Double Double Soil and Bubbles

got my spurs on and lurking

Welcome to the Shakespearean tragedy that is my grow ;)

Hopefully I can get all those damn mites killed without damaging the plants too much...

Thanks for signing up!
Thanks Woods!

How is the recovery from the fall through the deck coming along? Is your arm still giving you issues?

I'm healing up much faster than I thought I would! My shoulder is now feeling much better and I don't think there is any permanent damage as I originally thought. Thank goodness! How's your head doing from you trying to use it as a hammer?LOL Hope it's is not painful anymore. Take care of yourself, you've got a whole nation to care for over there in your Mountain Kingdom.
I'm healing up much faster than I thought I would! My shoulder is now feeling much better and I don't think there is any permanent damage as I originally thought. Thank goodness! How's your head doing from you trying to use it as a hammer?LOL Hope it's is not painful anymore. Take care of yourself, you've got a whole nation to care for over there in your Mountain Kingdom.

My head is much much better, I have to have my worker elves fix my dented crown of mithril though. ;)

The Borg Invasion is retreating, slowly, but they are. I see lots of dead spider mite carcasses in the water reservoirs.

The girls got their nutes, and borg sprayed just a few minutes ago. I'll go back in an hour and rinse with a spray of warm water.

They get resprayed in a few more hours.

No action on the White Widow Seeds. But it's only been 4 days... Took 10 for the sprout.

I'll take pics of the girls later, but I'll warn ya, they don't look pretty. They are not dying or anything, they are just reacting to the hostile environment I am creating for the spider mites. They will survive...
Ok, My iron levels are high, I can tell because I am getting winded just walking around the house, and getting light headed. I need to go have a pint drawn this week. So pictures are going to be kind of shakey at best.

BATTLE OF THE BORG INVASION pics (They aren't pretty)




You can sorta see the mite carcasses in the reservoirs...
Ok, I have a question. I THINK I knocked off most of the mites with the sprays. What I want to know is how long do I apply the spray, and then WHEN do I reapply the spray for the eggs???

I looked at all of the leaves, there are about 1 or 2 mites left on each of the leaves. I am spraying 4-5 times a day with the oily soap spray, and rinsing with water 30 to 60 mins after that. I'm using one of those sprayers that you can buy at walmart where you can adjust the spray from a mist, to a stream. I am using the "mist" setting for the oily soap spray, and the Water. I spray them till they are dripping.

Anywho, if anyone could give me some advice about this process, I'd appreciate it a lot!!! This is my first battle with spider mites...
Not sure about that, but I do know you need to spray both sides of the leaves.

Maybe the answer is in here in one of the responses - Help I got Spider Mites

I am spraying both sides of the leaves, till they are dripping...

Thanks for the link Green! I'm off to check it out. I am using the home made spray in the problems and pests thread in the how to grow forums...
And it didn't tell you how long to treat them for???

Just said that I needed to retreat after 10 days... I'll go re-read it though...
From this thread: Homemade Pest Control

Soap/Oil spray for insect pests:
Probably the best overall insecticide recipe is made from dishwashing liquid and cooking oil. It should be applied more frequently than chemical pesticides, but then again, you don't really want to use poison inside your home. Here is the recipe:
1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
1/4 teaspoon cooking oil
1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in a small spray bottle. Mist upper and under sides of leaves every 10 days to control mealy bug, spider mite, aphids, thrips, or any other sucking or chewing insects.

Just wondering if you had any good news about the WW seed yet? HAve you placed in soil yet?

So to here about the mites as well, that sucks. Your doing the right thing though and should be mite free soon enough!
No action on the White Widow Seeds. But it's only been 4 days... Took 10 for the sprout.


Just wondering if you had any good news about the WW seed yet? HAve you placed in soil yet?

So to here about the mites as well, that sucks. Your doing the right thing though and should be mite free soon enough!

Can't multi quote on 2 pages LOL

So no action yet, they are in FFOF soil, with a 25 % addition of perlite.

I have a cd covering it to keep moisture in, and I check on it frequently for sprout action... I also found 4 more seeds in the WW I bought from the dispensary.


I'm going to cool it with the BORG Spray for tonight. The leaves are turning orange (from the orange oil extract) in the spots where the mites turned it white. I'm just going to mist the hell out of it with water... See how that goes.

Celeborn didn't get to the Hydro store before the closed Friday and Yesterday. So I'll get the NEEM and Azatrol Monday...
FYI, you can multi-quote on multiple pages. Just keep hitting the multi-quote button on every post you want to quote as you go thru the pages and hit quote on the last post you want to quote. Works everytime for me. ;)
Yeah I'm sticking around,I like to sit in the background a bit more though. I try and hit the threads as much as possible. Mostly Crazy is very insightful and trust me when I say he's defiantly a great person to have around. Hes a very knowledgeable grower and friend. I wasn't around for a bit, due to PC issues. But its all good now, you got it though. With caring for your room the way you've done, you should be all good.

As for the germing seeds thing, let me know when your giving it your next try (via PM). And I'll do my best to walk you through it. I suggest getting some bag seeds and giving a round. You don't have to grow them, just germ them. Practice makes perfect. A bag of seeded meds, aka Brickweed, should give you enough beans to learn the process. Then when your ready and confident, think about some quality seeds. i.e KC Brains Seeds Great quality! Then that way when your ready, you can think about some gentics thats at the top of your list. Just a suggestion though.:goodluck:

From page 29

They aren't gone yet....

But I am seeing DEAD SPIDER MITES in the water reservoirs under a magnifying glass.

I will be VIGILIANT!!! NO MERCY!!! ;)

From page 30

FYI, you can multi-quote on multiple pages. Just keep hitting the multi-quote button on every post you want to quote as you go thru the pages and hit quote on the last post you want to quote. Works everytime for me. ;)

And from the current page.

Agent Green :smokin:
Thanks Green!

Every message board has it's tricks that you need to learn for that kind of stuff. Thanks for teaching it to me...

I just misted the hell out of the girls. Checked for action on the White Widow Seeds in FFOF soil. Nothin yet.

I'll take pics of my orange leafed girls tomorrow... LOL The new growth is looking healthy, and mite free...
FYI, you can multi-quote on multiple pages. Just keep hitting the multi-quote button on every post you want to quote as you go thru the pages and hit quote on the last post you want to quote. Works everytime for me. ;)

Thanks Green!

Every message board has it's tricks that you need to learn for that kind of stuff. Thanks for teaching it to me...

Ditto. This is neat and better than how I was doing it. :morenutes:
That two treatment scenario is how I use the azamax also. With that, two treatments and you and your bug problem are done. I think the purpose is to kill the parents on the first go round and get the hatched eggs on the second.

Perfectly said :thumb:

GaladrielDreams said:
I'll take pics of my orange leafed girls tomorrow... LOL The new growth is looking healthy, and mite free...

Glad to see that the treatments are working, now your babies are ready to :theband: :rocker:
My head is much much better, I have to have my worker elves fix my dented crown of mithril though. ;)

The Borg Invasion is retreating, slowly, but they are. I see lots of dead spider mite carcasses in the water reservoirs.

The girls got their nutes, and borg sprayed just a few minutes ago. I'll go back in an hour and rinse with a spray of warm water.

They get resprayed in a few more hours.

No action on the White Widow Seeds. But it's only been 4 days... Took 10 for the sprout.

I'll take pics of the girls later, but I'll warn ya, they don't look pretty. They are not dying or anything, they are just reacting to the hostile environment I am creating for the spider mites. They will survive...

Perfectly said :thumb:

Glad to see that the treatments are working, now your babies are ready to :theband: :rocker:

RIght now, we are in a holding pattern for cash, we had a customer pay us with a post dated check. Sprung it on us at the last minute. He owns a real estate agency in our town, so it's not like we won't be able to track him down. Plus our property manager at the plaza where our biz is says you can trust him. So we did. Only thing is, it really set us back. We have another customer that is coming in tomorrow, and hopefully, we get paid, and I can go straight to the Hydro store, and buy the NEEM and the Azatrol. Then off to "Legolas's" Football practice. It will be the first time he gets to play. So Mamma and Pappa have to be there...

Now does anyone know how to get rid of these stinking MILLER MOTHS and HOUSEFLY's That come around EVERY SEPTEMBER!!! Ugh I hate the damn things... Drive me nuts!!!

Ya think 2 MG of Xanax would be enough to put me to sleep. NOPE!!! ARGH It's gonna be a long day tomorrow...
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