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I had one hang on for what seemed like forever, I think I waited too long to get brave and help her out of it her first baby leaves had some obvious affect from it but she is still with us

That's Good lol , I just removed mines right away now just Waiting planted a 3rd Germinated California Dream Seed Today So That's 2 Cali's And 1 White Widow !
You saying put it as far away as possible !?

the leds packaging should have manufacturer advice on distance ... my plant is to close i know for sure cause it should be at 150cm but with a big pot in a 170cm space is hard to achieve ... i have 270W apollo 6 model with secondary lensing wich makes them very bright at shorter then 150cm

I'm sure it's 26-30 but this is the farthest I can get it up from the ground and I don't have a tape measurer
wonder how that happened? When I introduced my plants to LED for the first time after about a month of suffering under the burning heat of HPS, the growth just exploded. And it never stopped. I never looked back and invested in a lot more LED lights and have never ever regretted that choice.

all i want to say is be carefull with leds they can fuck up your plants bigtime ...when i got my led and introduced my nl 5 photo with it 3 weeks into flower .... it bleached and hermied the crap out of her ... i want to save others from the mistakes i made ;)
wonder how that happened? When I introduced my plants to LED for the first time after about a month of suffering under the burning heat of HPS, the growth just exploded. And it never stopped. I never looked back and invested in a lot more LED lights and have never ever regretted that choice.
I have a mars 1200 and i am also running a 1000w hps, i have seen alot better growth under the led, i started my seedlings under the led at 36in away and they have loved it. I am in flower now and the two autos i have under the hps seems to be slower on flowering, the ones under the mars 1200 are going to finish faster from what i can tell.✌
I just cut the dying leafs off because they will eventually die
maybe a clear picture could help some of you guys tell me what it is. And I checked on my plant today and it seems to be doing well. The outside of one leaf is curling up a little but I just opened the tent when I got home to let temps cool down the average temp in the tent is about 91-92 but I have an inline fan coming in tomorrow and I'm excited to see how it can help my grow. Would you guys happen to know if I get another one and just put it to blow the air in instead of sucking like I would have it as the top one
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