1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

Hey Granny, Your garden is looking terrific! Sorry to hear about the hermie.

I wanted to mention canna-butter to you as another alternative for all of the trim you are going to have. I really want to try and make hash in the near future. I'll start with the gumby hash. If I like that, I'll stick with it because I really don't want to lay out a bunch of cash for bubble bags.

However, I have made canna-butter several times already and I thought it might be a good use for some of your trim. You can use canna-butter (or budder, if you like) in any recipe that calls for butter. I make peanut butter cookies for my wife. It helps her with pain and insomnia. My recipe for the cookies is from an ancient Betty Crocker Cookbook (you know the one, pg 218). It calls for a stick of butter.

I usually make up a pound of budder at a time. I usually use my slow cooker but I have used a double boiler once also. I throw a pound of butter in the crockpot with 1-2 oz of trim, depending on quality. I also add 4-6 cups of water. The water is used to make sure the budder doesn't burn. I put this on low and forget about it for at least six hours. I read one budder recipe that said leave it for 23 hours. I did this the first time and decided I wasn't gaining anything. I usually let it go 8-10 hours. As long as you have a nice dark green oil slick on top, you're good. Strain this mess through a couple of layers of cheesecloth in to a bowl or other suitable vessel large enough to hold all of the strained liquid. Throw out the soggy mulch, you don't need it anymore. Put the bowl of strained liquid in the fridge undisturbed until the butter has all floated to the top and hardened back into a solid. Now cut a small opening in the budder, like you are opening a can of tomato juice, and drain the water off. Careful, you don't want the budder to come loose from the bowl and fall in the sink. Yes, that is experience talking. Remove the slab of budder from the bowl and pat dry with a paper towel. You can now divide it into 4 equal wedges and put them into small freezer bags and freeze until you are ready to bake. It will keep for several months in the freezer. You can also leave some thawed in your fridge and spread it on your toast.

You can also do this with vegetable oil but you will want to use a double boiler on low. The crockpot method wont work because the oil doesn't solidify in the fridge. With this method you will only need to strain off the mulch as the water and oil are never together.

No matter what you decide, you don't have to decide right away. You can dry the trim in a paper grocery sack for several days. make sure you stir it a few times a day until it is dry to avoid mold and aid in drying. Then, pop it into gallon freezer bags and freeze it until you have time to deal with it. You will want the trim frozen for all of the cold water extraction methods anyhow.

I hope all of that made sense. I'm a little baked at the moment.
I love your garden.

P.S. If you decide to cull the hermie, make hash or budder out of it too.
Thanks McBudz, glad I didn't have to deliver that news. I have seen and heard of plants going hermie and showing that growth from inside the budz. Had a friend that had it happen to his Electric Fruitpunch. We dried, cured and smoked it anyway, not a bad smoke.
I wonder if indicas have more of a tendency to produce female pollen sacs?

Anyway, you are sure to get a few seeds because it's impossible to get all the bananas if they get going like the ones in your picture. I went through this on the last grow... be sure to get it away from your other plants unless you want seeds!

They will be femmed seeds, not hermie, though the offspring will have that banana sprouting trait.

Looking beautiful still granny! +reps
Those are def. male banana's.

How many are there? If just a few, spray area with some h20 and pinch off with tweezers or finger nails. Be careful dont want the pollen getting out. turn your fans off before attempting anything. If they are everywhere you may want to pull them as sad as it may sound.

Hi Granny:goodjob:

Yes, for sure get those banana's out of there.

Girl you've had a little of everything in your grow. :thedoubletake::cheesygrinsmiley::hmmmm::blushsmile::clown:

Sure is keeping you on your toes. :surf::surf::surf:

Big Hugs Back At You:ganjamon:

:hug::hug::hug:McBudz & OMM:hug::hug::hug:

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

I knew it was wishful thinking to wonder if they were new growth considering the rounder ones look exactly like very young male pollen balls. Mind you, those were macro shots so the growths are just beginning - hopefully they did not pollenate anything at this point.

DAMMIT!!! Both Medijuana have them in a number of buds. Well, balls or not this is extreme kick ass smoke. I guess the Medijuana is being harvested today cuz I can't risk the entire crop being pollinated. I have 7 clones of Medijuana and these are the plants they came from. I love this strain, so I will grow them up cuz I DO want more of this extremely strong strain... but at least I will know to watch them very closely.

I will also check the Blueberry closely (as I have been everything as best I can!) to see if there is any more than the one bud affected. If yes, that plant will be going to. Will report later on this.

Well, I guess ya can't have this big of a grow and not have a few casualties. At least at this stage of the game, the bud is very smokeable cuz my taste tests of small lower buds has been knock out! I will count my blessings and keep moving on. I sure am glad they weren't the only plants I had!!!

:thanks: both so much for responding so quickly!!! I just love the support here! Have a problem, just report it with a question and all my support crew comes to the rescue!!! :thanks: :thanks::thanks: !!!!!!!

:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: Major LOVE to you guys!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Hey Granny, Your garden is looking terrific! Sorry to hear about the hermie.

I wanted to mention canna-butter to you as another alternative for all of the trim you are going to have. I really want to try and make hash in the near future. I'll start with the gumby hash. If I like that, I'll stick with it because I really don't want to lay out a bunch of cash for bubble bags.

...... .......

No matter what you decide, you don't have to decide right away. You can dry the trim in a paper grocery sack for several days. make sure you stir it a few times a day until it is dry to avoid mold and aid in drying. Then, pop it into gallon freezer bags and freeze it until you have time to deal with it. You will want the trim frozen for all of the cold water extraction methods anyhow.

I hope all of that made sense. I'm a little baked at the moment.
I love your garden.

P.S. If you decide to cull the hermie, make hash or budder out of it too.

:hug::hug::hug:Potpie!!:hug::hug::hug: So very good to see you again honey!!! :thanks: so much for the canna budder info! I will try this down the road - it sounds wonderful!!! And I like yer thoughts on how to dry the trim in paper bags... I had wondered where in the heck I am going to dry the trim and this is a wonderful idea. I had thought maybe I would use open boxes with fairly thin layers of leaf and flip the leaves often during the intital drying period to avoid mold... then maybe I can brown bag it to finish drying it?

Anyone else have any suggestions on drying trim?
I wonder if indicas have more of a tendency to produce female pollen sacs?

Anyway, you are sure to get a few seeds because it's impossible to get all the bananas if they get going like the ones in your picture. I went through this on the last grow... be sure to get it away from your other plants unless you want seeds!

They will be femmed seeds, not hermie, though the offspring will have that banana sprouting trait.

Looking beautiful still granny! +reps

:hug::hug::hug:OBX:hug::hug::hug: Considering it is both the mainly indica strains showing them... this is a a good question! The images were macro shots, so the bananas look larger than what they actually are. I believe they are just forming and hope they have not pollinated anything at this point. Guess time will tell! I'm not going to mess with keeping the Medijuana around cuz I don't want to risk pollinating anything else - don't need a seedy crop! I'm just grateful to have found them in the jungle!!!

I'm getting out my magnifier and going on a male ball quest - LOOK OUT GUYS CUZ I'M CUTTING ANYTHING I SEE WITH BALLS!!! Good thing the hubby is at work!!!:thedoubletake:


Pardon me while I re adjust my jaw, been hanging around my navel for the past few minutes while I played catch up on the bud porn. Looks like Tahoe in Feb.

I KNEW you'd be putting up mouth watering shots way back when these beauties were little tykes, bench pressing clumps of soil.

Gonja Goddess was never more deserving. Fantastic job:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I had to close Wanda's door, didn't want her seeing your crop, she'd get sooooo jealous.

As far as the suspected pollen sacs, take the bull by the horns and crack one of those babies open....carefully of course. I have my doubts if they are pollen sacs. Wanda's doing some weird shit lately herself as far as late blooming growths go.

I'll bet the high is spiritual:cheesygrinsmiley:
granny420 I've heard alot about this grow and just started to read the first couple of pages but I will finish the whole grow so I can keep following Sounds good so far and I will be stopping by frequently.
:hug::hug::hug:Potpie!!:hug::hug::hug: So very good to see you again honey!!! :thanks: so much for the canna budder info! I will try this down the road - it sounds wonderful!!! And I like yer thoughts on how to dry the trim in paper bags... I had wondered where in the heck I am going to dry the trim and this is a wonderful idea. I had thought maybe I would use open boxes with fairly thin layers of leaf and flip the leaves often during the intital drying period to avoid mold... then maybe I can brown bag it to finish drying it?

Anyone else have any suggestions on drying trim?

Hey Granny, I tend to keep a low profile but I have been watching your grow the entire time. You have a lot to be proud of. Be sure to call the hubby and tell him to stay away until the sharp implements have been returned to storage.

Your box idea will work great too. Keep up the awesome work.
Gobble Gobble Gobble!!!

:hug::hug::hug::hug:Happy Thanksgiving To ALL!!:hug::hug::hug::hug:

Only here for a short while finishing the cooking... major family gathering (as with most of you!) later this afternoon.

Hope ya all have a GREAT DAY and have many blessings to be thankful for (even those terrible 2's and 3's!!). I sure do. I am blessed in so many areas of my life ... I am so grateful. But 'nough deep thought...

:hug::hug::hug:OldSkoool:hug::hug::hug: You silly man - you put some pretty intense porn of Wanda, so much that my mouth waters!!!! She can stand proud against any of my babes!!! Also, I did harvest the 3 plants in question already so no going back... but I also wondered if it was some other type of growth. But when you look at the image, it sure does look exactly like very young male pollen sacs look. If I didn't have a ton of other plants to worry about, I would have waited to see what happened with the growth... but I just can't risk pollination with so many females primed to accept the pollen. I'll be posting harvest pics (and more rambling!!!) in just a bit. And honey... thank you so much for your compliments on the images. I'm getting the macro down and find I have to use the flash and tungent to get better highlights of what I want. But I take a TON of photos to come up with a few good ones!!!

:hug::hug::hug:blacken:hug::hug::hug: You silly! :biglaugh:

:hug::hug::hug:McBudz:hug::hug::hug: I bought the Medijuana via amsterdamwebtrading.com and they were not femmed. I was just loving this plant, with the exception of the yield (definitely smaller at this point). But it is very very powerful smoke with a unique and strong aroma ... flavor is there for sure, but my samples were not cured so I look for this to be even better as the green taste lessens. I keep wondering if I did something that maybe caused the indicas stress and turned them hermie. The strong indica strains (Medijuana and Blueberry) did NOT tollerate the LST as well as the mixed strains. It seemed to just make them grow taller and less full. Thus, further grows of clones of these strains are simply being let grow. I will watch them all close for any hermie production.

:welcome: and granny hugs :hug::hug::hug:Ray Gun:hug::hug::hug: I love the image you chose!!! wild and free... that is what it brings to me!!! So does MJ!!! Why we're both here, eh? Great to see ya honey!!!

:hug::hug::hug:PotPie:hug::hug::hug: Hi sweetie!!! LOL!!! Yep, I made sure hubby was gone when the sharp instruments were out! :rofl: Next, I'll be putting up some images of granny's drying boxes... we'll see how they work cuz this is all new to me!!!

Be back in a few...
Day 45 of flowering the following plants were harvested due to growing those dastardly balls that we all so do not want in our flower room.

I stressed these plants from seedlings. Thus I wonder if that had anything to do with them turning hermie. These were all also indicas and I think may have grown totally different if grown more in a SOG type grow with shorter veg time and no LST. I will find out cuz I do have clones of all.

As for ending yield, I don't expect near the yield from any of the indicas that I expect from the mixed strains. I feel the yield per space taken may be much different if grown in a way it maybe prefers... will be testing this theory. As for these, since they are being harvested early I have even less expectations for yield... will report when they are dried.

First, the Medijuana...
Two Medijuana plants, day 45 of flower. Harvest was supposed to be day 56 to 63. Since I have tested some bottom buds of this one, I absolutely know this one packs an extremely powerful punch so at least the smoke will be good. This flavor is definitely NOT for the light smoker... too much (which I rarely find I can smoke) had me feelin' like I was gonna pass out... and the high lasted a very very very long time.

Here are both Medijuana before the harvest...

The measuring stick is 36". These plants grew tall, but did not fill in as thick as the mixed strains - wish I could have seen them thru to the end. The buds are very dense tho and are saturated with trichs.

Medijuana 10, the shorter plant. This one was set back with a transplant and grown to 10" tall when put to flower.

And Medijuana 1 was LST'd, but didn't seem to like it. It did grow taller and put out more branches, but again... I wonder if these wouldn't have grown a nice thick main cola had they been grown differently. It was put to flower at 12" tall.

And here they are hangin' in my plain ol' DIY dryer boxes.

I read something similar to this box in the 420magazine forums. I need a way to separate all the strains and thought boxes could stack easily in the drying room if I use boxes. As they dry, I will close the fronts to reduce the ventilation to keep my dry progressing slowly.

The tools for this method are pretty simple.
Clothes line
Washers (probably optional)
Wire cutters


I used scissors to poke a hole in each side of the box for each line. I hung them low enough for my hand to fit above the lines. I used the washers on the end to keep the line from making a hole, but don't know that I needed them. Below is a fuzzy pic of the outside of the box and what I did with the line to stabolize it.

What can I say - it looks like it will work!

I have neglected updating how my veg and drying rooms work. Hopefully the image below will show a little. These 2 rooms are closets on either side of a small hall area.

In the image below, you can see the vents I have running out of the veg side of the hall area. The top vents all operate by exiting air and are built into layered cardboard which I used to seal the top of the open doorwar. I am not able to damage anything, so I'm limited to construction themes. This worked for me. One of the top vents is connected to the 250w MH light and two have small fans, all are pushing air out the top. Since the drying room would be very cold if closed up so no light gets in (what I needed), I ran the veg room vent heat out of the veg room and into the drying room. I have tested and thus far it kept the drying room in the 60's (F) instead of in the 40's and 50's. Hopefully it will all work!

The bottom is a peice of subfloor which I cut holes into for the bottom vents which bring air into the closet to cool the room. This wood section is portable so I can open up the closet. Every night I have to shut this down. I'll try to show better pics of this sometime soon. For now, I guess ya just get to see the veg side ventilation from the outside.

So, on to the Blueberry. I found 4 buds with those hermie growths without looking too hard... so BB3 was also harvested at day 45 of flower. Blueberry has a flower to harvest time of 56 to 70 days and further research suggested leaving this strain to the 70 days to get a late bud growth spurt and the nice color changes this strain is known for. Alas, I lowered the yield greatly and do not know how the smoke will be cuz I haven't tested this one yet.

I can say the smell of this Blueberry while harvesting was as strong as the Medijuana smelled. It was very intense. My fingers got very sticky with both strains and I got to make a lil bit of finger hash for the first time in my life!

Below is the Blueberry and my veg room's ventilation ducts.

And here she is ... disappointing yield in the drying box...

And yes, trim has now started. Below is from the Blueberry...

And the reason the trim should definitely be saved... a closeup of the BACK of a leaf in the above box...

Thus ends the harvest of the 3 hermies in the midst. I guess I had a really low Male to Female ratio, so this was par for the course. I will move on to finishing the rest of the girls in style!!!

Thai Tanic update next... and last for the day...
The first Thai Tanic has been stuck in a back area of the room and has been very hard to get to for pics. Today is her day.

Keep in mind when I use the flash when taking pics, I have found it highlights the colas and buds better, but causes distorted colors in the leaves. All my plants are a nice healthy green - the pics just don't look as good in just green!

First, a top view of Thai Tanic 1, day 46 of flower with a flowering period of 63 to 84 days. I love the fat nugs on this strain and this plant has a a number of colas in her upper area as you can see below.

Then I'm going to highlight 3 DIFFERENT colas from her top area... just cuz they are so pretty.
Cola 1:

Cola 2:

Cola 3:

I think the yield on this one has potential. :Rasta: But I must end with a closeup of the trichs on her just so ya know they are doin' fine oh fine...

:hug::hug::hug::hug:HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO ALL!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug:
What breeder did the medijuana come from? certain breeders I have had horrible luck with. DP twilight for example, every single seed hermed out in 3-4 weeks of flowering. Right after the stretch. These were femmed seeds.

They had to come from AMS. I believe they only come, unfimed'
I have searched all over for them.:smokin:
What breeder did the medijuana come from? certain breeders I have had horrible luck with. DP twilight for example, every single seed hermed out in 3-4 weeks of flowering. Right after the stretch. These were femmed seeds.

They had to come from AMS. I believe they only come, unfimed'
I have searched all over for them.:smokin:

:hug::hug::hug:OMM & McBudz:hug::hug::hug:

Sorry! Yesterday I put amsterdamwebtrading cuz that is where the email came from for the order, but I went back to the website after reading OMM's comment this morning - yes they came from AMS, amsterdammarijuanaseeds

I also bought the White Widow and Super Nova Chronic from AMS. All of those are thus far looking real good with no hermie traits. I guess I am not so much to blame the seed company as I am to wonder if it is something I did or if it is something environmentally related that is stressing the indicas.

I have 7 Medijuana clones and 3 Blueberry clones (from the hermie plants). Two of the BB I've already put to flower (have 4 more BB in flower at present). I am NOT LSTing these indica clones and am putting them to flower earlier than I did the original plants. We will see if this makes any difference in them becoming hermie and in how they fill out and yield. I have thought all along that these strains did not like the LST... guess only time will tell if there is any difference. I would consider not planting anymore of them, but I just love the Medijuana's extreme high. I will make sure I watch these plants very close as I grow them.

Got a busy day going, but had to get back to you on the seed company!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I am having much fun watching your grow, granny! I am sorry to hear about the hermies... but it does show me what to look for if I am ever to encounter one. The trichs on your plants is making me a bit jealous, haha. How long do you figure the widow takes to flower? I've heard 8 weeks, but its just hard to fathom such a strong smoke coming from a 8 week flowering plant
Clothes line. Wow, that took me back. Had to laugh when I saw your clothes lined dry box. Have one set up in a similar fashion, all set up for Wanda.

Thanks for the kind words regarding Wanda.

Sorry about the hermies Granny.

But the rest of the grow is fantastic!

Fun thing about the flash is how it lights up the trich's like laser beams. Those are some fabulous colas going on, you should be very proud of yourself! And every bit of it quality weed.

Have a room for rent?
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