BCNL Producer & DIY Cabs 3 Strains

Must not be from this forum, I can't find him. :straightface:

Hash sent you in the right direction there sisco. In fact, check out his great implementation. Stink has some (what I think are great) plans for a prolific diy system. It includes aerocloner, veg and flower units. Together they comprise a plan for a lofty outcome in a short period. As huge results are not my goal, I merely went with the cloner. Excellent instructions and solid result. He gives the plans and all he asks is that you pass the love along. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts if you take a look.
Small update. Two things. First, I am going to bail on the Ultimate strain. While they originally sounded good on paper and were being touted as the next big thing for DP, I have fortunately learned that they really aren't the way to go for me. Apparently this variety grows very tall which precludes it from being a good candidate for a cab grow... at least mine anyway. Too bad because they just proved female and had grown very nicely.
Second, as the White Widow and Euphoria have also revealed their sex, I should be able to clone them shortly and finally fire up the Producer. More to follow...

After a respectable grieving period for my having committed herbicide on the two Ultimate moms and my clones, I started a new batch of clones saturday evening. The pic was taken today. The front 5 are Euphoria, the next 4 are from my nice, but less robust WW, and the remaining 14 are from a quite bushy WW. Feeling a little cocky from the success I had with the previous set of clones I thought I'd try a cloning method I read about and was really curious of. It involves using multiple cuts from the same stem (so as not to overly tax a given mom by taking growing tips only). Time will tell on this one. All clones were cut, scraped and dipped.

ph- 5.8
Water- 73
Hum- 36-50
Air- 68-79

Enjoying these processes but really looking forward to getting on with the grow. I guess that's where starting from seed and waiting to confirm sex has gotten me.
Hey bro, sorry for the late response. I got lost in that other place for a while, went ahead and built a cheap'o DIY ------------.

Sorry to hear about the US :rip:

I'm sure you will have WW and Euphoria doing well in a short time. I've also read about taking multiple clones from one branch and still keep that branch producing more material, I'll be keeping an eye on for sure.
Hey sisco, glad you're back. What kind of unit did you build? Np on the Ults, better less pain now than more later.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with the multi-cuts. They look a tad wilty tonight. Too late now, but I'll post a pic tomorrow if they're still like that.

Small update: Into the 5th day of cloning and not very encouraged by the performance of the lower cuts from my attempt at utilizing multiple cuttings from a single stem. They had begun to lose their color, which might not have been so bad if not for the fact that they began showing white spots. Definitely powdery mildew. How this entered the room I can only guess as I've grown from seed, the environment is new and clean, and the humidity and ventilation are well under control. Perhaps on products I picked up at the local grow shop. Nonetheless, I removed the affected lower cuttings and thoroughly fine-misted the remaining cuttings on top and underneath all leaves with Neem. H2O2 was added to the res. Also took preventative steps and treated the moms with Neem. The balance of cuttings (all ends cuts), appear just fine. Checked for root pops today but none yet.

ph 5.8 -creeps to 6-6.2 but lowered daily
Water temp 73 +/-1.
Air upper 70's day, upper 60's night.
RH 32-47% consistant
Couple of things...10-14 days is typical for roots to start showing. I would use only tap water straight, don't adjust the pH or add H202. Also, I wouldn't spray with Neem. Since I started using plain tap and didn't spray with Neem, my cuttings are all showing roots between 5-10 days.
Thanks Hash. I did use tap, but have been adjusting ph. I'll definitely look into that though. The previous cloning gave me results in similar time as yours. As for the H2O2, based on things I've read, adding soluble O2 will strengthen roots against pathogens with no apparent downside. As I haven't yet found information on what effects the mildew can have on root structure and development, I considered the H2O2 a prophylactic measure. The neem seemed essential as the white powder spread somewhat rapidly and needed to be stemmed one way or another. It is an organic solution that seems to be working well. One potentially positive aspect to it is that I've read that the "sealing" nature of the oil on leaves retards transpiration allowing more of the cutting's energy to be directed towards root building. Hopefully that'll be so.

What steps would you have taken had you suffered this shitty affliction?

FWIW, the white began on the cuttings taken from furthest down the stem. I definitely pushed my beginners luck attempting that multiple-cuttings-from-one-stem thing. Lesson learned.

I understood the reasons why you did what did even before you explained them. I just found the more I added to the water the longer the cloning process took. I haven't used H202 in years. I found that I wasn't really seeing anything beneficial except for when I used it to clean.

I've been spared from PM so far in any of my grows (knock knock) but I do use a preventative spray. Green Light Fruit Tree's a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide that can be used all the way up to harvest. My cousin had an orchard growing up and it's one product that he used that always worked.
Thanks very much for the wisdom of experience HashAssassin! Good as gold that wisdom is considered.

Nice to hear of your practical experience with H2... helpful indeed. Is your not using it to say that leaving the roots to their own is the way to go? I'm eager to read all about Green Light. Have you been using it routinely on all your grows?

Have to add that it was kind of a kick in the pants to get PM right out of the gate. Today all are looking well and unchanged other than the absence of the scourge.

I'm grateful Hash. I see your's and everyone's help here as beneficial as going to the Dr's. (who have unanimously suggested moving to a permissive state)

WnF, I just caught today's posts on your journal. Coincidently, since you guys were on the topic, I picked up some of this today at Lowes and just posted these pics in my new journal so thought I'd share them with you:




It was $5.46 for 24oz.
Yes, I would leave the roots to grow on their own. I've tried all sorts of different stuff including Clonex and my best results are from straight tap.

I would take the doc's recommendation and move as well. While my state doesn't allow the highest plant count is does allow for the largest amount of dry product, 24 oz.
Beautiful setup WnF...Jealous and impressed!!! Can't wait until I can get my room set up....Currently don't have any to speak of and very limited on amount of plants i can fit. Hopefully by July I'll be up and running in a 8' x 8' x 8' stealth (hidden actually) room.

peace and keep the pics coming!!!
WnF, I just caught today's posts on your journal. Coincidently, since you guys were on the topic, I picked up some of this today at Lowes and just posted these pics in my new journal so thought I'd share them with you:

It was $5.46 for 24oz.

Thanks kindly Mr. Krip. I'm not aware of that product and will look into it also. I'm looking forward to seeing what makes it tick... says organic so that's a good start and the price is right.

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