DocBud's Hempy Grow

Congrat's on a world class grow!!!


Great info on flushing advise from both setting sun, and Andy Botwin:thanks:

Just in time. I'm trying to schedule my own water/nute applications, figuring 3 weeks to go, now that I'm into the 6th week of flower. Guess work really since everything depends on the trich's maturing properly, but now I have a seasoned advise on how to proceed.

Best of luck to you in finishing these beauties though the final stages!

I'm couch locked from just looking at the photos:cheesygrinsmiley:
wow... delicious, those plants look perfect
Beautiful buds Doc!:yummy:

That Flo ain't normal...that could be a good thing!;)

Now, the Widow look sexy, but it's a little early for those leaves to be fading IMO. What can we do? Looks like she needs some Mg, some Potassium, and maybe a small amount of trace elements. What do you think?

The Jack looks dangerous already...and the Blue Dream is going to spoil ya.

Thanks to everyone, I'd list your names but I'm still waking up....but I read all the nice things you had to say....thank you.

I agree about those leaves fading....but remember how the plants had a deficiency a few weeks ago. I just now gave the WW a feeding....doubled up on the Tiger Bloom....lot's of PK and minerals.

I think once you develop a deficiency during flower, there's gonna be come damage. I did the best I could to correct it and the plants responded, but damage is damage.

I've got a textbook Phosphorus deficiency in FLO right now. I don't think I want to grow that plant's like trying to herd cats. But on the other hand, I look at this grow like a classroom. Here's what I've learned in 2 months:

1.)How to set up a room. Temp's, RH, light cycles, Co2, dehumidifier, AC.
2.)How to water and mix nutes, PH, PPM, etc.
3.)How to stake and tie
4.)Spider Mite combat
5.)Several deficiencies due to an oversight (tsp vs tbsp)
6.)checking trichomes
soon to come:trimming, curing.

I don't want to learn about bud rot.....but I still got time for that! It shouldn't be a problem, because I've got the RH down at the 40% level.

When I noticed the P deficiency in FLO, which appeared overnight, I didn't get mad....I was actually happy. "Ah! I know what that is! Cool!" The sun leaves look exactly like this:

Anyways....I pretty sure we're gonna make it all the way to harvest. I'm very hesitant to smoke that FLO, however. It just looks weird.
I've got a textbook Phosphorus deficiency in FLO right now. I don't think I want to grow that plant's like trying to herd cats. But on the other hand, I look at this grow like a classroom. Here's what I've learned in 2 months:

1.)How to set up a room. Temp's, RH, light cycles, Co2, dehumidifier, AC.
2.)How to water and mix nutes, PH, PPM, etc.
3.)How to stake and tie
4.)Spider Mite combat
5.)Several deficiencies due to an oversight (tsp vs tbsp)
6.)checking trichomes
soon to come:trimming, curing.

I don't want to learn about bud rot.....but I still got time for that! It shouldn't be a problem, because I've got the RH down at the 40% level.

When I noticed the P deficiency in FLO, which appeared overnight, I didn't get mad....I was actually happy. "Ah! I know what that is! Cool!"

+rep Doc. U've been very observant, thus far and have learned alot. U remind me of me in the beginning. LOL @ the TSP/TBS thing, did that b4.Now that u can ID a particular deficiency, if u ever see it again will u know how to treat it? Think about that, if U haven't. Again great job. U managed to get rid of the mites completely? Won't let me rep u again, just yet.
+rep Doc. U've been very observant, thus far and have learned alot. U remind me of me in the beginning. LOL @ the TSP/TBS thing, did that b4.Now that u can ID a particular deficiency, if u ever see it again will u know how to treat it? Think about that, if U haven't. Again great job. U managed to get rid of the mites completely? Won't let me rep u again, just yet.

Sounds like your learning Doc...

You're such a great cat to have around on the Forums, smart dude, but not to proud to listen to others........
I doubt you'll have any mold issues with your RH at ~40%, as that sounds ideal. I hope the extra feeding for the WW helps, because it appears to have several weeks left and would love to see it maxed out!:yummy:

There's my Sunday mornin' two cents...Lovin' your grow Doc.:thanks:

thanks to both of you. :thanks:

I do feel more confident now about nutrients and deficiencies. I was determined at the start of the grow to NOT overfeed, get lockout, etc. I do think I would have avoided lockout by following the schedule to a "T" but I chose to go lighter. Combining that choice, with totally underfeeding and the fact that I was driving these plants hard with Co2 and 1000watts....

Well, they did the best they could, till they started running out of gas.

I have not seen a living mite for about 2 weeks, and I've been lookin for the bastards. I am happy to say that I didn't use a single toxic product to kill them. I think the key is to use several products, which I did.

Andy, thanks for the kind words. In my professional life, I have learned that modeling myself after successful people is the fastest way to success. We've got lot's of great growers here, and I have been lurking in the shadows studying what they do and how their plants look.

Not too many hempy growers.....but hopefully I'll change that. I do think this method is a great beginner method, that can be used to grow some really nice plants.

All I can say is wait till the next grow.....
Hey brother grower ...I'm here to support your hempy style growing and will help show people results from this method...and from drain to waste as i actually been running it both ways....I agree it is simple intro to hydro for beginers and even with couple issues you have fixed you still have outstanding results to show...whats a few leaves amongst friends still are going to have a awesome harvest way you cant....unless you get that M word....I too lurk in journals...and learn from all the great growers here...including you ..:peace: and see ya when i am lurking brother grower :passitleft: (I am here all the time)
Hey brother grower ...I'm here to support your hempy style growing and will help show people results from this method...and from drain to waste as i actually been running it both ways....I agree it is simple intro to hydro for beginers and even with couple issues you have fixed you still have outstanding results to show...whats a few leaves amongst friends still are going to have a awesome harvest way you cant....unless you get that M word....I too lurk in journals...and learn from all the great growers here...including you ..:peace: and see ya when i am lurking brother grower :passitleft: (I am here all the time)

:thanks: and :rollit:
Hey Doc I kind of speed read to catch up on your trip. The pic's look good a page back makes me remember your start, you thought you was going to kill your babies. Looks close to finish time and turn over a new trip. You sound like you sure been doing your homework, and are ready to reap afew rewards. Good grow there Congrads
Hey Doc I kind of speed read to catch up on your trip. The pic's look good a page back makes me remember your start, you thought you was going to kill your babies. Looks close to finish time and turn over a new trip. You sound like you sure been doing your homework, and are ready to reap afew rewards. Good grow there Congrads

:thanks: for stopping by!

I learned a lot on this grow and I can't wait to start the next one.....plenty to do before now and then:

harvest, dry, cure, clean, bomb, scrub, polish....I'm also going to staple up some mylar and extend the light mover track 3 feet.

I just don't know what strain I'm going to grow. I've got seeds for all these:

Santa Maria
Lucky Queen
Double Fun
MK Ultra
Blue Cheese
Skunk/sour diesel

I can get clones of if you have a suggestion, let me know!
I'm a few weeks away from germ'in some seeds, but I'll be growing 5 Violators right along side ya.....along with 5 Blue Cheese.

Update: Day 53 flower

All strains are gaining weight and looking good. I cut off the crusty yellow fan leaves on the WW, and the rest of the plant looks very healthy. Jack H. is bulking up nicely, as are the Blue Dream twins.

FLO continues to fatten up, but I really don't like that plant. I think I'm going to chop it early....there's just somethin' about it....reminds me of some poisonous plant....yeah, I know, totally irrational.

However, I did find about 4 spider mites last night. There was a good bit of white stippling on some fan leaves lower down on the Jack Herer. The mites were tiny, I only saw one egg, and they are confined to one lower branch, so far.

So.....I sprayed 'em AGAIN. There aren't enough of them to interfere with harvest, no webs, and no signs of a major infestation, just an irritation.

I can't wait to chop and dry so I can kick their asses.....

My plan is the try to harvest everything right after Thanksgiving....except I don't know what to do about FLO. It might turn out that it's a killer smoke....I don't know.

Smoke report:

I had two hits of Blue Dream last night. This sample was dried in my electric bud dryer for 4 days. The triches were mostly cloudy with about 20% clear and a couple odd amber. No flush, no cure.

It was smooth, delicious and I had a pleasant, rather strong head buzz, during which I could think clearly.....but I was thinking about things differently than I normally do....very creative high. After about an hour of that a gentle, comfortable body stone set in. It was really, really nice!

The bud, after 4 days of drying, smoked cleanly and evenly, no green taste, and it weight 1.5 grams. It was 4 grams totally wet.

If I take that, and project it to the whole plant, I think, conservatively, I'm lookin' at 2 plus ounces per plant on the BD.

Small bit of White Widow coming next......
mmmmmmmmmmm, I like the smoke report on the Blue Dream. That's the kind of high I prefer and what works best for treating my back pain.

I'm amused at your relationship with the Flo, but I won't try to analyze it, lol. Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut feelings and instinct. I would love to hear a smoke report though ;).

The usual weight loss from harvest to cure is 70-75%, so you're right in the ballpark.

electric bud dryer? whattup with dat?, tell us more, lol.
mmmmmmmmmmm, I like the smoke report on the Blue Dream. That's the kind of high I prefer and what works best for treating my back pain.

I'm amused at your relationship with the Flo, but I won't try to analyze it, lol. Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut feelings and instinct. I would love to hear a smoke report though ;).

The usual weight loss from harvest to cure is 70-75%, so you're right in the ballpark.

electric bud dryer? whattup with dat?, tell us more, lol.

I'm gonna save you a choice nugget of Blue Dream, SS. Count on it.

I'll try smoking the FLO....but I'm probably going to do it after a tall glass of Absinthe. Maybe I was abused by this plant as a child? It just creeps me out. I wish you could see it in ain't like the others.

When I bought my BCNL Producer (still haven't plugged it in....buyer's remorse) it came with this

I also have a year's supply of AN. I've got it listed on Craig's list right now...if it doesn't sell, I'll put it to work as a seedling/veg station, which should do just fine. It's actually a really nice cabinet....I just got started on this grow in a way I didn't expect and I like what I'm doing right now.

So, I'll probably start 'em in the Cab, and flower 'em in the manner I'm growing now.
I'm gonna save you a choice nugget of Blue Dream, SS. Count on it.

and I shall reciprocate. Count on it :grinjoint:

I'll try smoking the FLO....but I'm probably going to do it after a tall glass of Absinthe. Maybe I was abused by this plant as a child? It just creeps me out. I wish you could see it in ain't like the others.

one of the things I love the most about weed growin' forums is that you get to see some of the diversity in our beloved plant. All the different sizes and shapes.

they all look similar in the bowl ;).

When I bought my BCNL Producer (still haven't plugged it in....buyer's remorse) it came with this

If you're not going to use it, before you put it on CL, let me know, I might be interested.

What don't you like about it?
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