Double Double Soil and Bubbles

did you expect anything different. if it was his fault you may have wanted replacements or something in return:smokin:

Well I might have wanted half my money back... 10 bucks for a mite ridden clone sounds about right to me LOL! Especially since I had to buy 40 bucks worth of insecticide to get rid of them...

Now you ALL know the mites weren't from anything that I DID. I just googled Dr Doom. Pyrethrum huh???? Sounds like you got a bug problem there dude...
MH she looks all indica the little that I know. :hookah:

Probably doesn't care much about keeping your business since you are growing. Never have to worry again, product is under your control from here on out. :cool:

Well now my dispensary is now a retailer for a seed company in Boulder. It's not a sponsor here, so I am not sure if I am allowed to mention them by name.
MH she looks all indica the little that I know. :hookah:

Probably doesn't care much about keeping your business since you are growing. Never have to worry again, product is under your control from here on out. :cool:

If he wants me to sign the paper work saying HE can grow 6 of my plants for me, than he better care about keeping my business. (new state law finally worked on MY SIDE!!! :rofl::blalol::blalol::blalol:) Otherwise I am just going to pay the additional 90 bucks to change my caregiver to MYSELF and then I can grow 12 plants instead of 6!

I haven't signed them yet so technically I can still grow 12, but if I do sign the new state paperwork, I can only grow six
Ooooh Yea.... I forgot you can get a doctors note for edibles and then I can grow 24!!!
Well now my dispensary is now a retailer for a seed company in Boulder. It's not a sponsor here, so I am not sure if I am allowed to mention them by name.

Good to know. Did you check out seed prices?

If he wants me to sign the paper work saying HE can grow 6 of my plants for me, than he better care about keeping my business. (new state law finally worked on MY SIDE!!! :rofl::blalol::blalol::blalol:) Otherwise I am just going to pay the additional 90 bucks to change my caregiver to MYSELF and then I can grow 12 plants instead of 6!

I haven't signed them yet so technically I can still grow 12, but if I do sign the new state paperwork, I can only grow six

The occasional free seed in your premium MMJ is not a bad side benefit :) but I am not sure if I will ever give up my grow rights.
Checked on the girls this am. I removed "helmet heads" helmet LOL It came off easily and the cotyledon's (sp?) look normal and stretching to the lights. Sprout is almost ready to come out of the clone dome. She's almost at the top of the dome in growth.

Today I transfer the clones into the FFOF soil. With the White Widow starter pot (3 inches) I added about 25% of perlite to the mixture. Should I do the same with the Clones??? I'm also going to give the clones their first does of Azamax. I am also going to make some NEEM oil spray. Just in case...

I'm all alone today except my trusty Chocolate Lab Service Dog. :( Not enough room in the car for my giant kids, me , hubby, and the dogs) So it's goin to be a quiet day.
Yeah you can add perlite to the soil mixture for the clones. All perlite does is aerate the soil and keep it from clumping it's an inert medium. You can experiment with your mixtures to fit your grow. I'd guess that most good soil mixes contain 5-10% perlite to begin with and adding more does not hurt anything. If anything it will help speed up things a bit, including watering. What I have done in the past is take a 3-4 scoops of soil and 1 scoop of perlite. Not sure what size container your clones are going in but you can use a 1 cup measuring cup, a solo cup, or bigger containers to a bags of soil and perlite to measure your portions of soil and perlite. You can mix it in a ziploc bag, grocery bag, garbage bag and so on and then you can store what you don't use in the bag. I tend to mix only what I need as I like to keep things separate so if I need just perlite I have some handy.
i know i mentioned it, but to labor a point...DO NOT....spray with azo and put under the will BURN..them....and do not go into a dark cycle wet, it will cause MOLD AND MILDEW...ok, enought nagging....been a awful wk for me, its the oil, think about it, that will fry the leaves and keep the dampness're doing great....and i also would not sign away my right to grow plants to someone who has spider mites, whether he admits to it or not...thats his bad...and unless you get seeds, which are probably much cheaper and cleaner at single seed or attitude, both give free ones...i would probably ixnay business with him....i do not buy local...too nosey here....and word would spread....seems like all they do here is mind anothers business....ok, am back as of far it looks like all seeds sprouted, now to get them to live....but will be doing the journal at my place tonight...hugs, L:cheer::cheer:
If I don't sign the papers, I have no access to ANY smoke until my girls are done.

So I may end up having to let him do that. BUT, I am going to have Hubby get doc to write a prescription so he can have EDIBLES. I can have 24 plants for edibles under the law...

Thanks for telling me not to spray with the lights on. Even if they are raised, and I have a fan blowing on them??? I suppose I could spray, then put them in front of the fan until they are dry...

Today is another first for me. I transfer clones into pots... Gonna say the Shepherds prayer for that one (ALAN SHEPHERD the astronaut) LOL

Wish me luck folks!!!
If I don't sign the papers, I have no access to ANY smoke until my girls are done.

So I may end up having to let him do that. BUT, I am going to have Hubby get doc to write a prescription so he can have EDIBLES. I can have 24 plants for edibles under the law...

Thanks for telling me not to spray with the lights on. Even if they are raised, and I have a fan blowing on them??? I suppose I could spray, then put them in front of the fan until they are dry...

Today is another first for me. I transfer clones into pots... Gonna say the Shepherds prayer for that one (ALAN SHEPHERD the astronaut) LOL

Wish me luck folks!!!

thats like freaken blackmail or extortion!!!

i put mine in the bathtub, spray, low light there, just reg. bulb. and use fan, only takes an hour or so....contains the mess, and im sure of status....hugs L

yep, gotta go ck on seeds i planted...hope they made it thru the night, have 3 more to pot also, L
thats like freaken blackmail or extortion!!!

i put mine in the bathtub, spray, low light there, just reg. bulb. and use fan, only takes an hour or so....contains the mess, and im sure of status....hugs L

yep, gotta go ck on seeds i planted...hope they made it thru the night, have 3 more to pot also, L

It's the way the law is set up Lav

You can register as a patient that does the following:

  1. Dispensary patient, all meds purchased through them
  2. Dispensary patient, and grower dispensary grows half your alloted plants, you grow the other half
  3. Personal Grower, you grow all your meds.
It's better than being illegal. Sort of... :hmmmm::skeptical::confused: *shrug* cause I can't find the shruggy guy...
Hey GD, check with a trusted source, lawyer or other med center, but I don't believe you have to make anyone your caregiver, to get access to meds. It is possible that the local shop you have dealt with is caregiver/patient only. You can go into different med centers even if they are not your "primary caregiver". You just assign them a "temporary caregiver" status to purchase your meds. I have not assigned the two places I have gone, my plant growing caregiver status. I am not all up to date on the hb10-1284 but most of that was to regulate the business end of it. I do know most of the shops that had a huge variety of bud no longer have a large choice due to the 70% rule that went into effect today, and that very well could effect the access to meds but I am not aware of the med centers here in the my area requiring any of my growing/plant caregiver rights to purchase. Do the research before you assign anyone other then a highly trusted person your caregiver rights.
Hey GD, check with a trusted source, lawyer or other med center, but I don't believe you have to make anyone your caregiver, to get access to meds. It is possible that the local shop you have dealt with is caregiver/patient only. You can go into different med centers even if they are not your "primary caregiver". You just assign them a "temporary caregiver" status to purchase your meds. I have not assigned the two places I have gone, my plant growing caregiver status. I am not all up to date on the hb10-1284 but most of that was to regulate the business end of it. I do know most of the shops that had a huge variety of bud no longer have a large choice due to the 70% rule that went into effect today, and that very well could effect the access to meds but I am not aware of the med centers here in the my area requiring any of my growing/plant caregiver rights to purchase. Do the research before you assign anyone other then a highly trusted person your caregiver rights.

That was the way it was explained to me by both my dispensary, and a private caregiver (who wasn't trying to lure me to be a patient of theirs, just a good friend). I suppose I could call Norml and find out specifically what the letter of the law is, but I would rather be safe, than sorry KWIM???

I live in a very rural area. My dispensary is 15 miles away. The then I am looking at a 60 mile drive... So I have a serious lack of options. Hence why I am growing...
Status Update on the Clones. They have been transplanted in FFOF soil with a 15-20 % addition of perlite to the soil. Pictures to follow :)






Battle Supplies ;)


My Home Made Spider Mite Spray Following the home remedy thread posted in the Problems and Pests forum. I substituted Orange Oil Extract, in place of Cooking Oil, (only oil I had was in my deep fryer and I didn't want the girls smelling like French Fries ;) and dish soap. She was a trusted ally... She almost singlehandedly rid me of my mite outbreak... She will get a noble burial.... :)

That's all for now... Gotta mix up some Azatrol, and Neem Spray.
GD, I'd use one or the other of the Azatrol or neem. If mixed too strong either will burn new growth. I have had more issues with neem then with Azamaz. I'd see if others have doubled up on the treatment before hand. Neem will leave a residue where the Azatrol really won't leave anything behind. With either one add a drop or two of dish soap to act as a wetting agent.
Thanks FB!!

After opening the package and seeing the teeny tiny BOOK that came with the Azatrol, I've decided to WAIT for hubby.

Ummm they don't list Cannibis on the Azatrol LOL, anyone know what mix ratio I should follow for Watering the plants????

The neem seems a little less complicated to me... It also says I can add it to my soil??? Once every 2-4 weeks. Anyone try this??
Plants look good in their new homes. Should be very happy with the new digs.

I totally understand the rural location and things not being close. There is nothing like growing your own. Knowing what nutrients go into it, what has been sprayed on it, and the love and care one can put into growing their own. Most of the med centers here have second rate product and want top dollar for it. There has only been 3-5 times where I have seen anything near what I have grown in the med centers. That's not saying I grow better at all, it's that I get the tops and good nugs on my plants versus the med centers only selling the mid to lower nugs. The few times I have seen anything resembling a cola the center wanted 1.5 to 2 times the "normal" prices of nug.

Really check that dispensary out before you sign over your caregiver rights. Of course you can change caregivers with the correct notarized form just by sending it to the state and there is no charge for it. But the dispensary person might want to lock you in for a year so they can make money off of growing 6 plants for you. The "private" caregiver might be a better option as you might be able to work out a deal/trade for meds, or by the new law (hb10-1284) the cost of producing meds. It's tough to decide for sure. If you get the edible license really check what you get for someone growing 20+ plants as your caregiver, as it would be really hard to consume that amount if done right. So the rest would be sold or something and for whose benefit? That's all, no one should get rich off of growing meds for someone else as what has been happening in the big city in the state.
I'll mix up between 7.5-15 mL per liter of water depending how much I want to dose. You should be good with 7.5mL to start, as you have already set the mites back. Spray and then use the rest to water plants. I do believe that the booklet list something about "drench" method where you would soak plants in top of pot/container high water and let em bath for 10-15 minutes and then you flush the soil shortly there after. I have not done treatments that way. I just spray and then put the remainder in the soil.

You can also follow any of the tender edible plants that Azatrol list.
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