Double Double Soil and Bubbles

Dear God, thank you for all the wonderful luck you have given me this week.

I just found another seed. I am so blessed. I popped it in with the other 3. I'll probably find a lot more, I have an 1/8th.

I guess he's making up for the Shakespearean tragedy that happened at the beginning of this grow.

Thank you !
Hope you have better luck with the freshly found seeds. Great strain!

It's weird. When I first started reading about White Widow, everything I read said it was an Indica dominant strain. But this strain is 60% Sativa.

I found a possible seed match on Castle Seeds, link is posted a few pages back I think.

It's wonderful to smoke. I have back problems, and hubby has Cerebral Palsy. Everything I have read has told me that Sativa are great at relieving muscle spastisity. It is good pain relief and anti nausea too!

I'm just grateful that I found these seeds! I hope and pray they come up. They are in PRIMO soil. (that's what's worked for me in the past) Fox Farms Ocean Forest. When they sprout, I plan on taking clones for the DWC. How many plants do you think my units can handle?? I know they aren't meant to grow Christmas trees, I just don't want to overload them and have them be too crowded.

Thanks for popping into my journal. I was thinking that I was the dreaded thread killer. Every time I popped into the Deep Water Culture forum, no one would post for a while LOL
With known fems I would go 4. One in each corner. That's the max load but if the WW sprout I'd keep it at 3 to give myself a little working room. 3 can fill up a space if trained and pruned right.

All WW are a little different. It's 60/40 but certain pheno/raints can be stronger in one version than another. Whatever it is, it will be good!

I have one vegging right now. Free seed from a seed purchase. This one is straight up and down with tight internodes so I'm very happy with it after about 2 weeks in veg and I'm growing this one in FFOF soil.
Thanks to all for such a warm welcome.

I am listening and learning. As many may know. We tried germinating some seeds in rock wool. Galadriel asked me to balance a solution at 5.5 to 6.0 ph

We had no sprouts.. My beloved showed me the instructions for the rock wool..
Our supposition is that the rockwool is akaline.. But that still seems awfully acidic to support any kind of growth. Can the sages of this realm enlighten this elf as to why low ph is good for starters..

I soak my RW with 5.0-5.2 water as prep and that knocks the ambient ph of the RW into the normal level for hydro.

Don't oversoak your rock wool. After I soak it, I take it to the bathtub, cup it in my hand and try to throw a faseball down the middle. Water goes everywhere but now I have the right moisture content. You want that little tap root looking for water.
With known fems I would go 4. One in each corner. That's the max load but if the WW sprout I'd keep it at 3 to give myself a little working room. 3 can fill up a space if trained and pruned right.

All WW are a little different. It's 60/40 but certain pheno/raints can be stronger in one version than another. Whatever it is, it will be good!

I have one vegging right now. Free seed from a seed purchase. This one is straight up and down with tight internodes so I'm very happy with it after about 2 weeks in veg and I'm growing this one in FFOF soil.

Can the smaller SH DWC handle all 4 pots being loaded? Or is that for the DIY one I made with 6 pots?

I plan on keeping her vegging as long as possible, and taking clones for the DWC. Maybe grow a few in the soil for taste comparison (Woods and Lavendar will understand my eye rolling).

Keep a few strains always vegging, and take clones to go hydro. That way I can make Celeborn his edibles, and me my pipe weed (again woods would understand).
I soak my RW with 5.0-5.2 water as prep and that knocks the ambient ph of the RW into the normal level for hydro.

Don't oversoak your rock wool. After I soak it, I take it to the bathtub, cup it in my hand and try to throw a faseball down the middle. Water goes everywhere but now I have the right moisture content. You want that little tap root looking for water.

Ok that's where we screwed up. I soaked the rockwool overnight, and didn't shake the excess water out of them. They were all mushy and soggy. We probably burnt and drowned them at the same time.

Lesson learned.

I still have rockwool, so this is good info! Thank you!!!
the night is cool, and I must work fast before the lady G comes back to check her babies...she only whispered she would like some fairy dust...this will be her late birthday gift...just a light dusting of grow healthy powder...enjoy....L:tokin:

Hi Girl You sure have an active journal! Miss a day and I'm behind. Good for you! Glad Hubby is along for the ride now. I like balance in things.

Example, there are times where I forget the name of the refrigerator, so I have to describe it " You know the thing in the kitchen and you keep food in it cause it's cold" . It's just AWFUL!!! I look like an idiot when I do stuff like that...

You should have been at my place tonight, My friend that is visiting and I played can't remember's gone...for couple of hours. Ended up using a search engine for what we couldn't remember. And them we got high and didn't care. Long periods of silence. :)
the night is cool, and I must work fast before the lady G comes back to check her babies...she only whispered she would like some fairy dust...this will be her late birthday gift...just a light dusting of grow healthy powder...enjoy....L:tokin:


Aww thanks Lav!! I sure do need it. My germ rates are horrible! LOL
Hi Girl You sure have an active journal! Miss a day and I'm behind. Good for you! Glad Hubby is along for the ride now. I like balance in things.

You should have been at my place tonight, My friend that is visiting and I played can't remember's gone...for couple of hours. Ended up using a search engine for what we couldn't remember. And them we got high and didn't care. Long periods of silence. :)

Hi Girl You sure have an active journal! Miss a day and I'm behind. Good for you! Glad Hubby is along for the ride now. I like balance in things.

You should have been at my place tonight, My friend that is visiting and I played can't remember's gone...for couple of hours. Ended up using a search engine for what we couldn't remember. And them we got high and didn't care. Long periods of silence. :)

Sorry about that, I had a lot of questions and answers going on here yesterday...

Did ya see I finally got a tap root after 11 days in a wet paper towel??

Hopefully those WW seeds I found in my dispensary purchase and come up female!!!

LOL yea but my kids tease me when I do stupid stuff like that. It's frustrating, you know what it is, you just can't remember the word!!!

I'm not at home today, at the biz. Gotta take youngest for his physical for the Football team. the VARSITY football team. I'm a proud Mama. Can you tell??? Since the high school is less than 6 blocks from the shop, I can go get him, take him to get his physical, and then take him back where he might actually get to play in a scrimmage. THat is if the doctor doesn't take forever...

It's gonna be a hot one today, so I opened the door to the grow closet, and turned on the Air conditioner. I'll lose humidity, but I won't cook the girls either...
Greetings to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel (from Mithrandir aka Woodsman)!

Glad you could join us here O Lord of all Elves! Sounds like quite a nice family you have. Congratulations to your son for making the football team!

I'm so far behind in your journal GD, but I did read back three pages. Hope all the seeds will pop eventually and that your garden will 'over floweth' with buds!

Ouch! That hurt me just hearing about your headbanging activities! Get well quick and remember to duck!

All the best from my little home in Middle Earth
Greetings to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel (from Mithrandir aka Woodsman)!

Glad you could join us here O Lord of all Elves! Sounds like quite a nice family you have. Congratulations to your son for making the football team!

I'm so far behind in your journal GD, but I did read back three pages. Hope all the seeds will pop eventually and that your garden will 'over floweth' with buds!

Ouch! That hurt me just hearing about your headbanging activities! Get well quick and remember to duck!

All the best from my little home in Middle Earth

Tis an honor and a privilege Mirtrandir.. We are seeking to cultivate fine pipe weed for our comfort and enjoyment.

Wow what a day. Go to bed around 2 or 3 am, get up at 8 am, pound 4 cups of coffee to wake up, go to the shop, deal with customers, then take youngest for a physical, (where he gets 4 vaccinations I didn't know he needed) and then go back to the high school, drop off his physical form to his coach. I managed to walk about 4 blocks from the high school before I ended up calling the old man and having him come get me cause my back was screaming...

Nick is 6'6" and weighs 252 pounds. LOL I feel sorry for the guys that are going to have to take him down in a game... He's cleared to play. Needs to go to 10 practices before he can play in a game though.

I can't give an update on the girls, since they are home, and I am at the office. But I will as soon as I get home.

Gimli gets off work in 10 mins we'll go pick him up and then go home...

I'm exhausted.
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