1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

Ok, I just can't get outta here til I get caught up - cuz EVERY ONE OF MY 420 FAMILY IS IMPORTANT TO ME!!!

So... fill a bowl...

and continue... :yummy:

GROOVY Granny, so how do you write checks with sticky fingers? Beautiful pics of the first real harvest. I'll be looking forward to more. Take care Ganny.

((((((siscokid)))))) LOL! Great question! When I am done upstairs for the day, I smell heavenly (to me), but I have to take a nice bath to clear that wonderful aroma and all resin off of me! The worst is tryin' to take pics when cleaning plants cuz I get resin all over my camera! I have to take alcohol wipes to the camera regularly cuz of all the resin I been leavin' on it. Oh my... what a problem, eh??? I'M NOT COMPLAINING!!!

beautiful harvest granny. Now the most important part, the dry and cure. Cant wait for final smoke report. Congrats

(((((((((((((((((((McBudz))))))))))))))))))))))) MY SWEET MENTOR!!! It is SO WONDERFUL to see you!!! I know ya probably drop in and check without leavin' messages... but honey, I have MISSED YOU!!! Thank you so much for your nice comments, your inspiration, your help EVERY time I needed it, and just for bein' the McBudz Studz I love so very much!!! I ho ho hope you have an especially great Holiday season!!!! My gratitude and love ALWAYS, honey!!!

Well done Granny, very well done. I'm just wondering how you are going to go cold Turkey and stop growing in the spring? ;)I just finished my second grow and I can't wait to start a third! Congrats on a job well done. I know you still have a lot of work left before you stop but now you can truly start enjoying the fruits of your labors. Woo hoo, I can finally rep ya again. +reps and RESPECT!


I was wondering the same thing. It is a great feeling to kick back and smoke some killer bud and know that you grew it yourself. I'm one of those people who like to be as self-reliant as possible. I do as much as I can myself. I try to make/grow as many of my wants/needs as possible. I don't think I could ever stop growing. Even if I stopped smoking....I'd still want to grow.

((((((PotPie)))))) AND ((((((mr-natural)))))) First, thank you both so much for the wonderful support and nice comments!!! Then... as for stopping... I will have 9 different stains and a whole lotta medicine to last Granny a very long time. I made a promise to my hubby - it's as simple as that. I will stop and unless things change in our area, I will not be growing again. I thank my hubby for not divorcing me when I INSISTED upon this grow... I thank him for not making me stop this last few weeks when HE has smelled it downstairs and outside, no instead he has supported me in trying to figure out how to conquer the smell AND by keeping visitors OUT of our home and away from the smell during that time. He worries greatly (but does not complain) and nothing will relieve his worries until this is over. And he has EVERY right to his personal feelings AND our home being used for this grow. So, in the end it will not be a problem - I WILL BE DONE.

Now, if you want to know if it will be easy - NO. As I think everyone can tell - I LOVE THIS. I wish I could grow again in the future (every strong strain out there! LOL) - but absolutely KNOW I won't unless as I said, there are changes that take place in the future in our area. I can hope for that, but do not count on it happening in my lifetime. If it would, you can bet yer sweet fanny that I'll be growin' tho!!!

But no matter what the future brings, I think I chose some excellent strains and a good variety... so Granny IS HAPPY, VERY HAPPY, and will be for a very long time. All is good in my world and no one needs to feel bad for me cuz I have to stop. It'll give me a whole lot more time to come support all of you AND new members to 420magazine!

Actually... in nursing school (am a retired RN), we had to take a lot of psych classes. We learned about Maslow's heirarchy of needs repeatedly. In this pyramid of human needs, it lists "self-actualization" at the top of the pyramid. This is when all in your life is at it's top and a person feels they have acheived all they would ever want - but ppl only get there at certain times of their lives and it is temporary. I thought my life was complete with my family - hubby, the boys, the girls they married, and my grandchildren - they are my world and they make me complete... but personally I feel I have acheived even more here with this grow. Personally, this leads me right up there to the peak at the top of that damn pyramid of self-actualization!! It is something I have ALWAYS wanted to do (on my bucket list) and I am extremely satisfied and happy with being able to accomplish this!!!

And I wish my hubby could share my extreme joy, but he doesn't... so I am forever grateful FOR ALL OF YOU. EACH OF YOU have given me exactly what I was missing here - the support and love of growin' yer own. So THANK YOU for sharin' this wonderful feeling with me and don't worry that it's just a temporary grow for me - I'm gonna have enough to smoke for a very long time and my life is as full of joy as it could ever get!!!

I know... I was a bit windy there!!! On to a new message to finish up.!!
How sweet they look in their cardboard confinement. Most excellent Granny, most excellent! Going to be interesting to see how long they take to dry before you begin curing them. Mine seemed to dry out quicker than I had expected at 6 days. I chalk it up to bud density, why I'm curious about your dry time(s).

Fantasic job Granny.

((((((OldSkoool)))))) Hi honey!!! Isn't the cardboard hilarious?!! LOL It is working real good. What did you use with Wanda?

Somewhere here at 420magazine, someone wrote about using boxes as an option for drying. I am using a remodeled room and closets, so I don't want to put holes in the wall so I thought this sounds inexpensive and like it would work fine... and it does!

I leave the front open until they start loosing some moisture, then I close them partially (but still at least 6 inches open) to lessen the air flow, then I close the box completely when the outer leaves are starting to feel crisp. From there I have let them dry until the stems snap (read that repeatedly in every curing info there was!!!). At this point they are VERY dry so I clean it, weigh it, and put her in jars. The hermies were smaller than the latest harvest - they took about a week to stem snaps. I think the density of the WW and LD will most likely lengthen this time.

Then I have checked jars daily, but there has been no further moisture in them so I have not left them open, simply closed them back up. The aroma has sure changed tho! All strains so far have strong aromas. The Medijuana and Blueberry are sweet smelling and taste divine. I can't even describe what the AK-47 smells like right now in it's early cure stage - very unique and undescribable at present.

I am holding off complete smoke reports on the hermies tho, except to say they all are covered with trichs and kick my butt even if harvested early! But they didn't get to complete so I will give comparison reports on early harvest versus later harvest (with amber trichs) when/if I have those strains go all the way for me. If I can't get any to not go hermie of these strains, I'll give a report when I know that too.

Also it's hard to do a good smoke report when I keep smokin' a little of this... and a little of that... and then a little of the other... and here was a small lower stem with small buds of something that broke while I was LITERALLY CRAWLING my way thru the jungle to water, so I don't even know what it was, but I had to smoke it too...

... and before ya know it, I'm with siscokid singing "I got stoned and I missed it... I got stoned and I missed it... I got sto.. on...ed... oh me oh my.. yyy yyy.... "

and then I'm howlin' just like in the song... and dancin' around.... and realize...

I got stoned and I missed what flavor I was smokin'! OH ME OH MY!!!

Silly Granny!!!! Mustta all been good! And anyone who hasn't listened needs to go back to where siscokid put the audio in my journal (LOVED THAT!). You can find it HERE

Back at the rest of ya later!!! I might be able to keep up better ifen I wasn't so LONG WINDED!!! EEK!
Hi Granny Love.

Here is proof that people should not mess with Granny's:rofl:

Lawyers should never ask a grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.

In a trial, a small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?'
She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'

She again replied, ' Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a
youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,
'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.'


(((((((((((OMM)))))))))))) LOL!!!! Just couldn't leave without replyin' to this one!! :rofl:

Yep - don't mess with granny! LOL

haha thats great!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:welcome:AgentGee:welcome: Hi honey! Welcome to Granny's family! Look out tho - cuz there's some fun lovin' folks in our family!
Just got caught up again. Looking great Granny. +rep

((((((Scooby)))))) So good to see ya, honey! It's gettin' hard to keep up, isn't it?!? EEK!!!

Hey Granny,

I've been lurking, but had to drop in and thank you for the lemongrass tip - I've been having smell control problems lately, and that sounds liike a perfect compliment to the carbon filter.

If that water heater sized filter can't get it all, there's no way my little can can!

Hugs from the east... :peace:

((((((OBX)))))) Hi honey!!!! YW - please let me know how it works for you - and go easy on amounts cuz this stuff is real concentrated and packs a heck of a lemony aroma! It really doesn't take much. I thought that MOTHER *&#^@$ SCRUBBER would take care of the aroma too... and in the end it takes another herb to rid the smell of the first herb! GO HERBAL!!!

Seriously tho, I'm sure a lot of ppl here would love to know if this works for others... so please let us all know whatcha honestly think.

And anyone thinkin' about gettin' the mother of scrubbers... make sure ya have a movin' crew hired to help ya get the huge sucker in place!!! :Rasta:
Nice harvest granny!!!! All of those ladies look lovely and I bet the smoke will be even better.

Great Job Granny!!!

((((((MI-grower)))))) Hi honey!!! Thank you so much... I am really looking forward to both of these strains. I haven't quick dried anything to test... but soon... very soon... :yummy:

Good morning to you Granny420! Nothing like a fresh cup of joe and a nice pic. of some TT. I can't imagine all that meat hanging, and I love the picture you portray of your grandkids labels, my kids put there mark 3' and below on all of our walls and furniture,(thanks to there granny) never let her babysit again!

Hope ya have a nice day and take care.

Much love and respect!

((((((siscokid)))))) Well it wouldn't have been a day of replies if I didn't get one out to my siscokid!!! The labels are so soooooo cute - but maybe not on the walls! LOL!!!

I gotta tip for you tho... MAGIC ERASER This pad works on a ton of things, one of which is marks on walls, floors, etc left by little ones. Hubby discovered this when working one day. He had a pen that broke and got ink on a lady's brand new vinyl floor. He tried everything he had to clean it in his work vehicle... and nothing worked. So he looked under the lady's sink to see what she had and MAGIC ERASER was all he could find. He moistened it and it worked like magic, immediately.

We bought a brand new Broncho II many years ago when our oldest two were 3 and 5 years old. Two weeks later the boys were playin' outside on our farm. I kept checkin' on them, but then I looked outside and they weren't there... I went lookin' and found them in the garage. Each of them had a nail in their hands and they were taking the sharp point and scraping it down the length of our brand new vehicle. Egads, I was NOT happy! Magic Eraser couldn't cure that one!!!

So sorry yer granny didn't keep up with the kids so well - next time let her watch them at HER house! That'll cure that problem!!! And... maybe you could leave her a Magic Eraser when ya drop the kids off! :Rasta:

Love ya honey!!!
lovin those harvest picts granny. SOrry I havent been around. Just really really busy w/ all the family doen for the holidays. So I wanted to make sure I stoped by and showwed some love to granny. Great work granny. And a happy holidays to you and yours. Best wiches granny..
hey granny, remember when we were both like, man its taking for ever to get into flower. . . now look at us, up to our buds in ears, or something like that!!!

your pics are awesome, your closeups make me envious of both your lenses and your colas, and you plants are all beaut's!!! the holiday season is upon us granny, lets rock and roll baby!

looking good grandma, looking gooooood,
(((((((((((((((((((McBudz))))))))))))))))))))))) MY SWEET MENTOR!!! It is SO WONDERFUL to see you!!! I know ya probably drop in and check without leavin' messages... but honey, I have MISSED YOU!!! Thank you so much for your nice comments, your inspiration, your help EVERY time I needed it, and just for bein' the McBudz Studz I love so very much!!! I ho ho hope you have an especially great Holiday season!!!! My gratitude and love ALWAYS, honey!!!

I am always in and out admiring your plants granny, I just dont always speak up ;) Loving your results and you take great pics. You should email the full high res shots to photos@420magazine.com and they may end up in our upcoming print editions. Hempy Holidays to you and yours Granny.
:hippy:Oh, no I wouldn't send my kids to her house, they would come back skinny and drunk, she has a drinking prob. She just admitted to that last month and still has to have a box of wine wherever she goes.

I would rather my kids trash my place...

Not the fam. car! You little..... I'll...... wait till your father gets here and sees this! lol
I can imagine...

Please have your selfs a merry little Christmas and take care Granny, You will be in my thoughts and in my stories for my friends.:peace:
:hippy:Oh, no I wouldn't send my kids to her house, they would come back skinny and drunk, she has a drinking prob. She just admitted to that last month and still has to have a box of wine wherever she goes.

I would rather my kids trash my place...

Not the fam. car! You little..... I'll...... wait till your father gets here and sees this! lol
I can imagine...

Please have your selfs a merry little Christmas and take care Granny, You will be in my thoughts and in my stories for my friends.:peace:

In reading this, I heard a song in the back of my head from way back in the past ....

"Wait 'til you father gets ... wait 'til your father gets ... wait 'til your father gets home!"

Wait Till Your Father Gets Home (1972)
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Man I'm getting old!
ha ha ha with all the trics on those buds
im surprised nobody made a snow joke/pun since its x-mas =P
have some happy holidays oh grand mama ^_^

happy holidays to all =D

Granny def has a White Christmas in store .. lol
:thanks: Granny420 What else can I say that has not been said. A Very Merry Christmas to YOU and your family! You are a Special member We are glad to know! Wishing you only the BEST for the upcoming 2010 Trich Snow. You are a Sweetheart to all here on 420. We all love your special personal replies, so Funny! You are our Special Person and we thank you for that! It is great to have you here you bring so much joy to all ! Continue to do what you do Grow buds so fat!. We Enjoy your presence, That is a fact, Please Have a Wonderful holiday fulled with plenty and have a Joyful New Year! God Bless our Granny 420! :roorrip: :peace:
Hey Granny! Happy Christmas and Merry New Year... yeah, I'm dyslexic.

The lemon grass oil got here today, and it works great! Thanks for the tip. The whole house smells like Thai cooking. Man, I'm hungry...

Hope you have a great holiday granny, you are an inspiration.
Thank you so much for taking time to notice my first post! That was one of the things that stood out while I was just surfing before, to open sharing and attention each poster received! Some one is really reading! Than you again for the inspiration granny, I am so excited to see yours finishing knowing mine will flower in mere days. I only hope I have half the results you have shown! And from me and mine to you and yours a very merry christmas and a very very prosperous 2010!
:welcome:AgentGee:welcome: Hi honey! Welcome to Granny's family! Look out tho - cuz there's some fun lovin' folks in our family!

haha, I've been with you since the start just reading, watching, soaking everything up like a sponge love it. just haven't posted because I just recently became a member. Merry Christmas to all!!!:roorrip:

Wish I had more time... but have watering, 8 plants to repot, 3 dried plants to clean and jar, and 5 plants to harvest in 6 hours (EEK!)... and then wrap a ton of presents, cook, clean, prepare for a few days of family Christmas fun. But I just had to get in and give what I could for the last pics before the holiday. This will be the fastest post ever!

Ok... harvest is pretty much being dictated by the plants themselves. Have 3 Super Nova Chronic and another Thai Tanic that went hermie on me and are being harvested today. At least all but one are on time for harvest anyway, with one TT being early. And I also have to harvest a Cheese that has fan leaves turned so yellow that it has to be harvested.

I'll start with the Thai Tanic (TT1) that I harvested on Monday 12/21. She was perfect (NO hermie here) and on Day 71 of flower. First with all her biggest fan leaves removed.

Then top colas...

And some trichs...

And TT1 all boxed to dry...

Then I will highlight the hermie Thai Tanic I am harvesting today. The early bird Thai Tanic really annoyed me to find female pollen sacs sprouting everywhere as it began it's last growth spurt. But it did fill out nicely before that. She only gets a couple pics cuz she annoyed me so badly!!! She was built almost exactly like the first TT shown here, but didn't get to finish her last fill in.

One of her colas...

And her trichs along with one of the many female pollen sacs that are on her...

Gonna start a new message for the next strain. See ya there!
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