Bud Stankalot's Outdoor 2010

When I was around the 4th or 5th generation of taking WW clones I noticed that the pheno had basically split. I was seeing some that were definate sativa dom and others that were indica dom coming from the same mama.
It was weird. That's the only side effect I've had from cloning clones.
I stuck with the Indica and let the sativas fade away. Now my widows are 100% indica, no s pheno to be found anywhere.

Huh. Maybe that's why your widow is so outrageous. How's the Yumboldt working out for you?
I did a 8th generation Church clone myself and found that they seem to change from generation to generation. From what I understand about cloning it isn't really good to keep cloning from clones. Not 7 8 generations anyways. Most all plants have both in their breeding and my last clones seemed to change from the first run. I think I will keep a mother alive for acouple runs next time. That spray I said earlier Bud's will help your veggies too. I use it. Cheap when you buy the concentrate too. GL
I did a 8th generation Church clone myself and found that they seem to change from generation to generation. From what I understand about cloning it isn't really good to keep cloning from clones. Not 7 8 generations anyways. Most all plants have both in their breeding and my last clones seemed to change from the first run. I think I will keep a mother alive for acouple runs next time. That spray I said earlier Bud's will help your veggies too. I use it. Cheap when you buy the concentrate too. GL

I checked into organocide. That stuff looks like the bomb. Takes care of nearly every problem under the sun. I will be looking to get some in the near future. Not that it's a huge deal to me, but I like the fact it's organic as well. Thanks again, Wood. That will come in handy.
Hello Bud thought I'd take a look see over at your place as it's been way too long since I've visited!

I see your girls are surviving just fine and tell them they look 'ravishing'. I've never used that word to describe pot till now, sounds kind of gay, but they're ladies right, so who cares.

That Dairy queen container is awesome! MMJ minds at work!

Nothing like growing outside with mother nature and all her bastard critters! LOL. I think mom was looking the other way when all the MJ eating little bastard monsters were created. She gets an F for that one. My wife wants me to take some of my beautiful and pampered ladies out into the wilds of our property and off the deck (something about overcrowding)! My spoiled girls thought they had it rough on the deck, man are they in for a surprise out there in the wild unknown.
Hello Bud thought I'd take a look see over at your place as it's been way too long since I've visited!

I see your girls are surviving just fine and tell them they look 'ravishing'. I've never used that word to describe pot till now, sounds kind of gay, but they're ladies right, so who cares.

That Dairy queen container is awesome! MMJ minds at work!

Nothing like growing outside with mother nature and all her bastard critters! LOL. I think mom was looking the other way when all the MJ eating little bastard monsters were created. She gets an F for that one. My wife wants me to take some of my beautiful and pampered ladies out into the wilds of our property and off the deck (something about overcrowding)! My spoiled girls thought they had it rough on the deck, man are they in for a surprise out there in the wild unknown.

Thanks, Brother. Too bad the wifey wants to move the plants. I think the deck is the ideal grow spot. I want to put mine in my backyard, but I don't think it's right this year. Too many meter maids coming through. My ultimate goal is a nice large greenhouse out on the back 40 with a water line. That way I wouldn't have to worry about the early season, I could go all winter if I needed to. I'm glad you dropped by, Woods. You're girls are quite ravishing as well. Lol. :bong:
No picture update today. I noticed some very small flower clusters on the girls so I think I'm about to head into the final stretch. My plan of action is one last hit of veg nutes tomorrow, and then switch them to bloom nutes next feeding. Can't wait for some sickly dense nuggets.

On a side note, I took another trip into the city to see a friend of mine. He isn't a grower, but he has access to some primo buds. He had a couple lbs of White Rhino laying around and he found a single seed in it. He let me have it since he won't be doing anything with it. It looks healthy and viable. Wish me luck, ladies and gentlemen.
That's swell! lol FLOWER POWER! You know, to have a couple lbs. just laying around is so sad... hope he kicked you down with more than just that one seed :yummy: lol I wish you super-duper luck on that seed though. I hear White Rhino is good stuff! Can't wait to see your next picture update, take care Bud.
That's swell! lol FLOWER POWER! You know, to have a couple lbs. just laying around is so sad... hope he kicked you down with more than just that one seed :yummy: lol I wish you super-duper luck on that seed though. I hear White Rhino is good stuff! Can't wait to see your next picture update, take care Bud.

He's not really the "kick down" kind of guy. I was surprised he let me get the seed from him for nothing.
He's not really the "kick down" kind of guy. I was surprised he let me get the seed from him for nothing.

Ha, maybe if you find a seed during your next harvest you can give him 'one'. LOL Then while juggling a few ounces of your good stuff, light up a fat doobie of it and tell him you've got people to see and places to go! I'm just kiddingBud that wouldn't be nice.

When I read that about not being a 'kick down' kind of guy, I immediately thought of this guy from NCal that used to be a great source for 1/4 lbs. The guy was a real 'pimple pimp' you know kind of thinks he's a mobster or something. Dressed like he was going to the casino all the time, open fancy white shirt and a black sport coat with shiny black shoes. I was like in my late twenties at the time and he was at least ten years younger than me and lived at home with his Mom (who was hot) Guy would take me into his bedroom (which looked like any other bedroom of a f***ed up teenager complete with Metalica and Def Leopard posters on the wall. His desk always had a big mirror on it with white stuff strew all over and then he'd open a dresser drawer and there would be several freezer bags of QP's inside which I'm sure he wanted me to see so I'd see how wonderful he was. Of course while he's been doing all his posturing, I've been thinking about his mom who's like this fine slutty looking lady who most likely knew all her sons friends intimately, is about 10 years older than me and is sitting right outside the pimple's bedroom on the living room coach wearing a short short imitation silk nightgown. As I follow Junior through the living room, I'm like tripping over the fake leather bean bag chair while wild crazy images go through my fantasizing mind like what she looks like 'minus' the nightgown.

So this guy wouldn't roll a bowl let alone light up a darn roach, not even a lousy straw, zero! I'd get some great Humboldt County stuff from him though and as long as mom was around, I was content to roll my own and fantasize all the way home! Creepy, that's a good way to describe the kid.

sorry forgot this was a family site!
Ha, maybe if you find a seed during your next harvest you can give him 'one'. LOL Then while juggling a few ounces of your good stuff, light up a fat doobie of it and tell him you've got people to see and places to go! I'm just kiddingBud that wouldn't be nice.

When I read that about not being a 'kick down' kind of guy, I immediately thought of this guy from NCal that used to be a great source for 1/4 lbs. The guy was a real 'pimple pimp' you know kind of thinks he's a mobster or something. Dressed like he was going to the casino all the time, open fancy white shirt and a black sport coat with shiny black shoes. I was like in my late twenties at the time and he was at least ten years younger than me and lived at home with his Mom (who was hot) Guy would take me into his bedroom (which looked like any other bedroom of a f***ed up teenager complete with Metalica and Def Leopard posters on the wall. His desk always had a big mirror on it with white stuff strew all over and then he'd open a dresser drawer and there would be several freezer bags of QP's inside which I'm sure he wanted me to see so I'd see how wonderful he was. Of course while he's been doing all his posturing, I've been thinking about his mom who's like this fine slutty looking lady who most likely knew all her sons friends intimately, is about 10 years older than me and is sitting right outside the pimple's bedroom on the living room coach wearing a short short imitation silk nightgown. As I follow Junior through the living room, I'm like tripping over the fake leather bean bag chair while wild crazy images go through my fantasizing mind like what she looks like 'minus' the nightgown.

So this guy wouldn't roll a bowl let alone light up a darn roach, not even a lousy straw, zero! I'd get some great Humboldt County stuff from him though and as long as mom was around, I was content to roll my own and fantasize all the way home! Creepy, that's a good way to describe the kid.

sorry forgot this was a family site!
Lol. Sounds like I brought back some memories. This guy is not quite as bad as yours, but he does like to flaunt his green. Funny enough, this guy's mom is smokin hot too. He's a good friend, but I think he smokes a little too much. He has a very short attention span. We're talking a second or two. Hard to hold a conversation with him unless it's about green. Ridiculous.
A quick picture update.

All the girls are looking pretty healthy. I checked on them yesterday and I'm seeing a lot of flower development. It's been a lot of sweat and hard work and it's always fun to see the fruits of your labor. As long as nothing crazy with the weather happens in the next couple months, a plague of bugs strike, or they are somehow located by someone other than me, I think I'll be sitting on a fair sized sack o buds.

Still have two auto's outside they look greener but still not growing at all. I'm looking at Hempy indoor for my next grow, just need to get the closet cleaned out and make a better reflector for my cfl's. I have an idea but need to get it into moition. I'm doing some reading on Docbuds journal and others... looks like I need to get something better than this pH color card kit. Thanks for asking and I'll keep you posted.
Buds plants look great. I hope you haven't even took your best friend to your spot. They are the ones that always burn ya. I see a familiar upward curl to your leaves. My Church's and Lemon Skunks ALL do that. Something to do with transpiring they say. Don't matter, Church always been good to me and everyone I ever grew leaves curl up wards. Sisco, don't mean to hijack Buds, but those PH cards word good enough for me. They will keep you from getting totally outta line on it. I never owned a PH pen. Thought about getting one, but been fine. They keep ya in the ballpark. Have to remember its a weed and perfection don't really matter to a weed. All that 1500 PMM hell plant grows great at 1200 PMM, Only matters to the grower. Keep the PH close and she'll love ya. Keep em Green Y'all
Still have two auto's outside they look greener but still not growing at all. I'm looking at Hempy indoor for my next grow, just need to get the closet cleaned out and make a better reflector for my cfl's. I have an idea but need to get it into moition. I'm doing some reading on Docbuds journal and others... looks like I need to get something better than this pH color card kit. Thanks for asking and I'll keep you posted.
Solid. I was thinking about trying hempy for my next indoor once the summer heat dies down. I haven't decided yet. Instead of upgrading to hempy, I might just upgrade my ventilation system. We'll have to see how it plays out.

Buds plants look great. I hope you haven't even took your best friend to your spot. They are the ones that always burn ya. I see a familiar upward curl to your leaves. My Church's and Lemon Skunks ALL do that. Something to do with transpiring they say. Don't matter, Church always been good to me and everyone I ever grew leaves curl up wards. Sisco, don't mean to hijack Buds, but those PH cards word good enough for me. They will keep you from getting totally outta line on it. I never owned a PH pen. Thought about getting one, but been fine. They keep ya in the ballpark. Have to remember its a weed and perfection don't really matter to a weed. All that 1500 PMM hell plant grows great at 1200 PMM, Only matters to the grower. Keep the PH close and she'll love ya. Keep em Green Y'all
Don't worry about jacking my thread. Any good information is always welcome here. You raise a good point, Wood. I see a lot of journals where peeps are stressing about using this or that or your plants just aren't going to make it. I'm pretty budget when it comes to my hobby, and it seems to me I've been making it work. I used to test my water from the tap before using it because that's "the correct way" of doing things. It always comes out about 6.5. I don't bother with any testing anymore. If you've got good light, good medium, water and nutrients, you can't really go wrong. I had a guy a while back tell me flat out that my plants would die since I wasn't using distilled water. What a bunch of bull.

Any time you want to drop a couple gems of knowledge on us, you're more than welcome, Brother. Always glad to have you stop in.
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