Cannaruss' Adventures In Hempy Style

Doubling your nutes seems like a pretty hard jump. I usually do my moves in 1/2 tsp (2.5ml) increments.

yeah Tead , my measuring spoon is a 2.5ml that's what I upped it. I feel much better about the red stems, im still getting nice green growth above it.

They do look good, don't they.... I love to see a nice healthy garden going. We tend to spend our time looking at plants or gardens with issues. A healthy garden is always a welcome change.

I've not seen the red caused by cal or mag issues myself.
I know that it's often attributed to a phosphorus def. The OGKs in my garden red up pretty quick when they need more food. I use it as an indicator with dark shiny leaves forming the other side of that indicator.
Of course, some strains or phono's of various strains often show red naturally.
Then there's the cold.... and winter is descending for those of us in the northern hemisphere.

I don't consider red a huge issue at all. Many folks like to stay on the light side of things and can experience some really pretty red growth.
thanks for the advice, I feel much better about this redding issue
all of these are Critical+ the others are not rooting as fast. Damn this strain clones good!!!! and fast!!!
all of these are Critical+ the others are not rooting as fast. Damn this strain clones good!!!! and fast!!!

Good Gawd! Those are just beeeeeeeautiful roots! They look moldy with all the little micro-root growth.
My roots NEVER look anywhere near that good. Jealous!
I've historically had really easy times cloning the Crit+. I've also found that she's a nice stable plant over repeated cloning generations.
Thanks Tead. Im thinking this Critical+ is gonna be a keeper for sure. Fast cloning, fast vegging and fast budding, a perfect triple threat. I noticed that the dryer the Rapid Rooter during cloning the faster roots develop. A good thing to know in the future. I soak them in a little Super Thrive mixture and squeeze them out nicely before inserting the clone, after that its just a light foliar misting once a day.
after that its just a light foliar misting once a day.

I think that's the magic bit. Feeding the plant in a foliar method thru cloning really enables the plant to produce impressive roots.
Unfortunately, I end up with rotted leaves really easily when I introduce water this way, so I steer clear of the foliar methods.
Yup... color me jealous again.

I have to mention something you need to change ASAP!! Post #105, page 7. Please get your electrical off the floor. That is very dangerous and I wouldn't want to hear something bad happened if I didn't say something.

Everything looks great otherwise. Peace!!
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