Canna's Perpetual Motion -2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Garden

Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

alright update time, gave the 3 fastest gigabub ladies there final feed today consisting of

3/4 cup worm castings
1/4 cup bat guano (mexican)
1 tsp epsom salt
1 tsp norweigan cold water kelp meal
1tsp fish bone meal
a pinch of azomite
a pinch of humic acid
1 tsp azos
40 ml molasses

they loved it, the buckets are taking there time and the heavy d and other gigabub are a few weeks behind the rest as they went in later. things are starting to look ripe in there and im starting to see deep maroon and purple hues on the suns (night temps are 73, niiice) hoping one of these will fade into a fall sheen that will match its almost grape skittles and kaboom smell. its like walking into a floral shop that waters with welches grape juice and slings skunk out the back haha, anyway enough bs eh? PICS!!



now you've done it canna, now i have to go buy a good camera , iphone pics arent going to cut it.

your raising the bar around here brother:) +reps

Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Thanks guys! A new camera will help but learning the features that any given camera provides to its fullest potential, even my phone pics have gotten better after a month of watching YouTube videos
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

ok guys update time, i culled the two dwc buckets, they couldve used another week or two but i needed the room and the winner APPEARED to be very clear, we will see once the dry weight is in but the early verdict is aurora the victor. ill get some pics of them etc tonight or tomorrow, in the meantime lets visit the last 5
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Looks like she's putting on her makeup for the big finale!

wiw! :headbanger:

Beautiful pictures as always Canna!
just outstanding work you do bro!

reps all day..
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

thanks mate!! im stoked with the purple but its also sporadic as hell lol, the leaf purpling is very uniform and bottom up as expected. but then shes getting stripes on the kholas as well not unlike gdp. theres not any real pattern or anything just looks like i let a kid with a purple sharpie hang out in there with the s.d for a day lol.

the i.d. is getting some beautiful purple red maroon looking suns in the lowers as well, i work very hard to ensure a perfect climate in there so that environmental factors dont contribute to or cause coloration, as i believe the most potent cannabis on earth is green i try and avoid any un natural coloring, so it makes me ecstatic to see these ladies soo damn happy and still putting on makeup. brix are up at 15 on s.d. and 14 on the i.d. and some of the calyxes are almost big as a dime on top of all that shes a true purp pheno... i feel like i won the lottery and i barely started flushing lol
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

yeah what Vick said:)
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

your welcome! oh I forgot to wish you a fine weed. so here it goes
hope you have a fine weed Canna!:high-five:
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Its all I smoke! ;) the finest of weed to you and all as well. Its a beauty of a day nevermind the rain. Wish you all were closer so I could share this cone... PS these cones are the absolute shit! I never liked joints cause u cant get enough bud in a regular paper to overcome the overwhelming roll paper taste but these things are so big that the ratio is like perfect. definetly gonna order more. The tubes they come in are great and do surprisingly well to contain the smell. And make great hash containers when ur done.
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Its all I smoke! ;) the finest of weed to you and all as well. Its a beauty of a day nevermind the rain. Wish you all were closer so I could share this cone... PS these cones are the absolute shit! I never liked joints cause u cant get enough bud in a regular paper to overcome the overwhelming roll paper taste but these things are so big that the ratio is like perfect. definetly gonna order more. The tubes they come in are great and do surprisingly well to contain the smell. And make great hash containers when ur done.
Cones! I know right? they are the sh%t. i had to buy more after I used the ones they sent me.
actually they are real easy to pack and I like doing it. kind of esoteric. but all should know that it takes about 2 grams to pack one HE HE but for me and a friend, I can smoke for 2 days off one:) sending REps:):tokin::ganjamon:
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

I hear ya man. I pack closer to 3.5 into em :) but I love them for that reason. Pop it in the jar and its good to go then next day and the day after til its gone. Definetly buying some haha
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Hahaha. U seem to have a complex about it mate lol. All are welcome to post anything anytime in here mate u know that. I figured at least one of ya would post on the two part update. I figured hiker cause he likes to do that shit hahaha. But I should've known that my choice of words was sure to bring the smartass out of ya Haha. I inadvertently asked for you to post by asking you not to Haha.


I would have, but alas I've been too absent of late. :(

Your plants look awesome my friend. I'm really impressed with the macro shots. That's just the camera and no post processing huh?

I got my jar and papers while I was away. As Vick said, the jar was the most coveted of the prizes, but I was excited to get the papers and containers. I was just looking for something to pack joints in before I left. I had to just toss a dozen into a snack ziplock :blalol:
Gonna have to try out one of those cones. Sounds like they solve my biggest problem with joints, the paper taste. I love the convenience of a joint, but the taste and harshness really detract from enjoying the smoke.

I'll try to get around more often, but my RL won't be getting any less busy for another week. :Namaste:
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Hiker! Been missing ya buddy. Glad there's an end in sight for ya with all the real life inconveniences

I hear ya man. Joints always killed me so I pack a pipe around but these cones seem to be just what the doctor ordered.

The macros from this lot were point and shoot. I can crop from there down to a gnats brown balloon knot lol. I'm completely blown away by this little 200 dollar p&s

I've gotten the jar cones and papers so far. Magic butter confirmed my order the 13th I believe. That's all I've heard so far. The magic butter the jar and the bpn are the prizes I'm fiending for lol. Pretty stoked on all of em. Sns will he nice to have around for sure.

Good to see ya making rounds hiker!
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Good weed to you Canna:)
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Thanks Wiz and fish! You know y'all are welcome at my abode anytime
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

just a quick drive by while everythings still hangin, your pics are stunning bro absolutely gorgeous plants +reps fo sho! What are the rings called that you use and where did you get them? the biggest ones I can find around here are 18 inches at home deeps. I really want 24 inch top rings but its not looking good.:peace:
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

hey i just noticed you have BLUE tarp up, is that for pictures or is that walls of your grow? Didnt know if it was a backdrop or not lol jw ;P
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

I'm not sure Jon. They are 20" in height and I'd say 14-16 in diameter. I picked em up at my local hydro store. The ones at HD look the same. Were it me in ur position I'd get 3 tiered tomato cages and modify them accordingly, kinda a pit I know lol.

Yeah the tarp is just a backdrop. I used to use black but it ripped so I'm stuck with blue for the time being. I drape it over my shower and use the spare bathroom as a makeshift studio
Re: Canna's Perpetual Motion-2 Tents Super Soil 5 Strains 2200W Perpetual Medical Gar

Canna mate your plants and pictures are amazing!Keep up the good work mate, i'l catch up with the journal soon, just quite busy at the min, just popping in :goodjob:
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