Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

well I just got done watering my plants lately I have stopped messing with them as much I have been just letting them do there thing I have decided to get some of the parts I need for my other grow tent with my next check coming up in June I will have to go with out buying any bud for a month so I can pay for it all but its cool I still have a good stash of wax so I can get by with just my dabs I will try and get as many parts as I can afford that way I could try and get my grow light sooner and hopefully I will have both tents running for my next grow I still have to buy the things I need for the harvest like mason jars and stuff like that but I don't have to do all that till the 1st of the month here are the pics of my plants after watering sorry about the rant... p.s. are those flowering hairs I see?


re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Damn, the growth they have done since the switch is awesome! Have you had calcium or magnesium issues using the led? I know that using led requires some extra attention to this. Or, have you been doing anything special to address this before any deficiency shows? I know I can go back and read, but truthfully, I'm just too lazy lol.
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Damn, the growth they have done since the switch is awesome! Have you had calcium or magnesium issues using the led? I know that using led requires some extra attention to this. Or, have you been doing anything special to address this before any deficiency shows? I know I can go back and read, but truthfully, I'm just too lazy lol.

thanks for stopping by my grow journal @Colesdad I am so lucky to not have any issues with nutes or growth deficiencies at all so far in this grow just a little slow growth in the beginning plus I use Cal mag in every watering to help combat problems
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

i belive those are hairs my friend!! and the growth is amazing!! i cant wait until my ladys are at 15 days so i can compare to your setup. im only at day 3 of flower so nothing as amazing looking as yours :thumb: :circle-of-love: :volcano-smiley:
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

hello to all the growers and happy memorial day today is Monday 5/25/2015 it is week 8 day#16 of flower yesterday when I was watering my plants I noticed my plants were looking super duper bushy so today I gave my plants a real good defoliation that way I can get some better air flow I was having a little problem with my humidity being a little to high in the high 60's low 70's range so I have turned up speed controller on my vent fan and the trim I did should help. I did trim a lot of leaves at least I think that was a lot I hope not to much. this is only the second defoliation I have done once in veg and once now in flower I do trim a stray leaf now and then but I don't count that. I took some pics of the girls after I did the trim I did not get to snap any of before I did it but I took pics yesterday so I can use that as a reference

p.s. I got all these fan leafs I don't know what to do with my mom wants to put them I a bottle of rubbing alcohol I think I will let her they do not have any trichomes or I would make some butter with them mmm... butter
:drool: "how's that Pokémon"


it's snorlax
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Your plants look really great. I would let your Mom have them, or toss them entirely.
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

What's up db your plants are looking awesome, seeing those 2 fill that tent up has me worried my 3 won't have enough room in my tent.

I think I might do one plant next grow I still have to see how this one turns out
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Im so jealous of you DB.. Youre about five weeks ahead of me.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing, one plant in a 5gl smart pot and I'll probably try scrogging

I would suggest checking out flux. Same result.. Much easier to manage it seems. Check out Ultradan's solo gal, or LightAddict's flux guide. Seems simpler and hugely effective.
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

I love your snorlax man haha I was stuck on Pokemon for the first like 15 years of my life and still play the games sometimes!!! :thumb:
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

hello to all the growers out there today is Wednesday 5/27/2015 it is week 8 of this grow day #18 of flower today was one of my watering days in this watering I used the same nutes I used in the last watering I used one teaspoon or 5ml of the following in each gallon of water. one gallon of nutes for each plant except for the earth juice Cal-n-mag that I only gave a half of a teaspoon for each gallon.

roots Organics Buddha Grow
roots Organics Buddha bloom
roots organics trinity
roots organics ancient amber
roots organics hpk
roots organic extreme serene
earth juice hi brix molasses
earth juice elements Cal-and-mag
soul synthetics big swell

I am real happy that I can start to see small buds forming :drool: I can now start to see all my work transforming each day so far I have been one of the lucky ones I have not had any real problems in this grow even though I have never ph. my water or my nutes once in this grow I still have a little more that a month to go is this grow so I am not off the proverbial hook yet I still have a lot to learn

I now know for a fact that I now have bugs :bitingnails: they are same black flies I think they are fungus gnats I picked them up form the crap potting soil I tried to root a clone in I am starting to see more and more of them every day I am going to get some fly traps on the 1st from eBay I am just not sure of what type of traps to get if any of you have had this problem let me know how you dealt with it please

now time for some pics

re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

They look really nice, Db. Really excellent job.

I think (I could be wrong, so get confirmation) that Neem Oil is what you need for the critters.
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

hello to all just a quick update I did a couple of searches on Google and found that some people use diatomaceous earth to help with gnat problems and I remembered I have a ton of that stuff I use it to kill roaches around my apartment and I know it works to kill those little bastards so I put a nice layer on the top of my soil I hope it helps if any one else has used diatomaceous earth let me know how it worked out for you

:rip: die! you little fuckers die!

re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Hope they perk up for you! In the middle of my first grow/journal. Also running LED (Apollo) and soil, if you wanna check it out. I'll come back and keep an eye on yours as well, interested in seeing it turn out.
re: Db003's First Grow - Mars II 400W - Green Crack & Larrys OG Kush

Hope they perk up for you! In the middle of my first grow/journal. Also running LED (Apollo) and soil, if you wanna check it out. I'll come back and keep an eye on yours as well, interested in seeing it turn out.

thanks for stopping by my grow @Strykr I think the link to your grow journal is not working
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