Veteran Smoker, New Grower

Cannabis 1

Well-Known Member
Whats goin on fellow connoisseurs. Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been smoking cannabis for 20 years, but now I have decided to step into the world of cultivation.
I'm not doing this for financial profit, I'm just tired of paying inflated prices for a questionable product. I have no intention to sell any of my crop. It is for personal use only. Well, friends and family will be supplied, so I guess its not just for personal use, but you get what I'm sayin!
I would rather see my babies from start to finish than go pick up some street bud. The advantages are astronomical. I will have complete control over not only the price it will cost me to produce, but also what nutrients are fed to them to insure pesticide and disease free weed. Also will enable me to go dealer free, so thats one less risk.
I'm sure I will have a lot of questions for all of you Veteran Growers. Right now I am fine tuning and arranging my setup. I plan to be up and running in 2-3 weeks.

Well, I guess thats it for now. Happy Smoking!!!!
Cannabis 1, :welcome: to :420: where fun friendly folks hang out. We are glad that you are here. Growing your own is the only way to go. I grow strictly organic cannabis. I have a few links that might help.

For growing this is a good link How to Grow Marijuana

And photos are always nice for a journal Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Note from Cannafan: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

Speaking of journals How to Make a Grow Journal

For medical issues we have this MEDICAL MARIJUANA

For legal and activist things 420 LEGAL ACTION

And a FAQ to help with general things Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions feel free to ask as we have a lot of wonderful people with a lot of knowledge that are willing to help.
:peace: :Namaste:
You are right about the price's out there. Greed is at a all time high. Good to see you here. Happy Growing
:ciao: Cannabis1, and :welcome: to the great community here at :420:

Great to have you here! You are right on the price gouging going on out there. It's getting more expensive than health insurance premiums. Sheesh!
You will have so much fun growing. Be sure to ask questions whenever you need to, there's always someone about that should be able to help. I hope you decide to start a grow journal so members can follow along and guide you where needed. The link to starting one is in the post from Coloradokid.
Enjoy your self here!

Welcome to your new home vet. Many many friendly people here at 420Magazine and hopefully we will get to see your grow journal. Looking forward to see your setup. Good luck my friend.
Update: I started a grow journal. I just posted a few pics of the setup. I will be working on the Hyrdoponics tonight, so I'll take some more pics and add them to the journal. Hope you guys enjoy!
Thanks guys! I love being among like minded people. Here is the Journal link.
Some set up pics

Hope you guys enjoy as much as I do!
What prompted me to grow? Not necessarily greed of others - Someone I care about a great deal paid nearly $3000.00 for a little over a months worth of comfort and I firmly believe that he could have survived if he started sooner. Regardless, he maintained the highest spirits I've ever seen anyone maintain under such circumstances and I knew that others could benefit, even myself considering cancer is part of my genetic pool having lost 3 uncles, 2 grandparents, and a couple cousins to it. I don't want anyone ever to find out that there is a cure or at least a dramatic improvement in quality of life too late ever again. My mission in life is to do whatever I can to make everyone aware that there are better solutions available than 30 year old poisons and a 5 year survival rate being considered a success.

What prompted me to grow? Not necessarily greed of others - Someone I care about a great deal paid nearly $3000.00 for a little over a months worth of comfort and I firmly believe that he could have survived if he started sooner. Regardless, he maintained the highest spirits I've ever seen anyone maintain under such circumstances and I knew that others could benefit, even myself considering cancer is part of my genetic pool having lost 3 uncles, 2 grandparents, and a couple cousins to it. I don't want anyone ever to find out that there is a cure or at least a dramatic improvement in quality of life too late ever again. My mission in life is to do whatever I can to make everyone aware that there are better solutions available than 30 year old poisons and a 5 year survival rate being considered a success.


Have you heard about bloodroot? Saw an amazing/ blow away doco on it, wow. :peace:
Both Bloodroot and Radium/milk weed are great for a lot of skin cancers. I am starting a grow of milkweed next week.

What I saw was a lady used it for breast cancer, and another person was taking it internally an passing their cancers (shitting them out) the lady who used it for breast cancer rubbed it in as soon as they took the biopsy. The cancer fell out, leaving a gross indentation but then that heals leaving not even a scar. It blew me away and why isn't this ( bloodroot/ milkweed) common knowledge. Peace
No money in it for US pharma and doctors. Australia has a high rate of skin cancer and the use of milkweed/radium weed is common. I went in to my doctor a few weeks ago for a small spot on my face that did not heal. He said it was Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and recommended Mohs surgery. He refused to discuss any other options and was annoyed that I refused to have the surgery until I researched other courses of care. Mohs surgery would have left a 2.5" scar on my face. Mohs surgery plus a follow up of plastic reconstruction can be $20K-$35K
Happy growing fellow gardener
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