Dr Bob Comes Home With Fruit Punch & Lemonista Aid - So Please Don't Be Critical

Excellent. I'm loving those fruit punches. Heavy weight seeds?

As for defol... Definitely remove lower bud sites at 3 - 4 weeks 12/12, but I would also at least remove big fan leaves that are blocking bud sites.
Looks likes your tents filling right in. Sorry been awhile so I need to catch up abit on the read. Keepem Green
One thing I learned about growing pot is giving enough root space, and yours have plenty, they will grow to allotted space plus some. You got a tent full for sure Keepem Green
Very Pretty makes you want to sit in the tent and just look at it :thumb:

I so wish I could. My last garden was in a 6' wide 12' long closet. It was great to hang out and read in there. I miss it compared to the tents!

Excellent. I'm loving those fruit punches. Heavy weight seeds?

As for defol... Definitely remove lower bud sites at 3 - 4 weeks 12/12, but I would also at least remove big fan leaves that are blocking bud sites.

Thanks. I think I will do just exactly that. A halfway defot to clean out the bottom and leave it at that for the most part. And yes, Heavy Weight Seeds. I haven't had huge luck with them yet but they have been neglected grows. This time those fruit punches are really starting to impress. Started slow and now are just fantastic. Never loose faith in a plant when young!

like your pictures keep up the good work :thanks:
ps and the greens :adore:

Thanks good sir! The color is all due to having good soil that is keeping them so happy! All thanks to PJ and Dennese!

Very nice plants! love what your doing with the LEDS!

I really love these LEDs. I was constantly battling the temps and dryness under my HPS setup. I save in power bills enough to pay for Mars lights pretty quickly and now I am not constantly thinking the house is burning down when I am gone. Not for everyone but they have been fantastic for me.

:Namaste: and :circle-of-love:
One thing I learned about growing pot is giving enough root space, and yours have plenty, they will grow to allotted space plus some. You got a tent full for sure Keepem Green

Looks likes your tents filling right in. Sorry been awhile so I need to catch up abit on the read. Keepem Green

Hey Woody! I walked away to get some pictures to respond to your post and a day later I finally sit back down to upload em! Life of the stay at home Papa. Actually I love it. The distraction this time was Tie Dying with my preschooler. I was about 1 minute into it when it occurred to me that I may have overreached with a 3 year old. But low and behold, my finger tips are blue and her's are not and we have a set of new really cool shirts!

You are right, they are growing to allotted space and then some. I just had to rearrange everything as the Critical Kush was gettting krushed against the tent. Here she is after the move to the back and oh yeah, I forgot to water too. Caught it in time and you can see some branches on the way back up!

I am getting some claw on both Lemonista and Fruit Punch. The Fruit Punch is hardly doing it but it is pretty severe at a few tops on the lemonista. It isn't that hot in there, maybe 90 tops. I raised the light and got the fan right on them but I am wondering if it is just a tad of overdose on N as this really showed up after the transplant.

On the veg front I things are starting to look like a garden again. Not really this journal I suppose but the plan may be to go perpetual so what the hay!

Strawberry Blue had a bit of trouble as I almost broke her in half. Ooops. But she is standing back proud today again.

The Money Maker, has something odd going on and may be too N rich. This is definitely not heat in this tent. Growing fine just has odd color and texture on the leaves. Actually, growing the fastest in the tent.

Loving the chunk!

I may have mixed too much FFOF in my last two mixes is what I am thinking. Looking back on notes I see that I was supposed to do 5x the FFOF of compost but I swear I may have done 6X and made things just a touch hotter. I may need to rinse my old pro mix better too. Although I would be shocked if any N made it in those between flower and flush from old runs.

Who knows though. Much better results than I have ever had so I am just tweaking now at the margins.

Time to go dry our master pieces of tie dye art!

Thanks Dr! I was just over at your place with the fantastic genetics conversation.


Awesome doc! Glad you enjoyed that conversation. One thing I'm a bit slow on is the way breeding works. I should probably do some reading up on that so I understand a little better. Guess I've let that slip because I've no desire to breed. That said, I wouldn't mind having a couple thousand seeds of a couple favs lol.

Tent is looking great, I'm sure your baby's will bounce back in fine fashion. It's amazing what the abuse this plant can take and still produce some fine produce lol.

Cheers! :circle-of-love:
Bob, are you using both compost and FFOF? The idea with either is to increase the diversity of humus in the mix. The recipe I gave Dennise originally just had the FFOF and no compost. She had some nice local compost from a place called of all things, Red Bud Farms. She replaced the FFOF with the compost. Because the compost is much richer than the FFOF she used 20% of the FFOF volume called for. The recipe should read either/or, not both.

Your plants look fantastic. The clawing on the flowering girls may be a reaction to the second Mars II 400. I'm not sure what the second one replaced and how much more light there was than before. Raising them a bit may make the problem go away.

For seedlings try making a small batch of seedling dirt that is ~ 1/2 strength. Just combine equal amounts of full strength soil with a promix 70%/perlite 30% mix and the plants will grow faster out of the gates. Pot up out of the baby soil after ~ 21 days.
Thanks for the notes PeeJay. I am using just the FFOF and no compost but I just think my short term memory got in the way. From my computer to the garage 5 turned into 6. I didn't notice it until my fully intact long term memory kicked in. :smokin:

The second Mars II 400 added about 100w draw to the picture and I think I may have just been too enthusiastic with the light height. I found some leaf burn on the lemonista that looks like heat/light damage. I think you nailed it.

The seedling suggestion is perfect as I put them directly into the baby soil and that may have just been too much. The chunk and the fruitilicious love it though.

That fruit punch does look great. Pity Bonza don't stock it yet, but I think that might change as they have recently added Heavy weight seeds to their list of breeders.
Yep these fruit punches are really taking off. Interestingly they started the weakest and really didn't take off until about a month into veg. They have both almost caught up to the BF Critical Kush and it is a big plant for it's age. The branched beautifully and took to training nicely. I am very excited to see how they come out. The next couple weeks will be fun.

There is actually a difference from yesterday and I need to get some more pics.

Missed 15 pages, but I'm jumping on the bumper for the rest of this ride. No fast corners Dr Bob.

Perfect timing! We have flip just a few days back so things are just gonna get more fun from here. Just finished tying them back a bit more and pretty much have 0 space now left in the tent. She is mylar to mylar and it is wrapped on as tight as Mrs Peel's catsuit in there.

Not as intellectual as some journals but we do grow some sticky stuff in here so feel free to toss out any suggestions or damning criticisms. Either will be considered a reason to go load the elbow and celebrate!
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