BCNL Producer & DIY Cabs 3 Strains

Agreed...and, I'm actually not that far behind, since I got a NICE push forward. I was having some issues germinating seeds in the STG cubes, and a buddy of mine surprised me with two afghan kush and two royal haze plants that were all nicely developed, but all had issues including nute burn/lockout, what looks like a Potassium deficiency (clawed leaves) and worst of all, it appears the roots were all cut from a slab. One of the kush plants is in a little jeopardy but the others look OK. Since I'm now working with "clones" and not seeds, I guess I'm further ahead and I'm definately learning how to deal with a wide range of issues due to this crash course in nursing sick plants back to health! You can catch up in the journal whenever you have a chance.
It seems we all have some sort of problem at different time. It is unfortunate! Hermies, mold, mites, gnats..... I know I have had my share of problems.... I am ready to swear them all off!!!
Update with pictures?

I wish there were progress to report Hash. I killed off the clones (although they were developing roots) as I didn't want plants that had been so roughly compromised early in their lives. Fresh start for me.
The moms are doing well and I'll post a pic of them later. If you'll recall, I nixed the Ultimates as I had read too many unfavorable reports about them, so the grow will now be concentrated on Euforia and White Widows.
Today I'll sterilize the aero and tomorrow or monday will begin a new round of clones and start making some forward progress. One more sulphur burn tonight for good measure.

The view from the beach has grown boring. I need to surf. :surf:
Too bad you're not closer. I've got rooted clones I need to get rid of.

Thanks for the thought HashAssassin.

Going to prep the cloner tonight so it's temp stable for cuttings tomorrow. Pics to follow.
Did some cloning tonight. Soaked cuttings in cold tap for 1/2 hour. Scarification 1", cut 45's below a former node, liquid rooting solution for 30sec, 1"-ish showing under neo pucks. Tap water temp 72, rh 44 air temp 73. Previously burned sulphur every-other night. 3 applications total.
Hopefully the PM has been eradicated. If not, I'll take a conservative, metered approach with the burner.

I foliar fed the moms with Nitrozyme, (one teaspoon-Qt), and a gave them a drink. They gave considerably of themselves.

It was fun going in the right direction.
Looking Good WeednFeed! You'll get it there - and it'll be so rewarding. I promise you!

I take you at your word xlr8. Thanks for the backing!

Yes, good things come to those who wait...and wait and wait :popcorn:

Thanks sisco. If patience weren't a virtue, it is now.
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