Cheap LEDs & Bag Seeds

BTW @Emilya. The compost is Malibu compost Beau's blend
That is very interesting, because it is comprised of all of the best superaccumulators that we have in the plant world, such as nettles and dandelions... so it is going to have a very high mineral content. You absolutely are going to need a rich microbe population to be able to break all this down into the raw nutrients though...
You know, my journal is blowing up now. Too bad it's over a total noob mistake where I misdiagnosed an issue and in a knee jerk reaction tried to change things that were not the real issue. I went down the wrong rabbit hole entirely. I have a better understanding of excess nitrogen now, but overlooking a single variable really taught me a lesson.
How's that song go?... the most interesting dreams are the ones in which I am dying... Everyone loves a trainwreck, not that this was one of those... but it starts to get exciting when you can see someone doing something that you might have done, and you find yourself rooting for them to defeat whatever it is. Yep, you just turned into drama... but one hopefully with a happy ending!
Everyone loves happy endings! :popcorn:
You know, my journal is blowing up now. Too bad it's over a total noob mistake where I misdiagnosed an issue and in a knee jerk reaction tried to change things that were not the real issue. I went down the wrong rabbit hole entirely. I have a better understanding of excess nitrogen now, but overlooking a single variable really taught me a lesson.
The reason that I came was to say Hi!:ciao:
I'm all caught up Scotty but now I'm sleepy. I'll catch you soon. ;)
Hey man. They look super dark green. Are you giving a lot of nitrogen? Could also be heat or wind stress. Possibly nematodes or something smashing your roots. You mentioned some mint looking bugs in the soil? Have you got a pic? Some grubs will go to town on your roots.
Heat, humidity, and wind from my fans... That's what I thought it was. It was really hot and humid here for a few weeks and the heat actually spiked a bit in my shallow basement. I thought my issue was that I half drowned them when I watered them a bunch in a knee jerk response to being all "wilted" and "wind burned." I thought They needed it. In the long run I damaged the roots and had nitrogen toxicity. I went right down the wrong rabbit hole. It just goes to show you that "thinking" you understand somthing is not the same as really understanding. I will chalk it up to lack of experience, but you can be sure I will be considering any future issues much more carefully before trying to remedy them.
Really great journal so far. Thanks for taking the time to document your trials and success to date. Took me a bit to read the whole thing, but I love the journey your taken so far, and I'm going to stick around for the ride.
As well, a big thank you to all the Journeyman growers adding their knowledge along the way. I love learning something everyday, especially when it has to do with soil, lights/sun, and growing surprises that can make a lifetime of memories.
Nanu! :Rasta::peace::thanks::420:
Ok all. A report... I watered with Urb at full strength. The next day I went a bit more than halfway down the edge of some of the pots to check moisture levels and guess what? It was still very dry in the bottom third of the pots. I want that Urb working on all that hot soil! So, I mixed up ten more gallons of full strength Urb and took two hours to water all the plants I am growing. I watered lightly, packed and smoked a bowl in the perfect pipe, and then went back to watering. I repeated this many times until I had to stop smoking bowls and just water! :rofl: Anyway, when it was all said and done I had water on the bottoms of my pots... so mission "Total Urb inoculation/saturation" was a success. Today is the afternoon of the 3rd day since the 2nd and more thorough Urb watering. At this point, all 5 of the plants from the second run that were starting to show N toxicity look better. The 3 plants that weren't affected by the toxicity as badly were actually praying, and the two plants that were afflicted more have perked up quite a bit. All the plants in veg look good, but I am making sure the microbes start working on that soil too. Anyway, that's an update. When I go down later tonight, I'll get a few pics. :green_heart:

So, they are looking good. The damaged leaves wont recover, but they look pretty good overall.
Hey, I love the bagseed strain that I have. I just have to make sure that I don't let her go to long or she will herm. Hopefully you won't have to deal with that.
So the original 9 girls are blooming nicely now under my cheap lights from "the zon." They recovered fully and are looking great these days. I'm gonna have my hands full with all of these, but the pay off will be nice.
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