Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

I better get in line and take a ticket, just so I can congratulate you! :ganjamon: Way to go!!!! Woodsman! You did it! A great harvest and good smoke. 3 oz too! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Sure wish it would warm up for you so you can get at it outdoors.:ganjamon:

May you grow some monsters and be set for a while :thumb:
I better get in line and take a ticket, just so I can congratulate you! :ganjamon: Way to go!!!! Woodsman! You did it! A great harvest and good smoke. 3 oz too! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Sure wish it would warm up for you so you can get at it outdoors.:ganjamon:

May you grow some monsters and be set for a while :thumb:

Thanks buddy! If I could only use a pump and fatten up the Runt in the next two weeks, that would be the kicks! I think she's the dark horse of the three and will be the best of them.

Thanks buddy! If I could only use a pump and fatten up the Runt in the next two weeks, that would be the kicks! I think she's the dark horse of the three and will be the best of them.


If that works......send me the name of the pump.....I want one of those!
Man your either up early or had a good night!:ganjamon:
If that works......send me the name of the pump.....I want one of those!
Man your either up early or had a good night!:ganjamon:

Just up late tonight. Smoking too much of Big Girl I think! Just got through airing out the jars and scraped what was left on the paper plate into a nice joint. Anyway a new day here and the temps are still cold at 47 of a high temp today! It will start to warm up a bit I beleive into the 60's. But nights are still going to be in the mid 40's for a while I guess.
very nice looking harvest Woodsman.:bravo:

Hello HTL! Thank you my old friend. It's great to have you here. How is everything going for you lately? Anytime for you to grow or are you too busy studying?

Big Grats on the Harvest! They look soooo very tasteeee!


Papa Green, thank you my honored guest! It's nice to have you over. Big Girl is a real gem in the rough. She has a bouquet like fresh mango with a bit of grapefruit on the side. The taste is quite wonderful in my humble opinion. Sweet and citrus, just perfect!

nice work buddy. still on top i see! damned impressive for the whole CFL thing!

HK my Man! Thanks for the kind words. I really must apologize for not visiting with you lately and here you are coming to visit me. I've cut back on my visiting for the last couple of weeks and seem to keep to myself (here) more. Well I'm trying to get my arse into gear again and will eventually make my way over to see you.

You too Papa, I've got to take the plunge and check out your neck of the woods!

Thanks for stopping in you three!:peace:
just dropped by to see how the heck you are....ahhhh, smoking i see...hehehe, didnt want you to feel neglected....running around giving reps to all i can....try to do it once a wk....when the thing will let me...its pretty stingy with the reps tho...very nice harvest.....did you see the other post i left, pretty long and boring, but i did say nice things to you....take care of yourself and the wife and ladies....have FUN...ENJOY...later, lavendar:welldone::bravo::rollit:
Update - Flower 11 Weeks and 3 days - The Runt

Sounds like along time to flower for an indica doesn't it? You know this girl actually did not let me know she was of the more beautiful sex for over two weeks into 12/12. Does that mean that she is essentially into only her 9th week of flower? If that is the case then the other two that were harvested a week ago were also about 9 weeks at harvest, they showed their sex a little earlier than the Runt. I'm Rambling here, it really doesn't matter does it?

What's important is that the Runt is starting to fatten up to almost respectable size (for a small plant that is). Did a trichome check earlier today (Wed) and caome up with mostly cloudy with the rest clear. An amber here and there. I am intent on letting her get to at least 50% amber, and no less! Fatleaf under inspection (post harvest), turned out to be no more than 20 to 30% amber. I could not find any of the 50% areas of amber that I thought I had seen just prior to harvest. Big Girl was thought to also have some areas of up to 50% amber, but she is I'd say more like 35% or so. More than Fatleaf but not at 50%...Fortunately for me she turned out to be a great smoke and that's just a week after harvest! I am determined to let the Runt get to at least the 50% mark. She has more trichs 'per acre' than the other two, though she'll be much less in the weight category. I have very, very high hopes for that girl. Maybe another connoisseurs delight, like Big Girl.

So! She got a full dose of nutes today. Instead of starting a flush on her, I decided that I'll wait till she amber up, unlike the other two that went to flush at about the same amber ratio and were chopped about a week into it. I'll leave this baby to mature fully even if I have to duct tape the tent shut!

Outdoor Update

Boring day for much of the babies They weren't allowed to go outside today and that's the second day in a row now, They're getting cabin fever just like the wife and I get every winter!

The big news of the day is that I have now taken my last two NL#5 seeds and have them soaking in water till tomorrow when I will either put them in wet towels or plant right in the soil. I'm doing this because I want to make sure beyond a reasonable doubt that I'll have some 'outdoor grown' NL for my smoking pleasure! The two seeds that I put in the wet towels the other day seem to be in limbo. Both have cracked (barely) and some white from the tap root is showing, but that's it. NO movement in the last day. Perhaps I'm being hasty, but what was I going to do with the two left over seeds anyway? Save them for next year? No, Next year I'm sure I'll be purchasing something else for a change. So either Big Girl will do me proud and regenerate or some of these NL seeds will pop and give me another Big Girl-like plant.

I've got the two old gals regenerating (Fatleaf and Big Girl), but both are kind of in limbo now. Not positive that they will even make it with the cold weather we're having. By keeping Fatleaf sitting inside the window (like 5 hours or so of cloudy sky's a day lately) and Big Girl restricted to only 12 hours of light upstairs in the tent with the Runt I'm really testing them to the max. Indoors she should be getting at least 18 hours of light. Outdoors I'm not sure since I've never regenerated outside before. Daylight now is only about 11 or 12 hrs out there, though I would think that the suns rays at this time would veg them just like they would for a normal plant grown from seed. Just not sure if that's enough to regen. Outside is supposed to be an experiment of sorts, but now I think it could be an uphill battle with the weather we're having. Relief is on the way though and by Sat. I should be getting them out for good! Hope it's not too late! Fingers are crossed! Not so sure I'd want to regen Fatleaf anyway, Big Girl is my priority! Total shame not to get her going again. Too bad I couldn't clone.

I've got the two Mazar babies sitting inside the 5 gal pot with Big Girl under daylight cfls in the tent next to the Runt which is still flowering under a mixed spectrum. Those two Mazars are doing fine and are about to sprout their second set of leaves.

Downstairs by the window I've got four of the bagseeds in different stages of 2 to three sets of leaves. They are also, like the two Mazars, in intermediate pots (5-6 inches). I've got five babies of bagseed still with their first set of leaves in their 3 inch nursery cups also by the window.. All those plants are desperately waiting for nicer weather.

Total mayhem for the Woodsman Family! Eventually things will work them selves out and I can get this show rolling into it's own thread. Hey, even the corn I planted outside in my 'hand tilled' strip of a garden didn't come up and I've given up on them. Weather related? I don't know, first time for corn and maybe I should have waited for nice weather. Of course when I planted all this stuff two weeks ago it was in the seventies out there!

Global Warming anyone? I suppose if you are a believer in it, you would say that it's all part of the 'big' picture. I'm not buying it, sorry! One of the coldest winters we've had and a damn cold spring to top it off! Hey, I'm for a slightly cooler summer though!
you're right woods...most of the commercial is not cured....they dry it and bag it....when i quit growing for a while i consumed others, and only rarely did i stumble on what i call "good" smoke....it will all get you there if any good at all, but the ride makes it all worth while.....took me 2 crops to get a atta girl out of the hubby....what it finally took was here, i'll get you a bag and then you can quit griping about the homegrown....which he took....and within a day or two, he was hanging around the jars, going gee, you are right...and to think i used to love this crap....followed by a honey, dont die on me, and would you fill this jug for me....he handed me a 3 gal jar....i rflmao.....told him it might take forever at the rate he smoked, but just our stash makes it half full....and boy, does he gaurd it....crazy man he is...

some times opinions are hard to change....about the one on the left, the one you like the least....it has alot of sativa in it.....all those little foxtails sticking out all over....and that is my choice...no ceiling...keep smoking and it keeps going....they take longer to cure, mho, and i usually let them go for a few months in the jars, if they dry out to much i put a leaf or stem in or sprinkle water (little) in the jar....they tend to dry brittle and crisp if not cured right...but they will still smoke ok....i just like the cure....until all green is gone, and turned to a choc. brown, and its soft feeling on the outside like old soft kidskin leather....but that takes a while....

thank you, and yes, i do smoke a diff. one nearly everyday, but i do have the tried and true i go back to....and those i love....thank you...

that is quite the haul, and well deserved for all the work and labors of love that go into bringing it finally "home". safely.....sometimes its really hard to keep your mouth shut when you would love to scream..."HEY WORLD, LOOK AT THIS, NANER F'N, NANER.." BUT as we all know, secrecy is the code, and truely the only one that works....some guy here locally is setting people up with grows for a piece, anyway, my hubby overheard it at work when the guys were talking....was only a wk later, one of them was busted, when my guy was telling me, i thot well, thats a sure bust....anyway, be proud....yeahhhh my friend....later, off to the mmj mine...lavendar

great pics and loved your discriptions....congrats...

Lavendar, your right, I missed this post! So sorry my dear! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Sounds like ya got your man trained now! I think it will take more than two crops to change my wife's attitude though! Must be something she's holding down deep, Wants us to move and her I am growing pot and maybe in here eyes that mean nothing is happening. We're too broke to move though, but I believe she has a big resentment of me for that. Marriage, it's complicated isn't it?

Fatleaf is OK, but not what I expected. I would have liked something similar to the high that Big Girl gives me. I hope your right about it getting better with age and a good cure. It brings me flashbacks of my last grow with the Mazar.

I'd love to have several different varieties to try at my leisure all of course would have very strong highs of course! Just a nice variety. Choice is always a positive.

Was that guy setting people up to get busted or did I misunderstand and he was just trying to make a buck or some smoke by financing grow operations?

just dropped by to see how the heck you are....ahhhh, smoking i see...hehehe, didnt want you to feel neglected....running around giving reps to all i can....try to do it once a wk....when the thing will let me...its pretty stingy with the reps tho...very nice harvest.....did you see the other post i left, pretty long and boring, but i did say nice things to you....take care of yourself and the wife and ladies....have FUN...ENJOY...later, lavendar:welldone::bravo::rollit:

Thanks my girl for the wonderful Reps you've bestowed on me, I'm honored!

Your posts are never long and boring my dear! I have been the lame one here that didn't see it! Please leave as many long and 'boring' (as you call them) posts as you like! All of us love hearing your wonderful stories and we all love, respect and revere you as our own 'Goddess of Grow'! :peace:
marriage is complicated by itself sometimes. Add financial stress and the word complicated does not quite describe the situation any more.

I was out of work for almost a year during 2009. The same week I got hired at this job, I got a notice saying my unemployment money ran out. Things happen in strange ways, but they always seem to work out.

My current job was found on craigslist (of all places). I searched monster.com and dice .com and the newspapers and local job fairs for months and months. I sent dozens of resumes to ads on craigslist with NO reply.

But then, BAM, one day, a switch was thrown, and everything changed. With just one email, one phone call, one interview; it all changed.

So good luck to you my friend.
Get focused, stay focused.

It is really hard to be motivated to search for jobs when you're stoned. I'm just sayin'
marriage is complicated by itself sometimes. Add financial stress and the word complicated does not quite describe the situation any more.

I was out of work for almost a year during 2009. The same week i got hired at this job, i got a notice saying my unemployment money ran out. Things happen in strange ways, but they always seem to work out.

My current job was found on craigslist (of all places). I searched monster.com and dice .com and the newspapers and local job fairs for months and months. I sent dozens of resumes to ads on craigslist with no reply.

But then, bam, one day, a switch was thrown, and everything changed. With just one email, one phone call, one interview; it all changed.

So good luck to you my friend.
Get focused, stay focused.

It is really hard to be motivated to search for jobs when you're stoned. I'm just sayin'

yes, i agree, add cabin fever and you have an "off" receipe....especially if only one or neither is working....
the economics of the time are horrid....i know many a man who feels lousy about themselves just over money....
hey, money is only there to buy stuff you want or need....not a way of life...imo....
when you are by yourselves is a good time to see who you are....how you weather the storm, where the weaknesses are...how to fix them....sounds like you are staying busy, doing what you can....thats all you can do....
and plant the corn again....persistance is the key to most things....and it shows the "gods" you wont give up....
sometimes we all need the "one more time" theory....
gardening is one of the healthest things we can do for ourselves...soooo, how does the corn grow there? its weak here...too much water for it....but we did grow some a couple of yrs ago, he plants it every yr...and we watch the stalks grow, and it is green and pretty, but no corn, but we plant it....it works...i know my hubby has to be busy or asleep to be relaxed and happy...me, i can stare into nothingness and be thrilled....well, enough bs for now....

so how is the runt....i think its great that you still have one to work with...and the weather will clear up, and all the new babes will go outside in their due time....lavendar
marriage is complicated by itself sometimes. Add financial stress and the word complicated does not quite describe the situation any more.

I was out of work for almost a year during 2009. The same week I got hired at this job, I got a notice saying my unemployment money ran out. Things happen in strange ways, but they always seem to work out.

My current job was found on craigslist (of all places). I searched monster.com and dice .com and the newspapers and local job fairs for months and months. I sent dozens of resumes to ads on craigslist with NO reply.

But then, BAM, one day, a switch was thrown, and everything changed. With just one email, one phone call, one interview; it all changed.

So good luck to you my friend.
Get focused, stay focused.

It is really hard to be motivated to search for jobs when you're stoned. I'm just sayin'

I've got a boring (after so long) routine of looking through the job searches for the area and then twice a week in the local 'rag'. Done some extensive footwork just knocking on doors! Stopped that as I found that it just makes these folks uncomfortable! Like I'm a beggar coming around for scraps! The area I'm in has been hit hard and since I'm in a very rural area, there are just not a lot of options. Traveling a long distance to any of the larger cities would just mean using what little pay I'd earn for gas money. The cities are the hardest hit also. Most of the jobs that interested me that I found online, do not offer applications like they would of in the past. Now they tell me to keep checking back and eventually they will allow folks to apply. Common them is we're not hiring at the moment as we are 'downsizing the company right now or 'reorganizing'. I've had several instances when I was able to apply that I never received word back from them either way. Even when I follow up! In my 30+ years of being in the work force, I've been out of work for no longer than 2 weeks until finding something and that was scary at the time.

I'm over fifty, need a new knee, my back has now also become a major issue and I get migraines on a daily basis. These are issues only I know about, I do not mention these things when I've applied (other than my age). Figure I'll get the job first, then worry about trying to keep it!

Sorry for the rant, I hate talking about it as it get's me in a lousy mood. Yes I smoke a lot (always have) but it does not stop me from being motivated. What effects my motivation is all the 'turn downs' I've gotten.
yes, i agree, add cabin fever and you have an "off" receipe....especially if only one or neither is working....
the economics of the time are horrid....i know many a man who feels lousy about themselves just over money....
hey, money is only there to buy stuff you want or need....not a way of life...imo....
when you are by yourselves is a good time to see who you are....how you weather the storm, where the weaknesses are...how to fix them....sounds like you are staying busy, doing what you can....thats all you can do....
and plant the corn again....persistance is the key to most things....and it shows the "gods" you wont give up....
sometimes we all need the "one more time" theory....
gardening is one of the healthest things we can do for ourselves...soooo, how does the corn grow there? its weak here...too much water for it....but we did grow some a couple of yrs ago, he plants it every yr...and we watch the stalks grow, and it is green and pretty, but no corn, but we plant it....it works...i know my hubby has to be busy or asleep to be relaxed and happy...me, i can stare into nothingness and be thrilled....well, enough bs for now....

so how is the runt....i think its great that you still have one to work with...and the weather will clear up, and all the new babes will go outside in their due time....lavendar

They grow corn around here for as far as the eye can see! Just too cold for the sweet corn I think, along with maybe not the right soil.

Your right about having the Runt. I think she will be awesome (fingers crossed) If she is, I will regenerate her and yes by then the weather should no longer be a factor.:thumb:
Hey, Woodsman! On corn it's not the day temp it's the night temp. The strains we grow around here can't take it any lower than around 50 degrees. The stuff around here is up a couple of inches if at all.

Makes great sense buddy. First time for me growing corn. It has been nasty here at night for a while now. I dug up a kernel and found it with what looked like a stunted root.. It's no great loss since I only had about a dozen planted. We'll just plant some of my wifes other stuff out there. We've got two different types of eggplant growing in the tray along with red and yellow peppers, sugar snap peas, basil and green beans. We've already re-potted some of the peas, beans, basil and red peppers. They're also sitting by the window waiting for the milder nights. Possibly by this Saturday will be able to take them out for good. :yahoo:
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