Double Double Soil and Bubbles

6'6" and 252? Remind me not to piss you off! What position does he like to play? What do you feed him! LOL!

That's my "Legolas"! My youngest. "Gimli" My middle son is 6'4" and and 310! "Haldir" - my oldest is 6'5" 250 (I think Haldir will have to confirm). I call them my portable Wall. :rofl::rofl::rofl: or the brute squad. :)

He doesn't know what position he likes to play yet. He hasn't been able to practice until he got his physical. Which we got today. He's cleared to play. Then I went and gave his forms to his coach and told him "He's got a hell of an arm" he might be QB material. He said he might play him as a receiver, or a safety if they have a better QB. I wouldn't want him to bump the senior player, so I can live with either of the other positions.

They eat... EVERYTHING!!! the descend upon food like LOCUSTS!!! I could spend 500 a week just on food for them. I don't but they would eat it all if I did.

The girls are doing well. I am glad I left the door open and turned on the A/C. It was warm up here today. Well at least in town it was. No action on the White Widow seeds, but I didn't think anything would happen overnight. The sprout is now in the nursery, and I have the cupcake (rapid rooter plug) soaking in just tap water (PH here is around 7.2 every time) That's what the seed with the taproot is soaking in. The taprooted seed will be transferred to the cupcake, and go in the nursery in Hadirs domain shortly. I'm keeping the clones in my area. I want to keep my eyes on them.

Coffee is wearing out... LOL getting tired.
I was thinking the same thing MCrazy. They grow them big these days on fresh mountain air and snow cones. :)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Oui!! I think the hormones in the milk, and genetics are the more likely culprit! Both of my grandfathers were over 6 feet tall. I am the second shortest in my family at 6'1" my little sister is the shortest at 5'10" tall. All my brothers are as tall as my boys.

Legolas was tall enough at 3 years old to ride all the rides at DisneyWorld including Space Mountain and all the roller coasters. :thedoubletake:
I see genetics play an important roll in your family. And I thought my 6'3" 230 son was a beast!

He taught english as a second language in China a couple of years ago and you could spot him on arial photos! LOL!

We definitely aren't inconspicuous that's for sure ;) First question, How tall are you? Second question, were your parents tall? It gets old fast... LOL

But everyone wants us to come help them move???:)
Hi Girl :)
I wasn't complaining about your journal being was a compliment! :)

Glad your boy (if you can call him that) became a member of the team. Glad I don't have to block him.:smokin:

11 days in a paper towel! That's got to be a record! But it is up now, so who cares how!!! Your getting them going now!:)
I'm 5' 9" just like my dad but there is a tall side to my family on my mother's side (not Mom but her 9 brothers - She's 12 of 13) and my wife's family is full of trees. Luckily my genes are resessive. LOL!

HAHAHAHH My Borg Designation is 7 of 8 as in I am number 7 of 8 kids... LOL

Hubby tells his friends he married 7 of 8 and they get confused... Star Trek had a 7 of 9 on Voyager..

Oh yea, we are also star trek geeks...

It is a pain to find them all shoes... HUGE feet!
Hi Girl :)
I wasn't complaining about your journal being was a compliment! :)

Glad your boy (if you can call him that) became a member of the team. Glad I don't have to block him.:smokin:

11 days in a paper towel! That's got to be a record! But it is up now, so who cares how!!! Your getting them going now!:)

I'm very chatty online, but if you met me in person, I would probably be quite reserved.

Yea, he is a young man now, they all are, but they will ALWAYS be my boys...

11 days in a paper towel is just plan unbelievable, if I didn't document it here for my own eyes to see! I don't plan on germing any more seeds except the White Widow that I have already in the pot (I found 4 more seeds last night) and they are in a labeled baggie...

I figure the two bagseed plants can be used at test subjects in the DWC until I get the AK and the Blue Cheese cloning...
And here is the bad news...

My clones have SPIDER MITES!!! I'm pissed, because I KNOW I didn't have them in my area before. I've sprayed with the Home Defense, not ONCE, but TWICE!!!

Last night after I found them, I went and looked on the pest and problems thread. Found a home made remedy with soap, oil and warm water. So I sprayed them down last night with it, knocked a significant amount out (I don't know where they went, but I presume they are dead). Then I rinsed with a spray of water. (Don't worry folks I raised my lights, and kept the fan blowing on them. So I am creating a hostile environment for them. No more wands and hydroton bubbling in the room creating the humidity that they love, turned off 3 of the way too many lights that I have lighting them, and just have the dual spectrum lamps from SH, and another 2700K light on them. The room temp is now 70 degrees, with 20 percent humidity. Let's see how they like that!!!!

I'm also going to clean out both grow rooms again and RESPRAY with HOME DEFENSE. Hubby is going to try and pick up either some Azamax (or what my hydro has as an equivalent) of Neem oil, and we are gonna spray the shit outta them until they are gone...

I don't even know what to say to my dispensary right now. They are probably going to try and blame ME for the spider mites. MY ROOM DID NOT HAVE ANY BUGS IN IT BEFORE BRINGING THEM IN!!!!

ARGH I am PISSED!!!! I'll try to keep the language clean, but if a word or two comes you, please understand... I am originally from Detroit.
Hi Gal! Sorry to read about the germing problems and mites, that's one pest I haven't seen yet and hope that I don't.

But very cool news about the WW seeds! Those plants look unbelievable.
Sorry to hear about the mites GD. I truly believe the only reason me and Slappy have never had any bug problems is that we don't use any dirt of any kind for anything. Bringing anything that is used outdoors (especially dirt...even bagged dirt like MG) can, and often does, bring in unwanted problems. It may not be accurate or correct but it's the logic us clowns use.

That being said, I honestly believe that with your level of determination and perseverance those damn bugs don't stand a cupcakes chance in Kirstie Alley's house :thumb:
Sorry to hear about the mites GD. I truly believe the only reason me and Slappy have never had any bug problems is that we don't use any dirt of any kind for anything. Bringing anything that is used outdoors (especially dirt...even bagged dirt like MG) can, and often does, bring in unwanted problems. It may not be accurate or correct but it's the logic us clowns use.

That being said, I honestly believe that with your level of determination and perseverance those damn bugs don't stand a cupcakes chance in Kirstie Alley's house :thumb:
They are already mostly gone. I caught them early. Sprayed the shit outta them with the oily soap water, then rinsed with clear water through the spray mister. When I first saw them, there were about a dozen on the worst leaf. After I sprayed and rinsed, less than half a dozen. Checked this morning, maybe less than 5 per leaf.

I plan on "BORG" (Thanks Lavendar ;) ) spraying them again a couple more times today. Then I am going to RESPRAY my room with that Home Defense Stuff. FOR THE THIRD TIME!!!! Glad I bought that huge honkin container of it!!!
Well I called my dispensary, told them that the clones have spider mites and that they might want to check out their girls. He said he checks them every morning (I call bullshit since I got SEEDs in my supposedly SENSI White Widow). Then he said I might have gotten them from the HYDRO store... I told him I didn't have mites before, and I sprayed down my room with Home Defense BEFORE bringing in the clones, and he went on about how my outdoor clothes could have brought them in Blah blah blah...

I don't wear outside clothes in there since I brought the clones in...

So I told him well, one of your customers MIGHT have spider mites and MIGHT have brought it in to you, so you may want to check your girls. He thanked me and told me he checks them many times daily :icon_roll:icon_roll:icon_roll (thats supposed to be me rolling my eyes but that smiley isn't quite strong enough!!!) Anyway, I knew he would blame me...
It happens, your doing the rite thing by treating a few times. If you can get some or keep an eye out for lady bugs, your early enough to introduce them into your grow area. Trust me those lil bastards help out. You can sit there and literally watch them eat those lil plant eating bugs. And if your done with them, then the ladybugs will just make sure the eggs are eatin up.

As for the dispensery, I hate it when they feel their to good to get mites. My A*S is what I say to that. I'd defeintly stay away from that shop, keep inmind if they are the source, and you go back..Well you know waht happens. It just take 2 mites to create an army.

You got it though, :goodjob: on treating the mites. +rep
I'm a big proponent of Azamax. Haven't seen one bug in my room since I started using it and it was buggy here this summer. Easy enought to treat. 2 res treatments or two soil treatments and you're done.

Butcher is right though on the ladybugs! I am fortunate enough to have a healthy colony in my garden outside every year and pestidcides are not needed. Now if the little bugs would fly up those squirell's asses my pest control problems would be solved.
It happens, your doing the rite thing by treating a few times. If you can get some or keep an eye out for lady bugs, your early enough to introduce them into your grow area. Trust me those lil bastards help out. You can sit there and literally watch them eat those lil plant eating bugs. And if your done with them, then the ladybugs will just make sure the eggs are eatin up.

As for the dispensery, I hate it when they feel their to good to get mites. My A*S is what I say to that. I'd defeintly stay away from that shop, keep inmind if they are the source, and you go back..Well you know waht happens. It just take 2 mites to create an army.

You got it though, :goodjob: on treating the mites. +rep
Due to a lack of options, I may be forced to go back to them. But I will not be buying ANY more clones from him. That's for sure...

I talked to my hydro guy, he has Azatrol, basically the same thing, and I plan on getting that, and the NEEM oil. Just pisses me off, I prepared for bugs before I started this grow. The only reason why I bought clones, is because I was having such difficulty germing seeds... Plus I am a relative newbie at this, and I didn't want to pay $$$ for seeds I may or may not kill.

Celeborn is going to the hydro store for me in my stead. He will barter a deal with the hydro guy, and get it for us today. Hydro guy has ladybugs too. So he might get some of those as well.

Thanks for the reps, and for popping in... Hope you stick around. Your reputation here is very high!
I'm a big proponent of Azamax. Haven't seen one bug in my room since I started using it and it was buggy here this summer. Easy enought to treat. 2 res treatments or two soil treatments and you're done.

Butcher is right though on the ladybugs! I am fortunate enough to have a healthy colony in my garden outside every year and pestidcides are not needed. Now if the little bugs would fly up those squirell's asses my pest control problems would be solved.

yup, I might get some from the hydro guy today. I wonder if they (the ladybugs) can survive here at altitude?
Thanks for the PM, just got caught up here, whew, lots going on.

1st Happy belated Birthday!

2nd Welcome to the rest of the clan for joining in.

3rd Glad you are taking care of the spider mites.

4th I'm so happy that you have many wonderful and knowledgable people here at 420 helping you, especially with the soil aspect since I know diddly there. (Lavender, OMM, Butcher to name a few) and MC who has been learning a lot from his soil endeavers.

I'm back in and will help with the hydro part as much as I can. :)

Agent Green :smokin:

+reps too!
Thanks for the PM, just got caught up here, whew, lots going on.

1st Happy belated Birthday!

2nd Welcome to the rest of the clan for joining in.

3rd Glad you are taking care of the spider mites.

4th I'm so happy that you have many wonderful and knowledgable people here at 420 helping you, especially with the soil aspect since I know diddly there. (Lavender, OMM, Butcher to name a few) and MC who has been learning a lot from his soil endeavers.

I'm back in and will help with the hydro part as much as I can. :)

Agent Green :smokin:

+reps too!

Hey Green! I'm glad you're back!!:yahoo:

Thanks for the belated wishes. I'm glad I have my kin here as well ;)

As to the spider mites. I now have the RH in the grow area at 15%. I just sprayed them with "BORG" Spray, the oil, dishsoap, and water until I get the neem, and the Azatrol. I'll give the girls a spray rinse in about 1 hour. and then do it one more time this afternoon. I'm doing this because everything I have read about these bugs are that they are the BORG, evil, and no one wants them... Secondly. I HATE BUGS!!!! I'm allergic to most stings, and they literally BUG me... I come out of my grow area itching everywhere and wanting to jump into the shower. I know that's just me being paranoid, but I hate hate hate bugs!!!

Yea, this grow started out like a Shakespearean tragedy. I was hoping my luck had turned when I got the clones, and the sprout, but then the dreaded spider mite invasion... At least I am prepared, and got good advice.

But honestly. THIS WASN'T MY FAULT!!! I did everything I could possibly do to NOT have this happen... That's why I read a lot of stuff about clones and bringing stuff into your grow. Oh Well. Another lesson learned...

Rambling again aren't I? LOL
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