week when the plants gobbled up half the res in three days scared me.

Also, I'll fess up to some mistakes. The plumbing tubes for the reservoirs look like that would work fine. But if you open both valves, unless the water is going pretty well (like it is when I open both) if you forget and leave them both open - the top res drains into the bottom one of course. You can duh me on that one. Also, if I had it to do over I would use smaller pipe and tubing across the board. And bring the incoming water in above that water line.

All that having been said - it looks more complicated than it is. And remember there are two of them. Its exactly the same thing as a flood and drain table, just with buckets. Pump up, overflow sets the height and return. Very simple. And I can't think of any system that could possibly be more versatile as far as placement and number of containers than the E&G.

EDIT: I haven't mentioned costs. I had the two res from the previous grow. I put in $200 of plumbing which could have been less than 100 if I'd used smaller pipe, the buckets were debris from a friends grow so they were free, and the E&G buckets were $67 or $80 depending on manufacturer. Both kits come with 25' of tubing, tees, gromets, and 6 pots, and 6 netpots. The Controller and Reservoirs are the big expenses with the pre-built kits and they were all but free for me. So if I had done this prebuilt it would have been about $325 per setup more expensive. As it sits - about $350 for twelve pots that can be moved to either of two reservoirs or controllers in any combination. And $80 to add 6 more. And that plumbing includes the drain for the table and the veg area.
Well I think you are being to modest. Its easy to sit back and think about all the things you should have done differently. bottom line is its done and you did it. Now you can sit back and let her do what she does, if you need to tweak it along the way then so be it. Great job man.
Thanks guys.

It is running smoothly right now and we've just ordered the extra gear.

2 x 400w MH Cool Deluxe
2 x Super Sun II reflectors
2 x Lumatek Digital Ballasts
1 Light Rail 3.5 and add a lamp
1 AIR-3DN - Day/Night Cooling Temp/CO2

The lights and rail will be for a 2 x 8 veg closet full of 8 Moms in 7G ProMix. We'll add the carbon filter and any other needs next month.

The Moms will be:

Utopia Haze
Ak-47 Tall Pheno
AK-47 Short Pheno
Dog Hair
Kali Mist
Strawberry Diesel

The co2 controller will be for the sub. I'm temporarily conceding defeat on my controller. It is just a little erratic and its something to do with where I have a pull up or down resistor and a capacitor. Anyways, I'm just not confident enough in my wiring to get it right and the R&D bills are killing me and I got plenty else on the plate. So I'll work on it at my leisure - but not as a matter of necessity. That's a monkey temporarily off my back.

All else is very well in the Sub. Buds fattening nicely. Scrog disappearing beneath a canopy of green. Moms are dense. pH issues solved. Life is good.

Pics for sure when the lights come on in 8 hours.

I think also I will start a second journal just for the upcoming scrog in the Sub. I'll keep that one much neater.

I might try to figure out the poll thing to vote for which strain goes under. That will be 9 clones of one plant and the 2 utopia and 1 **** not used for mothers. veg and flower under 2x600w MH and HPS in a 30"x8' scrog. May add a mover, or different hoods. We have about 4-5 weeks to decide while all 10 of the plants in flower finish. Then I'll need to take 10-15 clones from the winning mom.

Gonna be a fun next few weeks I hope.
Pity about the controler, but if it's behaving like a monkey its possibly better to just keep it locked up untill better times:grinjoint:

But why are you keeping 2 phenos of the AK-47 ? Other than that your selection of moms is impressive, always nice to have a selection of herbs.
Congrats on the new gear man! Sounds like things are really getting going around your place. That scrog sounds like it will be a blast.

I think your strains sound great! You will have a nice selection of moms...

Can't wait to see these pictures...:popcorn:
Pity about the controler, but if it's behaving like a monkey its possibly better to just keep it locked up untill better times:grinjoint:

But why are you keeping 2 phenos of the AK-47 ? Other than that your selection of moms is impressive, always nice to have a selection of herbs.

I'm actually gonna keep working on the controller. Just not in any super hurry to do so.

The two phenos of AK are so completely different. I'll get pics of the second one tomorrow. You'll be amazed how different the two are.

Congrats on the new gear man! Sounds like things are really getting going around your place. That scrog sounds like it will be a blast.

I think your strains sound great! You will have a nice selection of moms...

Can't wait to see these pictures...:popcorn:
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the gear as well I think.

Not excited about the increase in electricity bill. But the second veg/Mom/flower area will be worth it. And the lights and rail should fill it perfectly.

Gonna get a few pics up now. It's kinda boring pics wise in the sub right now to be honest.

I do have one plant I would appreciate any thoughts on. Her sister is doing fine, and all the other plants in that tray are doing fine. I'm pretty sure its still recouperating from the pH burn last week and there's nothing new - but I'd appreciate any second thoughts.

Here's a pic:

Pics Update

It's been hectic around here lately. Got some pics in no real order, then I gotta hit the sack.

Group shot of the Barneys. 30 Days from seed.

Group Shot of the Veg area:

The Future Moms:

The Scrog From two different angles. That's about 3 feet wide by about 2.5 feet deep:


Here's some shots of the AK top - day 39 of flower:

Two branches from the AK - neither of which is the cola:

Here's the Dog Hair and the AK:

Let's play find the cola. There are three plants and two colas in this shot:

And still no amber in the Kali - which is a good thing cause she's just started to put on weight:


Tomorrow I should be looking to get more good pics of the other plants.
Papa, your pictures are wonderful, especially the frosty. I'd hit that ;)

Thanks! You're welcome any time!

Very nice!!!! I appreciate good bud porn :smokin: :cheer::cheer::cheer:

:peace: bro

Thanks much. Almost getting to the stage where we should get lots. :rollit:

Those plants are looking real nice there, what's the footprint size of your veg area again ?

The veg area is 47" x 30" x 3'. Looks bigger doesn't it :smokin: The flower area is 90"x30"x5'. Both those sizes include the lights, so actual vert grow space is less.

Cool setup! Will be watchingg

Thanks, bro. Welcome aboard the sub and we love comments and convo around here.

Morning Update: All seems well in the sub. Gonna finish placing the last of the tops for the scrog. And I will take the AK out of the room to get a pic. No other real news. I have started cleaning out the other space, but no real work on it yet. I recon I will get pics of the process, but pretty boring really. Just two lights, and mover.

I'm starting to really wonder about this problem. She doesn't seem to be pulling out of her slump as nicely as I would have hoped. Still getting new growth, but she's clearly not super healthy. I think the strain is still too new to get consistent genetics 100% of the time. The Utopia has been incredibly uniform. But she was chosen from over 3500 moms and stabilized for three years. The healthy one is looking great though.
The veg area is 47" x 30" x 3'. Looks bigger doesn't it :smokin: The flower area is 90"x30"x5'. Both those sizes include the lights, so actual vert grow space is less.

It looks alot bigger, especially with all those plants in it :grinjoint:
Pity about the problem it seemed like an intresting strain from their description. I'm sure you'll find something out or atleast one of the experts here will!
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