Dr Bob Comes Home With Fruit Punch & Lemonista Aid - So Please Don't Be Critical

Beautiful Doc... And no if I was in your situation and had to leave for an extended period... I most certainly would use the swick system.... Guess I just don't understand why people that are with their girls every day... What's the point...:straightface: Everyone grows different and what works for one is not necessarily right for all... I didn't mean to infer that my way was the best way for sure....:circle-of-love:
I see what you mean for sure. In my case, one of my tents has great access. The veg tent. I can open it all the way up and it is easy to get to everything. But, my flower tent is actually in slot that prevents access to 5/6 of the tent. Only half of the front opens. So when I have 4 really bushy girls in there, getting water to the corner girl can be a pain.

I can see where a SWICK in there would allow me just to open and add water right there at the front and not try and shove a gallon watering pot into the jungle. I always knock off all the clips holding branches. DOH!

That would be an advantage to me in one tent, not in the other. So I can see how ones travel schedule, garden space, general gardening tendencies etc would lead to or from SWICKing.

I think your garden is perfection! Why mess with it?

Bob ;)
Wait... were you the one that lost your pipe somewhere in a plant bucket?

Nah, just my virtual pipe. It had been misplaced among the bits and bytes and finally made it's way around the web back to me.

Hey, Dr Bob!

I used quite a deep Rubbermaid tote for my "holy crap I'm away for 10 days from my flowering plants" SWICK :) It held about 8 inches of perlite and I used a very weak nutrient solution to fill it. Took a long time ... it really sucks up the moisture. Then on the morning we had to leave I gave my plants (in smart pots and coco coir) a good watering with their normal late flowering nutrient solution.

When we got back, they were a bit wilted (and the tops were crispy from where they had been too close to the LEDs) but they were alive and pretty happy and the stress had possibly contributed to the insane quantity of trichomes they produced :) There was still moisture in the giant SWICK, too!

Your girls look wonderful, by the way. That Money Maker is gorgeous!
Somebody lost their pipe in a pot and I don't think we ever heard of it's ultimate demise. Funny.

If that was me I would find it months later while breaking up root balls with a shovel. I would hear the noise of breaking glass and know deep in my heart that my pipe had been found. And that I had effectively ruined a pipe and lots of soil.

Bob ;)
Hope your having a blessedly green day my friend....:circle-of-love:

Absolutely! Started green and continues on that course as far as the eye can see! I made peanut butter cookies with my girls. How do you beat that?

Bob ;)
Hey, Dr Bob!

I used quite a deep Rubbermaid tote for my "holy crap I'm away for 10 days from my flowering plants" SWICK :) It held about 8 inches of perlite and I used a very weak nutrient solution to fill it. Took a long time ... it really sucks up the moisture. Then on the morning we had to leave I gave my plants (in smart pots and coco coir) a good watering with their normal late flowering nutrient solution.

When we got back, they were a bit wilted (and the tops were crispy from where they had been too close to the LEDs) but they were alive and pretty happy and the stress had possibly contributed to the insane quantity of trichomes they produced :) There was still moisture in the giant SWICK, too!

Your girls look wonderful, by the way. That Money Maker is gorgeous!

Thanks for your SWICK info! I was thinking a deep rubbermaid myself. There are these under the bed storage units about 8'' high and just about the size of my footprint. I need to look and see how they would work. It is amazing the dizzying variety of shapes, sizes and colors of totes available out there.

I will have to see if I keep it around afterwards. First I gotta go get some fans. The girls were at 75% RH last night with water droplets everywhere. Time for bigger fans me thinks.

But it is getting pretty thick in there. I swear I saw a dwarf lemur hop back in there somewhere.

Bob ;)
Yeah, you have a real jungle there! Lemurs? Heck! You've probably got FOSSAS.

There is truly an insane variety of Rubbermaid bins out there. I find them very tempting, they seem to promise, "All your storage problems can be solved by just picking the right one of us". They lie, sadly.

However, those underbed totes are perfect for a SWICK :)

Yea, lemurs are great, quite physically fit. But the foosa, they're always annoying me by trespassing, interrupting my parties, and ripping my buds off.

My garage, basement, out buildings etc are all testament to the failed promise of Rubbermaid totes. I just have no idea what is in all these things now that neatly stack really high. Sigh.

I do think they may be my SWICK saviors though in the underbed type. Could work nice. But I did realize a problem in my plan. I have been using a spacer under two of my plants to keep the whole canopy even. I may have to use separate SWICKs, lets say all 2x2, and the shim those from underneath to keep things flat.

And since you liked the jungle from the side, lets take a look today from above! Group shot!

and another

The lemonista has lost most of the claw and looks nice and has the most sativa look of the lot.

The Punches are doing dandy

And the Critical Kush

And the canopy looks pretty even with some rope work above and spacers under a couple pots.

Finally a shout out to one of my favorite products discovered on the grow sitting in front of it's work. Yummy.

Good to see you all this fine evening on planet Earth.
Bob ;)
You have a positivity that just shines right through your posts. Always makes me smile. Thanks Doc.

I find it hard not to be positive around here with all my friends talking about things we :love:

Does a heart good to hear someone say that though so thank you!

I love the Foosa... I have a blonde Rat Terrier and that is what I call her when she is getting after a mouse.... She looks like a Foosa.... She likes to shake it shake it shake it... I certainly hope we are referring to the same thing or you are going to think I am weirder than you already do.....:circle-of-love:

If you think he looks like a Foosa, from the other side of the island, where Alex bans himself. Then his friends, King Julien and the Penguins must save him from the deadly Foosa. Then we are thinking of the same thing.

If on the other hand we aren't then I would truly love to know what you think your dog looks like.

Plants look fantastic as always, but it's pretty dense in there. Can the light penetrate below that canopy?
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