Canada Guy's 2017 Outdoor Alberta Gold

Thinking you got my big of month so far bud vote wise plant of month I love roosters . so tough man . hoping for good things bud
Good news everyone! The bugs are gone! I used all natural, 100% organic, sub zero temperatures. Just a couple nights is all it takes to kill them little bud chewing bastards.

September 15

Yeah they trees up north were changing colours two weeks ago. Left the hotel here this morning in southern BC to a brisk chill. Still some nice weather left but its definitely fall lol. Time to bust out the ice skates and get ready for some beer league lol
Oh god. Plz don't remind me of what's coming. I dislike anything now -15.
I hope that frost screws off for another month . Nice colour on top looks like my cheese but a tad more purple. What's the height on her now can guy?
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