Dr Bob Comes Home With Fruit Punch & Lemonista Aid - So Please Don't Be Critical



To sit and read the first 16 pages at once was worth it. I got to see the Fruit Punch go from an ugly duckling to a gorgeous young lady. Nice recovery Bob, I'm here for the duration.

Sweet! So great to have you around Reg. The Fruit Punch are really becoming my favs on this grow in a way. I sure hope the smoke is as good as the veg. I hate it when a great growing plant turns into sub par smoke. Fingers crossed!

Good stuff Doc! I'm thinking these next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting! Waiting on the next set of pic's. Good job


Welcome to the jungle my new found friend. Good timing as things are really starting to take off in the ole tent. And since you asked for pictures, consider it done!

It seems the stretch is on for the Critical Kush and Lemonista. What little space I have left will be gone once I pull those down to match the others. I may need to move things about if the trend continues and put the Lemonista and Critical together so I can raise that light a bit higher than the one primarily over the Fruit Punches.

From the other angle you can see the other Fruit Punch a bit better.

Lemonista is really putting on the stretch for sure!

And I think it may be high time to take out some of the under growth on these girls.

I just found out that I am going to be traveling for a week at the end of the month and I won't have a watcher for the girls. SWICK or auto watering systems are about to be employed in here and possibly in the veg tent as well. I am concerned about night time humidity levels but I can do some experiments before time to leave.

Thanks to everyone for coming by and a special shout out to the new folks!

Bob I wouldn't worry to much about the veg tent and humidity but in my bloom tent I have a dehumidifier that let's me program how low I want it and it runs to that point... it gets really humid here and it works really well and wasn't very expensive off of cramazon.... Your girls look amazing and I hope you are going to at least be having a good time.....:circle-of-love:
How big are those pots, Bob? I wouldn't worry that the SWICKs will drive up the humidity in the tent at all. They may increase it a little but not huge amounts. You didn't specify how long it was until you traveled besides "the end of the month." The end of the month is nigh at hand! Or, the end of February?

If it is the end of Feb, then I still don't think that humidity should be much of a concern. What would that be, 6 weeks since the flip? Five since you could look at them and say, "by gosh, my plants are flowering?" It's the last 2-3 weeks that are worrisome - when wet conditions may cause rot to rear it's ugly, unwelcome, head. Adding the SWICKs isn't the same thing as five days of clouds and rain on an outdoor crop the second week of September.

I've dabbled with SWICK in a very similar growing medium. Your dirt will wick moisture just fine. The big variable with SWICK is how much water the dirt will pull up and hold - often too much leading to a "muddy" medium. I had good results; nicely moist but not mud.

In my opinion, it's not like you need to train the rig to SWICK in advance. You can just plunk the pots into the perlite SWICK right before you leave to the airport. They can probably go for 4-5 days with a good soaking even without the SWICK at that point. Stick 'em in a SWICK after a good soak and you'll be tickled pink when you open up the tent after being gone for a week.

Easy money Bob.
Your girls look amazing and I hope you are going to at least be having a good time.....:circle-of-love:

I don't want to know where he's going Dennise! I have an image of Bob sitting by the pool in Bermuda shorts, sipping a zombie through a straw from of a hollowed out pineapple. Please don't let it be ruined! It's an elaborate fantasy culminating when he returns home, unzips the tent, and swoons...
Bob I wouldn't worry to much about the veg tent and humidity but in my bloom tent I have a dehumidifier that let's me program how low I want it and it runs to that point... it gets really humid here and it works really well and wasn't very expensive off of cramazon.... Your girls look amazing and I hope you are going to at least be having a good time.....:circle-of-love:

Thanks so much for the kind words about the girls. I saw them blushing. :bigblush:

Good to hear on the dehumidifier. How big is it? I do think I will be ok though as a realization came to me. When gone that week I can just leave the tent wide open and close the closet it is in. We are in a dry climate. The problem I have is due to the tent being so cram packed that the fan can't keep up with the transpiration (right word?) from the plants at night. Went to 70% the other night in the tent in a closet that was likely 20%. I just need better make up air circulation.

How big are those pots, Bob? I wouldn't worry that the SWICKs will drive up the humidity in the tent at all. They may increase it a little but not huge amounts. You didn't specify how long it was until you traveled besides "the end of the month." The end of the month is nigh at hand! Or, the end of February?

If it is the end of Feb, then I still don't think that humidity should be much of a concern. What would that be, 6 weeks since the flip? Five since you could look at them and say, "by gosh, my plants are flowering?" It's the last 2-3 weeks that are worrisome - when wet conditions may cause rot to rear it's ugly, unwelcome, head. Adding the SWICKs isn't the same thing as five days of clouds and rain on an outdoor crop the second week of September.

I've dabbled with SWICK in a very similar growing medium. Your dirt will wick moisture just fine. The big variable with SWICK is how much water the dirt will pull up and hold - often too much leading to a "muddy" medium. I had good results; nicely moist but not mud.

In my opinion, it's not like you need to train the rig to SWICK in advance. You can just plunk the pots into the perlite SWICK right before you leave to the airport. They can probably go for 4-5 days with a good soaking even without the SWICK at that point. Stick 'em in a SWICK after a good soak and you'll be tickled pink when you open up the tent after being gone for a week.

Easy money Bob.

I don't want to know where he's going Dennise! I have an image of Bob sitting by the pool in Bermuda shorts, sipping a zombie through a straw from of a hollowed out pineapple. Please don't let it be ruined! It's an elaborate fantasy culminating when he returns home, unzips the tent, and swoons...

So healthy....

Awesome response PeeJay and that really takes a huge load off my chest. I needed to hear that this had a good chance of working.

The pots are essentially 8 gallons each or thereabouts. 3 felt and the one plastic. The trip is at the end of February so that will be right at 6 weeks post flip returning at start of week 7. Also, like I realized above, I can always open that space up a bit more and increase the air circulation and I should be doing that anyway.

Your points that the soil will uptake well is fantastic! But then the soil is fantastic so what should I have expected.

As far as where I am going, you will be pleased to know that it will be a soul filling type journal that I have needed for too long. A very special kind of trip actually. And those Bermuda shorts and cool drink could very well be right on target. The return to the tent will be exciting for sure. Something tells me we will be hit with it when we come into the house. :thumb:

Thanks so much for your reassurance on this! There aren't enough reps in the world for how much you have helped this grow!
Hey PeeJay,,,,,,,,, I'm not sure what Dr. Bob is sipping,,,,,,,,,, but he's welcome to cruise bye come summer...................

and few others waiting to say high'

Keepem reen
Hey Woody,

Now that would be a get together. Something tells me that you, PeeJay and I could put away some redkunklus amounts of green whille talking growing. Seriously though, I can't wait to pop some seeds in the ground this summer and see what this 24 hours sunlight could do for some autos.

Something tells me they won't get quite as big as those girls. Dang! That yard needs a taller fence! I wish that I could do plants like that up here but you never get the 12 hours a day until the lake is freezing solid. Autos for me outside! Still will be stupid fun I think.

love the idea of the swick! post some pictures when you get her dialled in bob:thumb:
Im wondering what the longest someone could let their plant self water for and could this be implemented outside?

Many folks in soil outdoors use the glass (or plastic) watering bulbs with a mix of nutrients in it.
Not sure if it's good or bad really... just seen it done a bit here and there.
love the idea of the swick! post some pictures when you get her dialled in bob:thumb:
Im wondering what the longest someone could let their plant self water for and could this be implemented outside?

From what I am hearing and reading it looks like it all depends on the reservoir size you can manage. If you had a way to have water automatically keep the SWICK at a specific level it seems it could be indefinite (from a watering standpoint). If it was outdoor I wouldn't hesitate to try a float switch setup. Of course when you start getting past a coupe weeks away from plants in flower other things could start going wrong.

I just gotta go look at possible tubs or building some.
Many folks in soil outdoors use the glass (or plastic) watering bulbs with a mix of nutrients in it.
Not sure if it's good or bad really... just seen it done a bit here and there.

I have always been unsure about those too Some of them are quite fancy blown glass and could look really cool in an outside canna garden.
There are some folks on :420: that grow an entire plant life with a swick system... It looks messy and like a pain in the azz to me if you are able to have the time to water yourself.... If I actually ever left the house I might think totally differently about it...:straightface:....:circle-of-love:

I was concerned about the mess too but seeing everyone's pics of their SWICKs I haven't really seen a messy one yet. It will really help me honestly with my small space and watering too if I can make it work right for long term in the space. Watering 4 big girls in that spot is hard and if all I was doing was topping a tray...

Actually, would you just add water from the top when you wanted to add some Yum Yum or Guano as a top dressing? Just thought of that. Hmmmm. Bet there is an easy answer.

And Dennise, since I know you love the baby pics...

My newest baby girl, Fruitilicious from Mandala Seeds.

Here is the veg tent as of today. Things are doing ok actually and just humming along.

The Money Maker is taking the lead on veg growth for sure. You can see Pineapple Chunk trying to get into the picture.

And finally Strawberry Blue has recovered from her initial issue and taken on very nice color on all new growth.

Now me, as much as I like the baby pictures I just can't help the fact that I prefer to look at pictures of pretty girls in the bathtub.

I should be ashamed of myself.
Bob ;)
(Found my pipe!)
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