Dennise Growing Under A Znet4 In Soilless Medium With Growology

Vermiculite once had a history of Asbestos contamination, especially in a certain US mine.

What ever the authorities say today of its alleged safety, I would not go anywhere near that product today.

Perlite is a similar product in the properties one is trying to obtain as a grow medium aeration supplement.

Your choice peeps.
Your plant is growing bigger in the larger pot because it has more room for the roots to develop. Even if the soil is not live, the function is mechanical as well as biological. So you are having the success I talked about when you manipulate the soil to give you the desired effect. However, the larger pot will contribute to a larger plant. This is not to say you can't produce a big plant in a smaller pot. It is more natural to give roots enough room to grow and not find an edge to stop at.

Ya dig? I knew ya did.
Hey GF

Tomorrow I will post some pics on this thread that I would like a little explanation for.

Plant vigor and survival never ceases to amaze me. I got a few gems that you'd hardy believe.

Watch this space.
Plants are looking great Dennise! :circle-of-love:

Have a wonderful evening :) :passitleft:
Good Morniing Relaxed and a beautiful one it is.....:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise

Big Love and Hugs from across the pond :hug::hug::hug::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::hug::hug::hug:

My, I sure got some catching up to do.

Checkout this little update BB Hopes To Go Perpetual With New Strains
I certainly will Brassic....:circle-of-love:
Plants are looking bushy and healthy...How do you divide your vermiculite, perlite and peat moss ? Do you like the Pro mix as well ? I want my plants to look like yours !! pout No really you doing it good !
My ProMix has not gotten here yet. I had a heck of a time finding it here so had to order it but I am hoping to love it as it has everything needed already in it so I don't have to worry about how much and what to put in........:circle-of-love:
Vermiculite once had a history of Asbestos contamination, especially in a certain US mine.

What ever the authorities say today of its alleged safety, I would not go anywhere near that product today.

Perlite is a similar product in the properties one is trying to obtain as a grow medium aeration supplement.

Your choice peeps.
I had read the same thing Brassic so when I buy it I make sure to get certified organic......:circle-of-love:
Your plant is growing bigger in the larger pot because it has more room for the roots to develop. Even if the soil is not live, the function is mechanical as well as biological. So you are having the success I talked about when you manipulate the soil to give you the desired effect. However, the larger pot will contribute to a larger plant. This is not to say you can't produce a big plant in a smaller pot. It is more natural to give roots enough room to grow and not find an edge to stop at.

Ya dig? I knew ya did.
Hey GF

Tomorrow I will post some pics on this thread that I would like a little explanation for.

Plant vigor and survival never ceases to amaze me. I got a few gems that you'd hardy believe.

Watch this space.
The vermiculite is added for 2 reasons

1) for moisture retention.

2) Vermiculite acts as a catalyst between the roots of the plant and nutrients.

:thanks: King :adore:....:circle-of-love:
the number one rule of grow club is to tell no one and rule #2 is to refer to rule #1...:circle-of-love:

I've been using the same type clip fan Lady Dee but I placed it in at the top port of my Bloom tent and I leave the flap to the back vent located at the bottom of the tent cracked open for exhaust. Now I have great air flow and the temps are RH stay within parameters.

Looks like your wild Thai is going wild good job:peace::goodjob:

I've been using the same type clip fan Lady Dee but I placed it in at the top port of my Bloom tent and I leave the flap to the back vent located at the bottom of the tent cracked open for exhaust. Now I have great air flow and the temps are RH stay within parameters.

I have an exhaust fan coming out the top Broke Ass and had I remembered to post pics of the setup you would know this however I forgot..... I will try and remember to post pics of the exhaust I rigged up. I do have the flaps open and it does help with humidity and I also have a small fan down at the bottom pushing air up to the exhaust..... If I have the concept wrong please let me know but my humidity in there is now running between 35-50. To wide of a range in my opinion but it is the best I have been able to stabilize it. So with all my BS said should I rearrange it somehow.... well guess you can't know yet until I post pics but I will in a bit....:circle-of-love:
I'm glad you got all that worked out, Reggie! I think I remember you having problems with RH a while back in winter.
He had more than RH problems and he seems to have worked them all out....:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
Hi Dennise my signature now has a link to my journals check 'em out if you like:peace:
Ohhh your gonna get in trouble..:). Oh that's right your my friend... I will check it out now Sir......:circle-of-love:
I've come to realize it's not how you go about getting your conditions in the correct parameters but it's if you get them there or not Lady Dee. Seen many members use many different techniques but the bottom line is to get the temps & RH under control. There's almost no wrong or right way.
Hey Lady Dee, I looked up your new light that came a few weeks ago and saw someone selling it for about 115 dollars. Is that right? It also says it covers 90cm, which is about 45". That is pretty amazing if it's true. I would buy three of those if I knew I could grow indoors using them. They also say they are good for 50k hours, which I love. A lot to consider especially now after seeing this incredible room!

I asked you this same thing elsewhere, but wanted to also put it here in the journal where this light is being showcased. I'm amazed at the low price. One light is enough for one plant, you think? I think I'm getting a 'lighty.' Similar to what guys get, if ya get my drift! I'm sorry for being so crazy. :)
Never apologize for being crazy... have you noticed the sane people lately..:thedoubletake:.. I actually thought they were more than that to be honest. Now the 48x3w Top Led that is about right I think but the Znet4 would work out to a 72x3w and I think they are a bit more than that but if you break it down to the number of lights divided into the cost it works out about the same. I did all the math a while back but don't know where it is. You all know I love my Top Leds but I just gotta say I have not seen this kind of growth ever before from any of my girls. Admit to this one being in a larger pot (8 'vs' 5 gallons) but everything started so bad with breaking the 2 limbs after dropping the fan on her and she still has grown huge and extremely healthy and I am not seeing the purple stems nearly as much as with my Top Leds. Now I have no idea if the purple stems are even a bad thing.. genetic... or the lights bt there is just no doubt the Znet4 is growing like nothing I have seen here......
and I do think it was 48x48" coverage which for the tent I like a lot where in the closet I think the Top Led works better because of the design and it goes length wise instead of square.... something to think about....:circle-of-love:
But with all that nonsense being said Garden if you have found the Znet4 for around $100 buy it..........:circle-of-love:
It figures that I didn't bookmark the page I saw it. Shoot. Now I have to dig and dig. My plants are still flowering outside. WW x BB are doing better than Money Maker. I think the MM is a slower grower. Lots of huge fans and probably more indica dominant than thought at first.

If I do decide to set up a grow room in one of the big closets, I will have two sides to it. One for veg under CFL and LED for flower. If I did build a serious room, it would have to be so I could grow perpetually. Clones, to flower, to flower, etc. I'm strain hunting now. I will be interested to see how your smoke turns out this grow. The smoke I have now is very good because it causes me very little palpitation. I hate that feeling and though I can usually breath it out, I'd prefer higher CBD to tone the THC down a bit.

I also like the square lights because they are so cute. What a dumb reason to like something. Ha.
It figures that I didn't bookmark the page I saw it. Shoot. Now I have to dig and dig. My plants are still flowering outside. WW x BB are doing better than Money Maker. I think the MM is a slower grower. Lots of huge fans and probably more indica dominant than thought at first.
Being that you mentioned it "flowering outside" Do you think my girls on the fire escape will go into pre-flower any time soon? I have no idea of how the seasonal thing works with light outdoors.
I do know that in the summer days are longer so if they do start to flower then eventually they'd go back into veg mode, correct?
Being that you mentioned it "flowering outside" Do you think my girls on the fire escape will go into pre-flower any time soon? I have no idea of how the seasonal thing works with light outdoors.
I do know that in the summer days are longer so if they do start to flower then eventually they'd go back into veg mode, correct?

I think the days are long enough right now they should stay vegging
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