First Grow! Coco Coir, Dinafem White Widow Auto, GHS The Church Triangle SeedsG13 x Blueberry Headband

Platinum Princd

Active Member
Hello my grower kin. This is my first official grow yeah it’s in a closet a nice sized one though! This is more of a ceremonial first grow paying tribute to my first attempt at growing.

The dream all started when I was 13 puberty was just setting in was toking pretty heavy but there was nothing but commercial weed in my town then the occasional kind bud that literally blew my mind. I was a bright kid with a plan I had done my research and I figured out you could grow this stuff indoors and sex them and you’d get no seeds what?!!

So I set off to Walmart. I had some bag seeds and I was off to buy me a bunch of cfls.I had a couple tall lamps already that had 3 sockets each I disassembled said lamps and hung them over the clothes rack in my closet had 6 60 watt cfls haha

Then I set off to eBay ordered me a brick of coco coir cal mag and gh trio but,
then my mother caught the cal mag in the mail because the mail man came the same time she got home from work.
She looked the substance up and my plan went down the drain.Ever since I’ve found myself unable to start a new stuck in the researching stage 10 years later I’m here....

Now since I’ve told you the backstory let us begin the journal. I’m growing 3 GHS the church,1 Dinafem white widow auto and one triangle seeds g13x blueberry headband. All in coco coir perlite mother’s earth 70/30.

Nutes I’m Using are GH trio rapid start cal mag and silica. I’m on approximately day 9. The 3 church have a few days head start they are almost two weeks old I’d say.

I’m running two Viparspectra v300 led lights yea I know they are cheap. I’ve got them about 3 feet away from the babies. I’m having problems though first off algae? How do I prevent this and will it cause harm?

I also seen the tips and sides of my leafs are curling up and looking very serrated. Also some yellow spots is this maybe due to the fact I had the lights too close at first because I did raise them a foot or so.

My Nutes are at about 250 ppm x500. Am I getting nute burn looking for advice and will be a regular poster who wants a seat first free pop corn for the first guest!!!!
437EA204-0CBC-4A0E-8520-46F7927E0FDD.jpegThe church437EA204-0CBC-4A0E-8520-46F7927E0FDD.jpegthe church #2E83E6231-A68A-4677-9692-D8A7C2ED9E91.jpeg the church #31C3E12F7-65F8-41CF-9D77-954D8F3C1C24.jpegG13xheadbands3C0E306F-7241-428F-9BBF-19D702FAC065.jpegwhite widow


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How old are they? If your plants are that young and in fresh soil they don't need nutes yet. There's just a couple weeks worth in the soil from the bag. I'd say it's time to transplant those girls into the next container. Wait for the soil to dry out a bit then do your transplant.

I've noticed when I've got plants in solo cups the yellowing leaves are indicating being root bound or on the way too that.

Here's a link for transplanting. I threw this out there a while back. It's not hard to do.
@Agemon hit the nail on the head. The lights being too low at the beginning could have a little to do with it also. They’re just babies so you gotta treat them like that. They’re getting plenty of nutrients from the soil for now. They look good to me...I’d transplant and go from there.
actually look alright to me. i second the up pot idea. i'm assuming there are some drainage holes as well..
Just a couple of questions, if you don't mind.
The GH trio is the Flora series? If so I have a recommendation.
What is the rate of Cal/Mag and the brand?
Did you charge the Mother Earth?

Want to help you bud, but just need the info.
I think that 36 is plenty high for your lamps. Your recomended height for that lamp is probably 18 to 24". So you are fine there.
I think you may be right on the transplant.yes it is the flora series the Mother Earth coir perlite mix is not charged that’s the reasoning for the Nutes. Should I back off on the Nutes? @gr865 @Agemon

Also I’m using blue labmeters just for some added info keeping water at a consistent 6.1 is that too high? My starting water is 60 ppm should I bother with an ro system? @bluter yes there’s drainage holes.

I think I’ll order some 3gal pots with trays for 2 day shipping I’ll hold off on watering then transplant on Saturday thanks y’all I’ll let you know how all goes and post more pics!!!
When I used the Flora series, only used the Micro and Bloom, you don't need the extra N that Grow has.
Run a 2/3 Micro to Bloom with 0.75 Cal/Magic and 0.75 grams of Epsom.

I also use Canna coco but I still charge it prior to use. 1 ml Cal/Magic and one gram Epsom per gallon. pH to 5.75 to 5.85. Flush with twice to three times mix, 1 gallon solution to 1 gallon coco.

Just the way I go. I am in Canna Coco now and use all Canna nutes, at reduced rates, and all Canna additives. I have been considering using the GH series again but overall like the taste of the finished product with Canna.

Good luck on your grow there Bud!

By the way if your tap water is only 60 ppm you are one lucky MF, mine is 800 plus. I don't use it needless to say.
Thanks for the advice I need to dissolve the epsom In the water correct? I will be pulling up a chair to your journal and taking many notes @gr865.

I’m looking to do a massive upgrade in the next two weeks so I might scrap this grow or use it for fun while using the new setup for the more serious business. Looking to buy timber lights cobs and a 4x4 tent but debating going with qb’s.

Thank you all for the warm welcome to the community too. You guys are the only ones I can talk to about this stuff so the love is much appreciated!
Did this a few years ago, got it from a post on another site. Have amended it to match my use.

*LESS IS MORE>......... .5 scale for those caring.

***200 ppm of a + b for plenty....

***400 ppm of a + b for flower is plenty.

***Calimagic/a+b ratio***

150 ppm/200 ppm = 350

100 ppm/3ooppm = 400

50 ppm/ 400 ppm= 450

* 5.8 ph*

* when charge, no double dose, and no flush....just absolutely water to 3o% run off.

*Drip clean for the win.

This is based on slightly rough math but is very close to my experiece...

3 ml/gal = .4 ec = 200 ppm with around 44 ppm of calcium
4.5 ml/gal = .6 ec = 300 ppm with around 66 ppm of calcium
6.2 ml/gal = .8 ec = 400 ppm with around 88 ppm of calcium
7.7 ml/gal = 1 ec = 500 ppm with around 112 ppm of calcium
9.2 ml/gal = 1.2 ec = 600 ppm with around 135 ppm of calcium.........

you need around 150 ppm of calcium even if when I'm at 200 ppm if I only added 100ppm of cal/magic, only 75 is calcium so I would still be short......

at week 4 I am using around 1ml/gal. Which comes out to around 70-80 ppm. I'll start decreasing it at the end of wk 5 beginning of week 6.

I use GH Cal/Magic and I believe the rate is 3.5 ml (1 tsp)/gallon. When I use RO or rainwater (my rainwater is 2 ppm) I add Cal/Magic and Epsom to bring my #'s to 120 ppm, then begin adding the base nutes. I use Canna Coco's line of nutes but I back off of their recommended rates, as I feel they are way high. For example, in veg I will add only 200 ppm of A&B, in flower 400 ppm. Now that rate does not give me the Cal ratio needed. You need around 150 ppm of calcium even if when I'm at 200 ppm if I only added 100 ppm of Calimagic, only 75 is calcium so I would still be short. I would need to add approx.140 ppm of Cal/Magic to reach my desired number.
Here is a chart the gives the ratios of Calcium in given ppm of A&B.

This is based on slightly rough math but is very close to correct.
3 ml/gal = .4 ec = 200 ppm with around 44 ppm of calcium
4.5 ml/gal = .6 ec = 300 ppm with around 66 ppm of calcium
6.2 ml/gal = .8 ec = 400 ppm with around 88 ppm of calcium
7.7 ml/gal = 1 ec = 500 ppm with around 112 ppm of calcium
9.2 ml/gal = 1.2 ec = 600 ppm with around 135 ppm of calcium.........

This Calcium information is purely based on a Canna schedule, using CalMagic. As I stated, once you hit around 700 ppm you no longer need Cal/mag additives.

Now I use a bit more A&B 250 to 350 ppm veg and 350 to 450 flower.
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