Alerts counter is malfunctioning


Well-Known Member

I refresh the page in the browser, and I get a count of 14 for the alerts, when in fact there are no outstanding alerts. This has happened several times since yesterday.


This seems to have started happening when Krissi replied 10 times in a row yesterday.


I refresh the page in the browser, and I get a count of 14 for the alerts, when in fact there are no outstanding alerts. This has happened several times since yesterday.


This seems to have started happening when Krissi replied 10 times in a row yesterday.

Hello @cbdhemp808
We are currently carrying out some background maintenance and testing 'live'
Please bear with us whilst we work through some tweaks
Thanks, Roy.

It's definitely not an issue of "Mark read"... one minute the refresh will show no alerts, the next it will show 14 alerts.
Clearing your cache may help
Hello @cbdhemp808
We are currently carrying out some background maintenance and testing 'live'
Please bear with us whilst we work through some tweaks
Thanks for letting us know, as an electronically challenged person with a new phone, I thought it was something I did. 👍
Thanks for letting us know, as an electronically challenged person with a new phone, I thought it was something I did. 👍
Me too a couple days now


Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
It's truly malfunctioning now. I just saw the little red counter at 10, but when I viewed the drop-down, none of them were highlighted as is usual to indicate a new alert (not read yet). In other words, there weren't 10 new alerts.
Damn her :p :passitleft: She disrupts everything
Awwww hey now!
Thanks for letting us know, as an electronically challenged person with a new phone, I thought it was something I did. 👍
Umm meeeeee tooooo!
It's truly malfunctioning now. I just saw the little red counter at 10, but when I viewed the drop-down, none of them were highlighted as is usual to indicate a new alert (not read yet). In other words, there weren't 10 new alerts.
I've had 671 notifications for days, it was stuck at 420 ironically for a couple days lol
It's definitely not an issue of "Mark read"... one minute the refresh will show no alerts, the next it will show 14 alerts.
It's truly malfunctioning now. I just saw the little red counter at 10, but when I viewed the drop-down, none of them were highlighted as is usual to indicate a new alert (not read yet). In other words, there weren't 10 new alerts.
It will show 1 new alert and I won't do anything about it until I finish reading a msg. Then two minutes later, before I have a chance to look, it is 12. Open it up and there is the 1 new one but not any new alerts to account for the other 11.
It will show 1 new alert and I won't do anything about it until I finish reading a msg. Then two minutes later, before I have a chance to look, it is 12. Open it up and there is the 1 new one but not any new alerts to account for the other 11.
Apologies for any inconvenience @SmokingWings et al

Here is a one-time fix which has resolved the issue for me:

Windows10 PC, Chrome & Android Mobile, Chrome

1/ Mark all as read, clear your cache, then log out
2/ Go to any other devices you use such as mobile, tablet, PC, iPad and log in on that device
3/ If the alerts show up again, mark all as read from that device too
4/ Log out, then log in on your usual device and the problem should be resolved

Browsers cache snippets of code to make pages load faster, so when code is updated the stored snippet needs to updated by clearing it and downloading the fresh version to store which will happen automatically the first time you reload the new version of the page with a clear cache

Hope that helps
Apologies for any inconvenience @SmokingWings et al
Not an inconvenience so much as proving Trinity was right when she told Neo there is "usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something."

I would think that a glitch in the system is more likely reason for what is happening. Why would several people all start experiencing the same thing within days or hours of each other.

In the last two minutes or so the Alert button went from 0 to saying there are 13 new alerts. Just checked and there were 4 unread alerts.
I would think that a glitch in the system is more likely reason for what is happening. Why would several people all start experiencing the same thing within days or hours of each other.
bingo. there may be work-arounds by clearing browser cache, etc., but some kinda glitch has started happening.

I just got on the forum today, opened my journal page in my browser, and saw the little red alert counter at 6. Then I opened the alert drop-down and their were actually 13 new alerts.
It will show 1 new alert and I won't do anything about it until I finish reading a msg. Then two minutes later, before I have a chance to look, it is 12. Open it up and there is the 1 new one but not any new alerts to account for the other 11.
Same same.
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