Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

Hey Woodsman.
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Looks like I missed all the fun.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! Seems you and I are about the same age from what I've read. And we seem to have some of the same ailments (knee and back for me along with looking for work).

FANTASTIC harvest! Those are some nice looking buds and may I say you sure did a great job trimming them. I often lose my patience when trimming and the last buds don't look as good as the first ones I trimmed.

How was the growers hash from them? That's my favorite part!

grrr...I still can't give you rep. Does anyone know exactly how the rep thing works?
Oh forgot to mention...Our experience has been that our harvests lose ~73% of their weight when drying/curing so it sounds like you are correct with your math and results.

Nice job Woodsman!

it sounds rough by you, I hope the tides change in your favor.
Wife and I smoked another joint of our stuff and it rocked. Can't wait to share it with you.
We got some water in the basement yesterday. I'll update that on my thread. But I will be busy all weekend with that.

In the next couple of weekends I will be planning a bike ride up at Kettle Moraine. Let's pencil in some times to get together.
grrr...I still can't give you rep. Does anyone know exactly how the rep thing works?

High Skooter. You have to give reps to 20 other folks before you can give reps to the same person again. I'm pretty sure it works that way. There is a thread about it in the How-Tos somewhere but damned if I can remember where.

High Woods! Looking good all over the place and we gave up on corn a long time ago.

+Reps just for the hell of it! :thumb:

Wish I had more time but I must get a resume off today or face abject poverty once again!

They say poverty builds character but I think "they" are a bunch of rich f**ks! :rofl:

C'ya L8r

Hey Woodsman, it sounds like you and I have a lot in common. I've been out of work for a while and am just hanging on. I'm in construction and where I live the work has pretty well shut down. And the knee, I got mine 5 years ago, broke the back 25 years ago, got ruptured disks in my neck, I could go on.

So what the hell, let's grow some good weed and pretend it's a different day. At least my kids are working and the grand kids are doing well. The one thing I'm certain about is tomorrow is another day and it will change, I'll guarantee you that. You just have to hang on as long as you can. Remember bro, we're all in this together, just wish I could help.

Okay, Sadie looks like she's ready to chase the ball, be back in a few minutes. My pups help me keep my sanity.
You know what would really be great to see, is those guys with a huge financial base (you know that of a small country) setting up industry back in America and the government clamping down tariff's to balance internal versus external spending....when cows fly....Fetchez la vache!

Then legalize pot and make it a national past-time to grow the best on the planet and become a laid back country that minds it's own business.

Or maybe we could just print more money, yeah that's easiest, worked in the past.....:grinjoint:

Wishing you well brother.

You know what would really be great to see, is those guys with a huge financial base (you know that of a small country) setting up industry back in America and the government clamping down tariff's to balance internal versus external spending....when cows fly....Fetchez la vache!

Then legalize pot and make it a national past-time to grow the best on the planet and become a laid back country that minds it's own business.

Or maybe we could just print more money, yeah that's easiest, worked in the past.....:grinjoint:

Wishing you well brother.


I agree, some damn big changes need to be made, we can't continue on the path we've been on for the past 30 years.
I hear you woods...I was laid off last January, didn't find work until late in the year and then only for three months. After that I didn't find anything until about a month back when I got a job, 30 hours a week, $7.50/hr...but hey, according to the statistics I'm not unemployed now. Or wasn't until I got fired because someone told my boss I said something about her that I did not say. But since I'm ineligible for unemployment now I doubt I'm even in the unemployment statistics because I no longer have a paper trail...

I know how it feels to apply and receive no word back, gets old fast...really fast. And being where you're at sure doesn't help, rural is hard enough when times are good. I've maxed out all of my cc's pretty much just to keep the utilities and all paid so my rope is getting short. If my gf loses her job we're f'd...too many people in a bad situation right now for the politicians to be pretending they're playing a game and it's "us vs them". Yeah, we're mad at Wall St. and we're all for going after appropriate parties but creating jobs should be a top priority atm.
wait what happened?! wood you lose your job too or have you been out for a while? sorry there are just chapters of info in your thread! well i "supposedly" got a job but it has been over a week since they said i got it and i cant get a hold of the manager over there so im in the dark... i am seriously considering joining the airforce. not going to be a problem as far as drug tests go as i quit smoking when i lost my last job just in case future employers require a piss test.
I agree, some damn big changes need to be made, we can't continue on the path we've been on for the past 30 years.

as long as the rich stay rich, there will be no changes....power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...i am a negitive person where the politics of this country go...the declaration and the constitution give us the right....too many fat happy people to want to change it....YUCK...see, i cant go near the subject...sorry....lavendar...think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, and so on and so forth.....later:yummy:

Hi Woodsman I just updated my answer to your question about the growing seasons here. This one is a bigger picture answer and more realistic.
Sometimes I think too small. :smokin::smokin:

Hey buddy, thanks for posting that great answer over on your thread! You need to move to the lee side on the island. Less humid and little rain! Just not as pretty I would imagine.
Hey Woodsman.
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Looks like I missed all the fun.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! Seems you and I are about the same age from what I've read. And we seem to have some of the same ailments (knee and back for me along with looking for work).

FANTASTIC harvest! Those are some nice looking buds and may I say you sure did a great job trimming them. I often lose my patience when trimming and the last buds don't look as good as the first ones I trimmed.

How was the growers hash from them? That's my favorite part!

grrr...I still can't give you rep. Does anyone know exactly how the rep thing works?

Oh forgot to mention...Our experience has been that our harvests lose ~73% of their weight when drying/curing so it sounds like you are correct with your math and results.

Nice job Woodsman!


Hey Clown! I was a healthy stud my whole life, then 15 years ago I got married to my lovely wife and everything went downhill from there! LOL!

The knee is now deteriorating at a fast pace now (been three years since I tore it up and had them remove all the 'pieces'. The back, well if I breath wrong, it will go into it's 'spasm mode' for a week or two! Can't even stand up without help.

Don't ever worry about the Reps bud, just you being here is enough!

I don't mind trimming the sh*t. Of course I only had three small plants! LOL!

Ya, I usually figure in about loosing 3/4 of the weight in drying. :rollit:
it sounds rough by you, I hope the tides change in your favor.
Wife and I smoked another joint of our stuff and it rocked. Can't wait to share it with you.
We got some water in the basement yesterday. I'll update that on my thread. But I will be busy all weekend with that.

In the next couple of weekends I will be planning a bike ride up at Kettle Moraine. Let's pencil in some times to get together.

Anytime you can do it I'm there! My Brother and his wife have invited us to Indy for the '500' at the end of the month so we'll be out of town for the long weekend. so anytime I guess 'other' than that weekend!

High Skooter. You have to give reps to 20 other folks before you can give reps to the same person again. I'm pretty sure it works that way. There is a thread about it in the How-Tos somewhere but damned if I can remember where.


High Woods! Looking good all over the place and we gave up on corn a long time ago.

+Reps just for the hell of it! :thumb:

Wish I had more time but I must get a resume off today or face abject poverty once again!

They say poverty builds character but I think "they" are a bunch of rich f**ks! :rofl:

C'ya L8r


Thanks buddy for helping Clown out!

Thanks for the 'huge' reps LR! If poverty builds character I'll trade it in for some cash. And your right, easy enough for folks without money problems to give advise and such. I've worked 'hard physical jobs' my whole life (until now) and have always been on 'the edge', pretty much paycheck to paycheck. Advise to you young'ins out there. Go to school and get a freaking education or learn a 'good' trade. You will live a much better life or at least you will have better opportunities to do so.

Thanks for coming by LR, we're all better off now! :thumb:

Batteries are running low on the laptop. I'll answer the rest of you very soon!
Hey Woodsman, it sounds like you and I have a lot in common. I've been out of work for a while and am just hanging on. I'm in construction and where I live the work has pretty well shut down. And the knee, I got mine 5 years ago, broke the back 25 years ago, got ruptured disks in my neck, I could go on.

So what the hell, let's grow some good weed and pretend it's a different day. At least my kids are working and the grand kids are doing well. The one thing I'm certain about is tomorrow is another day and it will change, I'll guarantee you that. You just have to hang on as long as you can. Remember bro, we're all in this together, just wish I could help.

Okay, Sadie looks like she's ready to chase the ball, be back in a few minutes. My pups help me keep my sanity.

You are definitely hurting my friend! I hope you get some relief soon. Growing weed is a great hobby and a great way to pass the time while providing for your self also. It has been a mental life saver for me lately. I'd go completely nuts if I wasn't growing!

I just don't know what to do now as far as work. All these ailments have manifested themselves within the last few years. I don't have health coverage now and can't afford to get med help on my own! Getting older sucks as does loosing my job. Should have got some reeducation while I've been out of work, but I never thought that I'd have time since I had always presumed that I would find something right away! I'm not a 'desk job person', but that seems like the only thing I could do now.

You know what would really be great to see, is those guys with a huge financial base (you know that of a small country) setting up industry back in America and the government clamping down tariff's to balance internal versus external spending....when cows fly....Fetchez la vache!

Then legalize pot and make it a national past-time to grow the best on the planet and become a laid back country that minds it's own business.

Or maybe we could just print more money, yeah that's easiest, worked in the past.....:grinjoint:

Wishing you well brother.


Thanks my friend for 'piping in'. Agree with you about bringing the jobs back here. I've grown more conservative as I've got older so my reasoning may be different than some of you. Used to be liberal when I was a young guy. But, one does not live by love, peace and flowers alone unless you want to live in a commune. or in the old VW bus

As long as the government and the IRS continues to make it difficult for both small and large business to operate, they will either close up shop, downsize or look elsewhere to do their business. That's just common sense. People are in business to make a profit. Not to 'share the wealth'. Sharing the wealth comes naturally when there are profits. Then comes expansion and with that good jobs. I know as a young liberal person I was not concerned with things like that. My line of thought was like this, 'Damn the business owners for having it all and us poor slobs slaving for them'. I felt that way and I believed in it strongly then. Those folks that run their businesses like that should be beaten with a cane until dead! Unfortunately life is run by business and being 'idealistic' just doesn't cut it in the real world, some folks are not evil and just want to make money for their families just like the poor slob. I've had small businesses before and I know that it only takes a little pressure to ruin it all. Give the guy that wants to start up a small business in your neighborhood some intensives and lower costs and he will thrive. That means jobs! Some of the jobs are good and some are bad. Take away those intensives and tax the hell out of him as punishment for trying and he will close down or move elsewhere. That's the way it is.

Sorry I'm ranting and I surly don't want you all to hate me for seeing life maybe differently than most of you. I've just seen too much in my life. We all die the same way folks, I've seen it happen many times.

Mountain my good friend I love the idea of growing for a living! Let's get a bunch of us together (when it's legal to grow without restrictions) and Farm the sh*t out of the stuff.. It will be in all the grocery stores or pharmacies and herbal stores!

I agree, some damn big changes need to be made, we can't continue on the path we've been on for the past 30 years.

If we do continue the way it's going, then soon the youngsters will be wearing pants down by their ankles! Instead of singing about killing the 'man' and 'raping' the ladies they will be singing about killing their parents and getting tatoos in their a**holes (with studs).

I hear you woods...I was laid off last January, didn't find work until late in the year and then only for three months. After that I didn't find anything until about a month back when I got a job, 30 hours a week, $7.50/hr...but hey, according to the statistics I'm not unemployed now. Or wasn't until I got fired because someone told my boss I said something about her that I did not say. But since I'm ineligible for unemployment now I doubt I'm even in the unemployment statistics because I no longer have a paper trail...

I know how it feels to apply and receive no word back, gets old fast...really fast. And being where you're at sure doesn't help, rural is hard enough when times are good. I've maxed out all of my cc's pretty much just to keep the utilities and all paid so my rope is getting short. If my gf loses her job we're f'd...too many people in a bad situation right now for the politicians to be pretending they're playing a game and it's "us vs them". Yeah, we're mad at Wall St. and we're all for going after appropriate parties but creating jobs should be a top priority atm.
Wow man that is quite a bad situation for you, I hope things will get better for you soon! For all of us!
I agree with you about the #1 priority should be to create an environment that brings jobs. Don't get me going about the government. I don't have high blood pressure now, but I will!

as long as the rich stay rich, there will be no changes....power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...i am a negitive person where the politics of this country go...the declaration and the constitution give us the right....too many fat happy people to want to change it....YUCK...see, i cant go near the subject...sorry....lavendar...think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, and so on and so forth.....later:yummy:

I agree and disagree, I think? Can't rely on others my dear, must fend for ourselves!
Like I said above Lavendar, let's get this sh*t legal and grow for a living.
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