300W LED 2x4x5 Tent Soil Grow

Its just a regular mars hydro 300w, no reflectors. Cant leave my oscillating fan on low the temp goes up to 79.. oh well at least i dont have to have my exhaust on high all the time. Got some pics before and after lights out.. used a desk lamp for the lighting after lights went out, weird to see them in that lighting.

Squeezed some of the buds a little and my fingers were pretty sticky haha and the smell was very strong, almost too strong lol so happy i have that filter my place would smell like crazy. They look great very happy ladies! .








Wow adding that 2nd light really made a diff. Did you get the one with the 5w chips? And which one is brighter the vipar or mars?
Yea they both have 5w chips and 60 diodes so its almost impossible to say which is brighter.. the viparspectra looks brighter but i only think its cause of the spectrum difference. The mars hydro looks brighter when you look directly at it, its weird the leds are some what different.. the viparspectra has lenses over the leds or something and the mars hydro is just one flat board of 60 uncovered diodes.
Hmm i wonder what the differences are? I want to buy a new light or build a cob myself. It doesnt seem too over complicated as it is a hassle to get everything ordered and build it all
Hmm i wonder what the differences are? I want to buy a new light or build a cob myself. It doesnt seem too over complicated as it is a hassle to get everything ordered and build it all

Vipar has a lens cover that is supposed to add magnification and plant penetration. I have 2 600w Vipars in a 4x4 and just one on is bright with both it is killer. If looking at cob there are some diy kits out there but building safe housing for the lights seems not the easiest and some welding. They do make a 200w single cob now though which makes it much more versatile. Spent a lot of time looking at lights. Hope that helps a bit.
Just to reiterate i believe the viparspectra is better for veg and the mars hydro will be better for flower. It does seem the viparspectras light penetrates lower then the mars hydro but the mars hydro seems to have a slighty better footprint. Not much difference though both footprints suck major donkey dick imo lol
Thats probably how all lower wattage leds are though.. oh well you just need a couple of them and you are good to go!

If i open the window in the room the closet and tent are in and open another window in the dining room it sucks air through the closet rooms window so my tent gets nice fresh air whenever i want it to! i usually only open it when its 50 or lower rh outside though, so mostly during the day. Dont wanna be sucking humid air into the tent. Its been getting below 40 rh in the tent during lights on and in the upper 50s during lights off. im thinking that will help trichrome production so that's great! Temps have been 77-79 during lights on and 66-68 during lights off so thats been great too! Cant wait to see how the plants benefit from that.

Speeking of my plants benefitting i decided to feed my plants today instead of just a plain watering. Only gave them 10 ml of organic stuff besides 1 ml of calmag last watering so they should be fine. I wanted to note i add all my nutes together the night before and bubble them for over 12 hours..well lastnight i was greatly informed you are supposed to add mammoth-p like right before you water. Thanks a bunch ItsNatural! Heres what i put in 1.75 gal water last night:

Big bloom 15 ml
Tiger bloom 7 ml
Calmag 3 ml
Blackstrap molasses 1 ml
Beastie bloomz a full 1/4th tsp
I also added 2.5 ml of pure blend tea and i will add 1 ml mammoth-p before i water.

Ph was 6.3 after bubbling the nutes, added 1.9 ml of ph up as needed to get my ph up to 6.7.. ill let that bubble another hour and check ph again before i water just to make sure. ill check the runoff water too this time to see where i am with that. Thanks guys hope everyone is having a good weekend!! .
Thats probably how all lower wattage leds are though.. oh well you just need a couple of them and you are good to go!

If i open the window in the room the closet and tent are in and open another window in the dining room it sucks air through the closet rooms window so my tent gets nice fresh air whenever i want it to! i usually only open it when its 50 or lower rh outside though, so mostly during the day. Dont wanna be sucking humid air into the tent. Its been getting below 40 rh in the tent during lights on and in the upper 50s during lights off. im thinking that will help trichrome production so that's great! Temps have been 77-79 during lights on and 66-68 during lights off so thats been great too! Cant wait to see how the plants benefit from that.

Speeking of my plants benefitting i decided to feed my plants today instead of just a plain watering. Only gave them 10 ml of organic stuff besides 1 ml of calmag last watering so they should be fine. I wanted to note i add all my nutes together the night before and bubble them for over 12 hours..well lastnight i was greatly informed you are supposed to add mammoth-p like right before you water. Thanks a bunch ItsNatural! Heres what i put in 1.75 gal water last night:

Big bloom 15 ml
Tiger bloom 7 ml
Calmag 3 ml
Blackstrap molasses 1 ml
Beastie bloomz a full 1/4th tsp
I also added 2.5 ml of pure blend tea and i will add 1 ml mammoth-p before i water.

Ph was 6.3 after bubbling the nutes, added 1.9 ml of ph up as needed to get my ph up to 6.7.. ill let that bubble another hour and check ph again before i water just to make sure. ill check the runoff water too this time to see where i am with that. Thanks guys hope everyone is having a good weekend!! .

Oh man toast. You make me feel like I'm neglecting my girls. I just use tap water that sits out overnight, and use the local hydro shop store brand nutes. A solution of juice for veg, and a solution for bloom. Plus calmag. That's it. It's a good thing I don't name my plants, if I did I would feel even more guilty. Hell, I don't even think I treat my gf as well as you treat your plants.
Well i had a ph problem so i fixed it and i enjoy keeping ontop of it. Plus im a very systematic person, i like to find that weird rhythm and stick with it. Went a little nute crazy maybe but i sent a pic of my nutes to my in law who grows professionally and he said ive got everything i need.

Haha but i ordered one more thing today for them, i swear its the last one lmao, bembe from fox farms. its a natural sugar based organic solution that is suppose to make your buds taste better and its used in the last five weeks of flower so i would be right on schedule with it. I will probably use more of that and a lot less of the blackstrap molasses.

I dont think i should ever name my plants it wouldnt turn out well come harvest time haha i love to do everything i think is necessary for them and hope they will return the favor. I do very much love my plants though and i say it to them everytime i look in the tent and i tell them how beautiful they are haha im a little weird i know but i truely believe talking to your plants helps them grow or it helps me be patient whatever works right lol
CANNABIS PLANTS aren't going to absorb ANY sugar from molasses and it has nothing to do w/ molecule interaction, lockout, etc. Many peeps have misinformed perspectives on molasses and carbohydrate supplements in general. Your plants don't absorb molasses, 'Sweet', or any carbohydrate. Many people think that these additives will make your smoke 'sweeter', which couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, if you aren't utilizing a system that provides for beneficial biological organisms (ie, soil, organic hydro, etc.), all those carbs that your adding to your plants, in whatever way it may be, are just going to waste. Yes, your flushing your money down the drain if you don't have beneficial microbes in your 'medium'. The carbohydrates are FOOD for the MICROBES, which break down large organic molecules making it possible/easier for the plant to uptake nutrients. Molasses serves additional purposes as far as micro-nutrient supplementation, etc....

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "

My First DWC Grow - Unknown Strain

I agree and disagree with you here.
I agree that simple sugars are microbial like to feast on something beside our plants or soil but relax get fat and shit everywhere supplementing our soil further

Here is where I disagree:
A macro nutrient is still a nutrient
Just not one that is heavily relied on
Nor should it need much in the line of tuning either
Which macro is molasses high in lol I'm not a molasses expert at all in fact I've only seen it once in my life!
I think you're good with the molasses in small doses. Especially since you are providing your plants with beneficial microbes fom the MammothP. This will let your nutes feed your plants feed at a rate that they're used to imo. Better phosphorus uptake is great for flowering and that's what the MammothP is for. Keep doing what you're doing. No reason for reinventing the wheel.
Thanks dd i agree completely.. im also using that pure blend tea organic based compost solution now so that will be great for my soil too! Then when i start giving them ffs bembe it will replace the molasses mostly and will hopefully further the buds flavor profile. while everything else im giving them is helping fattening and adding potency to my buds, maybe the organics help that too but i know they help bring out the flavor the most.
Just to reiterate i believe the viparspectra is better for veg and the mars hydro will be better for flower. It does seem the viparspectras light penetrates lower then the mars hydro but the mars hydro seems to have a slighty better footprint. Not much difference though both footprints suck major donkey dick imo lol
I am also finding that with my 300w Vipar. It seems darker toward the edges of my plants.
I have a oscillating 8" fan in the middle on one side blowing on the bottoms of the plants and a 6" clip fan up top blowing on the lights.. they have both been on high since i got that light. do i need another fan? I think the air circulation is pretty good in there.

But i left the one bottom vent all the way open and when i came home for lunch it was 77 in there!! Still 77 now i think that will be perfect for them. The exhaust was on high though so i turned it down to medium to see if it stays at 77. Looking good though thanks a lot guys i really appreciate the help!! Gotta head back to work talk to yall later!

Sounds great. I noticed mine like the fan off during lights out. Your temps are perfect.
I always keep my oscillating fan on them.. on high during the day and low at night.. should i be turning it off at night? I remember reading having a fan on constantly can cause them to use more energy or put the energy into those moving leaves. So maybe i should turn it off at night then? Just never seemed to bother them too much but ill try it and see what happens or maybe ill keep doing what im doing. Tough to make these decisions now lol thanks dutchess!
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