BCNL Producer & DIY Cabs 3 Strains

Just before shutting it off.
Wow - nice ingenuity - and kudos for sharing the details. I can see this really helping a number of people (hopefully not me, lol!) I'll cross my fingers that this works wonders for you...
Several of the cuttings in the aerocloner are looking pretty shoddy today. I think that can be attributed to the fungus having progressed and my not having treated correctly in time. Another lesson learned. I'll remove the sick ones and give the remaining ones some time. More of an experiment than productive at this point. Fresh start coming right around the corner very soon.

As for the aftermath of evaporating sulphur: The grow room still has somewhat of an odor today. Some has also found itself into the rest of the house. Not too bad, but certainly not perfume upon the nape of a neck. I take that as a positive because if I don't like the smell I'm sure critters and fungi should feel the same. If I end up in hell at least I'll be used to the smell. No residue can be found so that's good.

Moving forward as a great man once said.
Now there's a DIY. Nice and clean.

Thanks HashAssassin. I appreciate the compliment. Perhaps someone might find it useful to treat a problem and save a few bucks sometime. Then I'd feel I've given back a very small portion of what I've received here so far.
Hey WnF sorry to hear about all the early issues. Love the DiY sulphur burner, very cool..but like xlr said I hope I never have to find out myself!

You've got great ingenuity, just a matter of working out the kinks and you'll be rockin soon enough I have no doubts.


Thanks very much for the kindness Marley. I hope you never speak the word sulphur again.:peace:
Where do you buy the sulphur chips @ Home depot

I bought mine from a local grow shop. A quart for $15.00.
Just did a search at H***D*****.com and the only sulphur/sulfur they had is part of a soil acidifier for general gardening... no good for this use.
Sulphur is readily available, if not locally then easily online. The chips are actually called "PRILLS".
I failed to mention that YOU SHOULD NOT BE PRESENT while burning sulphur. This is especially so when you are uncertain of dosing levels from a DIY device. It is very important that any device you use/make should be employed judiciously and conservatively until the desired (proper) dosing level is ascertained. Safety first.

Burning Sulfur decomposes into TOXIC sulfur oxide gasses:
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

In my case (for illustration purposes) I was wearing closed eye protection and a respirator to obtain the pictures while the unit was operating. Myself and my clothes were washed immediately after. Exposure to lungs, eyes and skin should be avoided during burning and for several hours afterward. I have read that dosing can be gauged well by observing the leaf tips. If they begin to brown that is your indicator that you've reached a point that is largely tolerable to the plant yet lethal to mildew and many insects. Those are the guidelines I am using.

As for it's effectiveness, so far I am seeing no increase in white spots on the clones that were left growing for experimental purpose. In fact there may be less. The tip ends have dried light brown. My 4 moms are affected to a much lesser degree of tip burn. This infers that young is more vulnerable than mature... an early conclusion though. I had not nor do I yet see any spots on the moms. The only downside I can see so far is the smell. Pungent best describes it for me. While about 90% of the odor has gone, there is is still a small whiff. I have read that this will not be the case once into smaller dosing/maintenance mode. Tonight will be the second treatment.
I failed to mention that YOU SHOULD NOT BE PRESENT while burning sulphur. This is especially so when you are uncertain of dosing levels from a DIY device. It is very important that any device you use/make should be employed judiciously and conservatively until the desired (proper) dosing level is ascertained. Safety first.

Burning Sulfur decomposes into TOXIC sulfur oxide gasses:
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

In my case (for illustration purposes) I was wearing closed eye protection and a respirator to obtain the pictures while the unit was operating. Myself and my clothes were washed immediately after. Exposure to lungs, eyes and skin should be avoided during burning and for several hours afterward. I have read that dosing can be gauged well by observing the leaf tips. If they begin to brown that is your indicator that you've reached a point that is largely tolerable to the plant yet lethal to mildew and many insects. Those are the guidelines I am using.

As for it's effectiveness, so far I am seeing no increase in white spots on the clones that were left growing for experimental purpose. In fact there may be less. The tip ends have dried light brown. My 4 moms are affected to a much lesser degree of tip burn. This infers that young is more vulnerable than mature... an early conclusion though. I had not nor do I yet see any spots on the moms. The only downside I can see so far is the smell. Pungent best describes it for me. While about 90% of the odor has gone, there is is still a small whiff. I have read that this will not be the case once into smaller dosing/maintenance mode. Tonight will be the second treatment.

Great advice for us all, sounds like it's working. I'm sure it will all work out for you. :bravo:
Great advice for us all, sounds like it's working. I'm sure it will all work out for you. :bravo:

Hoping so too thanks.

As was suggested, it's now in the DIY section.

Awesome DIY! Great job +reps!

Much appreciated Mr. Krip! I have to confess to falling behind in your journal as I've been fairly occupied by my problem and other interferences. I'm looking forward to catching up and living vicariously through your success.
Much appreciated Mr. Krip! I have to confess to falling behind in your journal as I've been fairly occupied by my problem and other interferences. I'm looking forward to catching up and living vicariously through your success.

LOL...thanks, but it may be better finding someone else whose success you can live vicariously through! :)

Having my fair share of issues, but working through them and should get some plants into flower this round.

Happy Harvests!
Mr. Krip: very sorry to hear you're behind too. If you're having problems you're in good company. Perseverance will rule our days my friend! If we run into every problem now, we'll be better equipped to handle any later.
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