2nd grow, White Widow: One is different then the others?


Well-Known Member
Hello 420 :green_heart:
On my second grow of White Widow looking for feedback on one of the plants that is not acting like the others.
The one I am concerned with seems to be growing much wider with slower bud growth. No deficiencies that I can see.
My ph runoff is running at 6.5 consistently.

The only difference between this plant and the other 2 white widows is that it is growing right under the HPS 400 light. The other 2 plants are growing under the LED 600W.
The all started out looking the same, until I stopped rotating them around the lights and kept this one under theHPS.

Now, is it being just under the HPS 400 that is making the growth different? Has anyone had this problem growing under HPS and LED?
Or is this plant a mutant? I have included a picture of my regular growth top (#2 WW) and a closeup pic also of the top of plant #1.
The picture of the full plant (#1-tops) is the one in question.
As I am very inexperienced, I have no idea if the plant if viable, or has it stunted its buds somehow, or is it just a slow poke?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

My setup
4 x 4 x 80'' hydroponic mylar grow tent
indoor grow/soil
One LED 600W, one HPS 400 W
5 gallon pots
2 clip on fans, one 10'' fan
Temperature 70 F - 80F (no more then 10 degrees temp change when lights are off)
All 3 plants using same bloom and bloom boost nutrients
Keeping tops of plants 16'' away from both lights (seems to be the sweet spot)

Bloom time - they have been in bloom cycle since Oct 24, (30 - 40 more days to harvest)

Just like having kids, no two are truly alike

Different phenos of the same Strains can be very very different

They look great, roll with it and enjoy the differences
Just like having kids, no two are truly alike

Different phenos of the same Strains can be very very different

They look great, roll with it and enjoy the differences

Thank you very much Chris. Very happy to hear!
Are you growing from seed or clones?
They look very nice Rose!
Thank You. :green_heart:
Grown from seeds in soil. 2nd grow but still puzzling over my “mutant” growth (attached pic)
All other White Widow girls looking and acting like should, This picture was taken Dec. 7, while my others continue to grow and frost on schedule. She is very mischievous and hiding all her buds under all those leaves :confused:
Comments very much welcomed on this mystery of mine.
Huge differences between those two lights... I just have problems believing that 16" is the sweet spot for both of them... I think herein lies the problem you are trying to figure out. I agree with the others though, sometimes the same plants will act differently even under the same light, and sometimes you never know why. Sometimes I think it is the way I pack the soil in one pot over another, whether I hurried a transplant or not... so many factors can make slight but profound differences in the final product. Bottom line, your plants look great! Keep experimenting with those sweet spots on the lights though...
Thank You. :green_heart:
Grown from seeds in soil. 2nd grow but still puzzling over my “mutant” growth (attached pic)
All other White Widow girls looking and acting like should, This picture was taken Dec. 7, while my others continue to grow and frost on schedule. She is very mischievous and hiding all her buds under all those leaves :confused:
Comments very much welcomed on this mystery of mine.

Well I don't grow in soil, but being grown from seed it could be different pheno's. Hell like my buddy says, he don't trust seed companies, that they pour all the seeds on the table mix them up and pick the number you buy. LOL He has had seeds of the same strain that have been so different that they could not be from the same strain. The size, leaf shape, fragrance and ever the stone was different.

You plants do look nice, as you continue to learn and experiment you may at some point want to look into growing in coco.
Who's WW are you growing, Most WW strains are 56 to 60 plus days and you will be at 8 weeks tomorrow.

Good luck to ya.
Well I don't grow in soil, but being grown from seed it could be different pheno's. Hell like my buddy says, he don't trust seed companies, that they pour all the seeds on the table mix them up and pick the number you buy. LOL He has had seeds of the same strain that have been so different that they could not be from the same strain. The size, leaf shape, fragrance and ever the stone was different.

You plants do look nice, as you continue to learn and experiment you may at some point want to look into growing in coco.
Who's WW are you growing, Most WW strains are 56 to 60 plus days and you will be at 8 weeks tomorrow.

Good luck to ya.

They are Crop King Feminized WW. I had 4 going the last grow and they took 70 - 80 days days for the trichomes to be ready. Harvested 2 plants at 70 and 2 at 80 days. I was very pleased with this strain WW.
This odd one will be going 80 days by the look of her.

I grow in soil as it helps to center me when I’m around it. I’m the first one out in the spring as soon as the snow melts. :love: Growing vegetables and perrinials for 40 years, it’s hard not to get out of the dirt now. It must be the old hippy in me. Even the smell of dirt makes me happy
Loving having a garden indoors. I will be checking out the “auto” flowering plants, hoping to grow one of those ladies by itself, once I figure out which LED light will be best suited for the new grow space I am planning. Awesome info and support here, you guys make this learning curve much easier for me.
Ol' Hippy, I am 71 and been smoking since I was 15. I am an ol' hippy. LOL
HI Rosie. I'm with you and soil growing. Been doing it organically since the early 70s maybe even earlier. I've been gardening for a long time. Built my first compost bin from a design I saw in popular mechanics.... was way before internet. lol

Its working for you too. Plants look great. That big one could be a polyploid. I have 1 going now. I always want to cull them as they are more work than they are worth but sometimes we get some good strong meds from them. Lots of time its mostly more leaves which is a pain come trim time. Extra chromosomes at play and why the bigger size.

I like it when they get big.

GL with your run down to harvest.
HI Rosie. I'm with you and soil growing. Been doing it organically since the early 70s maybe even earlier. I've been gardening for a long time. Built my first compost bin from a design I saw in popular mechanics.... was way before internet. lol

Its working for you too. Plants look great. That big one could be a polyploid. I have 1 going now. I always want to cull them as they are more work than they are worth but sometimes we get some good strong meds from them. Lots of time its mostly more leaves which is a pain come trim time. Extra chromosomes at play and why the bigger size.

I like it when they get big.

GL with your run down to harvest.

Hi Bob. Thank you very much for giving a name to my mutant White Widow :thanks:
Looks like it will be the last one to harvest. I will do some research and get to know that girl better.
This being only my second grow, I have only used the black gold #4 soil, but I am hoping to go to organic live soil this spring. Many growers around me take soil from the Grand River we have running through our town for the base. I’m looking forward to playing around with this dirt for indoor and outdoor growing.
Happy Growing!
Well while you're down by the river, look for Horsetail Ferns. Harvest a bunch and hang dry and jar it up. They are an unusual looking plant so will stick out from the rest - stinging nettles are another good one.

Soil down at the river should be pretty good. I'd look higher up the bank where the black soil is and dig that up. Look for worms then dig. Thats how I do it when I'm wild crafting in the woods for goodies.
The mystery continues with this mutant monster. I have harvested my other 2 plants, one at 65 days and one at 68 days.
I was worried I would loose some bud quantity with this big plant taking up space. I tucked the mutant in the corner of the tent as I wanted to see what she would actually grow into once she has the lights and tent to herself :hmmmm:

My first grow was averaging 8 oz.per plant, (White Widow fem). With this grow I achieved 8 oz. on one, 5 oz. on the other, but I do believe it was the genetics of the White Widow, not the lack of space that gave me the lower amount.

I have added two pictures, one of the mutant plant itself still growing, and the other picture showing it (#1) beside my usual looking White Widow 4 days into flowering.
She continues to amaze me. On the upper left branch, there is a double bud head, she acts more like a vine, twisting and turning to reach the light. In between each leave, there is a bud. She is now 78 days into flower, pulling her at 80 days to harvest. The buds are now swelling and smelling. As luck would have it, my trim helper is away, its going to take hours trimming her up :eek: Will update on the harvest of this one if I ever get her trimmed. :(
Those are the leafiest buds I've ever seen-trimming is definitely going to be a project.
Beautiful plant...even if she is a mutant!
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