DocBud's Hempy Grow

I had to chuckle over your comment about not feeling the buzz since the 70's. I have exactly the same time warping experience when I rub one of my buds, and inhale the unmistakable strong, raunchy skunk scent that sends my mind back to the late 70's, buying Humbolt KB in Santa Cruz. How sweet it is.
Welcome to the club!+reps

Now imagine a thorough flush, a proper dry and a generous cure...:yummy:
I'm looking forward to that too.
I don't trust my own eyes on checking the triches! All the strains say 8 weeks, I'm only at day 47.

Nice post doc.

I can relate ;).


This is my first post here and the first journal I have read and I take my hat off to you!

I am honored! We've got some really good growers here, people I look to for guidance all the time, make sure you check out their journals.

I had to chuckle over your comment about not feeling the buzz since the 70's. I have exactly the same time warping experience when I rub one of my buds, and inhale the unmistakable strong, raunchy skunk scent that sends my mind back to the late 70's, buying Humbolt KB in Santa Cruz. How sweet it is.

I know what you mean! I remember when I first heard the name "Indica." Prior to that we were smoking Thai, 'Lumbo God and Red Bud, Oacan, Kona Gold, Oaxacan.....and maybe some others that I forgot. All Sativas. I remember my head buzzing almost immediately after taking a hit of that stuff....but then in college it was all about Indicas....and I remember being stoned.

Well, last night I got that head buzz again....probably due to the early harvest of the sample. Anyways, I feel like I just got my first girlfriend....sort of.....;)
I just fed and watered the Blue's....only 630 PPM, mostly from Big Bloom and hygrozyme. I'm going to ease them into a flush, as I was told that using organics flushing is not quite as critical. I'll flush for a week, probably starting on Sunday. I don't know if the others will catch up or not....I would like to have a period of darkness before I chop.....don't know if I can do that.

Note to self: Grow compatible strains next time.
Suggestions and criticism are most welcome.

The whole garden at end of light cycle. The Blue Dreams droop a bit when they're thirsty at the end of the day. They perk right up when I water.

Jack Herer

Lower bud sites

top of a lower bud

White Widow
the yellowing never went away completely, but now I think it's normal?



Blue Dream. The colas aren't as long as the others, bud the buds are way denser, with much more frosting.


I can't tell which one I like best. The yellowing on the widow I wouldn't worry about much. Midway toward harvest I've noticed this in soil. The fans yellow as the plant gathers mobile nutrients until the leaf has been depleted or drops. Widow typically goes 9-10 weeks to my understanding (only ran it once). It will frost the hell up on u tho. The FLO does look like a weird strain but we'll see how she smokes. Blue Dream looks wonderful. As far as growiing different strains I look at it like this. If ur confidnet in ur skills a homogenous garden is cool (especially if its a commercial garden). When still kinda new, I feel its good to grow 2 different strains simultaneously because one may be more susceptible to pests or disease. When that strain gets hit, it may get hit hard enough to where it can't recover and instead of losing a whole crop U still have half that can be treated and still get a decent harvest. I've had a whole crop wiped out (right before it was scheduled to flower) by mites. Half a room, GONE. so I think that ur ok with that, just maybe try to narrow it down to 2. That's my opinion anyhow. But lookin good doc. Never did a hempy grow, in fact I didn't even know what a hempy grow was until I saw this journal. I'm watchin and learnin.
I can't tell which one I like best. The yellowing on the widow I wouldn't worry about much. Midway toward harvest I've noticed this in soil. The fans yellow as the plant gathers mobile nutrients until the leaf has been depleted or drops. Widow typically goes 9-10 weeks to my understanding (only ran it once). It will frost the hell up on u tho. The FLO does look like a weird strain but we'll see how she smokes. Blue Dream looks wonderful. As far as growiing different strains I look at it like this. If ur confidnet in ur skills a homogenous garden is cool (especially if its a commercial garden). When still kinda new, I feel its good to grow 2 different strains simultaneously because one may be more susceptible to pests or disease. When that strain gets hit, it may get hit hard enough to where it can't recover and instead of losing a whole crop U still have half that can be treated and still get a decent harvest. I've had a whole crop wiped out (right before it was scheduled to flower) by mites. Half a room, GONE. so I think that ur ok with that, just maybe try to narrow it down to 2. That's my opinion anyhow. But lookin good doc. Never did a hempy grow, in fact I didn't even know what a hempy grow was until I saw this journal. I'm watchin and learnin.

Good advice. I never did a hempy grow either.....(or any other grow) so I'm also watchin' and learning.

How much longer should I go? Care to hazard a guess?
I see you had to stake them up which must mean they're getting top-heavy :grinjoint:

Checking trichs is the only reliable way to know where things are at, although I think experienced growers can tell a lot from looking at good pics, like the ones you posted.

I don't consider myself that experienced, but I think you need to hide your garden snips for at least 1-2 weeks, probably 2.

They will pack on a lot of weight those last two weeks of bloom!

the yellow leaves at this stage of bloom is usually just the plant sacrificing its foliage for the sake of its flowers.

looking extremely yummy!
I see you had to stake them up which must mean they're getting top-heavy :grinjoint:

Checking trichs is the only reliable way to know where things are at, although I think experienced growers can tell a lot from looking at good pics, like the ones you posted.

I don't consider myself that experienced, but I think you need to hide your garden snips for at least 1-2 weeks, probably 2.

They will pack on a lot of weight those last two weeks of bloom!

the yellow leaves at this stage of bloom is usually just the plant sacrificing its foliage for the sake of its flowers.

looking extremely yummy!

Thanks bro! I don't want my impatience to get the best of me after I've come this far.

Once I get this grow successfully finished, I'll have more confidence and won't need as much hand holding on the next one. ;)
Yeah. No more pics til Dec. the blue dream looks really really close to the final 2 weeks. I would place the others due in 4-5 weeks. Mine are nearing 5 weeks and look scrawny. i only pray mines will sugar up like your B.D. Good Growing!!
I see you had to stake them up which must mean they're getting top-heavy :grinjoint:

Checking trichs is the only reliable way to know where things are at, although I think experienced growers can tell a lot from looking at good pics, like the ones you posted.

I don't consider myself that experienced, but I think you need to hide your garden snips for at least 1-2 weeks, probably 2.

They will pack on a lot of weight those last two weeks of bloom!

the yellow leaves at this stage of bloom is usually just the plant sacrificing its foliage for the sake of its flowers.

looking extremely yummy!

Yeah, they're staked and tied....especially the Blue Dreams, which grow sideways as much as they grow up. ;) Those buds are surprisingly dense.

The week of the 22-28 is 9th week.....Thanksgiving. Not the most convenient time to harvest...not at all. If I could chop before, or after, that would be great.

When should I start to flush?
Yeah, they're staked and tied....especially the Blue Dreams, which grow sideways as much as they grow up. ;) Those buds are surprisingly dense.

The week of the 22-28 is 9th week.....Thanksgiving. Not the most convenient time to harvest...not at all. If I could chop before, or after, that would be great.

When should I start to flush?

Unless most of the trichs are going amber, given the choice, I would harvest the week after TG. Another week of bud growth would be a good thing.

Flushing is a controversial subject.

You're gonna get disparate suggestions.

I stop feeding nutes a couple of weeks before harvest, and I do a very thorough flush one week before harvest.

Then for that last week, I give them nothing and just let them draw everything they can from their leaves. This also stresses them and they produce more resin in response to the lack of water.

It also gives you a bit of a head start on curing, because the buds won't be quite as wet when you harvest.

That's in soil though. Not sure if that regimen would hold up for hempy.
Unless most of the trichs are going amber, given the choice, I would harvest the week after TG. Another week of bud growth would be a good thing.

Flushing is a controversial subject.

You're gonna get disparate suggestions.

I stop feeding nutes a couple of weeks before harvest, and I do a very thorough flush one week before harvest.

Then for that last week, I give them nothing and just let them draw everything they can from their leaves. This also stresses them and they produce more resin in response to the lack of water.

It also gives you a bit of a head start on curing, because the buds won't be quite as wet when you harvest.

That's in soil though. Not sure if that regimen would hold up for hempy.

Excellent advice. +reps. I learned some of those lessons the hard way.
When growing in dirt, I find a deep flushing is a good idea every month or so as there is a real salt build up here in my soils.
Great advice from Setting Sun. I, basically, use the same procedure.

Fellow member SouthernWeed advocates a 'double-flush' where you let the the medium dry out completely after the first flush and then flush again.

I will re-iterate that depriving the plants of water, so that they are just about wilted before harvest, helps the drying time and can increase resin. I have found this to be very effective with the 'double-flush' because it ensures low fertilizer salts in the end product.

Well, we definitely have cloudy triches....I saw a few amber heads, but there's also some clear heads.

Tonite will be their last feeding, and it will be a light one. I'm going to give them only water, hygrozyme and molasses for two more waterings, then go straight RO until the end.

I don't want too much couchlock....but I do want them to mature, mainly because I want the experience of watching the triches change.

I can't figure out how much I am going to yield, but judging from what an eighth looks like, I think I'm going to have over an ounce per plant. I don't know how much over that....we'll see.
Hey DocBud

Man your gonna have great end to this first grow. Congrats:surf:

I was just thinking about what you have been through on your journey.
storms, and so on. You've come through learning a great deal and ending up with some really good buds. I've learned along with you. Thanks :peace:
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