Double Double Soil and Bubbles

You can always spray the area down with a water bleach mixture.
Nothing wrong with waiting for a transplant.
Just some food for thought it wouldn't hurt to transplant and get them in new soil and do a treatment or two in new pots, just in case some are down in the soil and they get stirred up transplanting they will get sprayed and ko'd and won't be making any returns.
I plan on transplanting into new soil and then treating with azatrol sometime this week. Like within the next few days... I've just been super super busy. Football practice, yesterday, open house today, and then god knows what tomorrow.

We weren't able to get a hold of the customer that gave us the post dated check on my birthday. But today is the day the check is dated for and we are going to put that baby in the bank, and then I am going to the hydro store to get the azatrol, and then I have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off at my son's open house. I have to follow his schedule. Don't think hubby we'll be able to make it from class to class, in only 5 mins on his crutches. So it's gonna be me... And I am not feeling 100% Iron levels are up...

I have pics of the girls, just haven't had my coffee yet. So give me time, and I'll post them.
Borg Invasion update.




Blue Cheese



White Widow Seeds Planted 8/25/10

That's all I have time for right now...

They were NOT there 10 minutes ago when I took pics LOL








Things are looking up!!!
Geez they just popped and you already have a set of leaves showing! That's outstanding! Even the one with the seed helmet looks ready to pounce! It may need a bigger helmet too! Not!

Yea I know!!! They were not there when I took the pics of the girls new looks minus the crispy dead leaves not 10 minutes before...

All they are getting is my regular well water, ph is 7.2 going in, and about 6.0-6.5 in the reservoir coming out... Plus whatever is in the FFOF soil...

I am so glad that they came up. I was really starting to doubt myself...
The FFOF soil has some oyster shells that help with the ph stabilization. I use tap water that starts at 7.8 which I ph down to 6.5 or so and it comes out at 6.0-6.1.

I planted 3 mature seeds, and one I think was immature, as it was white, but it was the same size as the other 3 seeds. So I may have a couple more coming up in the next few days...

I plan on seperating them putting them in a bigger pot then they are in (3 inch starter pot). When they are a bit more stronger...
LOL I planted 4 seeds hoping for 1 to come up. I got 2 LOL

Last time I planted 6 seeds and none came up.

It's a crap shoot I tell ya...

It won't kill them to share some space for a bit. It's got about 2 cups of soil in the 3 incher. I plan on getting some more pots from the hydro store for the WW after I sex them...
:tokin: Just dropping by to spread some good vibes :passitleft:and a tiny bit of advice.

Your babies will stretch to the light from where they are at and get spindly and tall prematurely (survival mechanism to get them above other plants when shaded). I would get them no less then 3 inches from one or more of your CFL's. I would find something to set them on. I have my baby Afgoo within 2 inches of 2 of my 27W CFL's.

Baby Afgoo Bagseed. Hope you don't mind the photo intrusion. Ignore the perlite on top, was to stop fungus gnats from laying eggs.

Think she is mostly Indica or looks that way to me.

:peacetwo: to your entire clan of mountain elves....:Rasta:
Thanks Green and MH

I raised the lights when I was spraying them with the oily soap water so I wouldn't get burns on the plants from the magnification of the water on the leaves...

They'll go back down to 3 inches above the girls now.

I have AZATROL, and NEEM oil... I'll transfer the clones, into bigger pots tomorrow and give them their first dose of Azatrol.

Oh yea, wanna hear something funny???

My Dispensary Guy was in the HYDRO Store this week and bought "Dr DOOM"... Hmmmm..... idiot sold me mite ridden plants, and then tells me it was MY FAULT... GRRRR
Hey GD!

Your full of win today. the Borg on retreat, new ladies in the home. I love days chuck full of positivity! truly its a good day to be you!

I was going to say something along the lines of

:tokin: Just dropping by to spread some good vibes :passitleft:and a tiny bit of advice.

Your babies will stretch to the light from where they are at and get spindly and tall prematurely (survival mechanism to get them above other plants when shaded). I would get them no less then 3 inches from one or more of your CFL's. I would find something to set them on. I have my baby Afgoo within 2 inches of 2 of my 27W CFL's.

But MH beat me too it. good advise from a good man right there.. Keep up the good work, dont worry to much about the looks of your clones either, they will bounce back and be full and healthy in no time!
Thanks Chrome!!!

I raised the lights on the girls because I was spraying them frequently with my home made BORG spray. I didn't want to burn the leaves with the beading water, so I raised the lights.

Now that I have the NEEM and Azatrol, I plan on lowering them back, as soon as the Misting process is done...

I had them at 3 inches above before I discovered, the mites, then raised them for the misting with oily soap water, and the water rinses...

Tomorrow the girls go into their new pots. Hermione's and Penelope's old pots *sniff sniff* that have been sterilized and cleaned up...

I'm exhausted. Running around everywhere today, then having to go to an open house at the high school. I wonder who's brilliant idea it was to make the parents go through their kids schedules??? Try pushing a guy in a wheelchair through a crowded school hallway, while trying to get across to the other side of the school in 5 minutes or less... Brilliant I tell ya. Thank god the school has an elevator, that's all I gotta say...

My muses assistant isn't going to be around for a while. So I am putting out a call to my fellow Bubbleheads. I'm gonna need your help!!!
Think she is mostly Indica or looks that way to me.

MH she looks all indica the little that I know. :hookah:

Oh yea, wanna hear something funny???

My Dispensary Guy was in the HYDRO Store this week and bought "Dr DOOM"... Hmmmm..... idiot sold me mite ridden plants, and then tells me it was MY FAULT... GRRRR

Probably doesn't care much about keeping your business since you are growing. Never have to worry again, product is under your control from here on out. :cool:
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