Emmie's DIY CalMagPhos+ From Eggshells

14 eggs shells smashed up and started.

Now cooked and ground up into "powder" as best as I could. Got 1/4 cup.

Added 5 to 1 Ratio of apple cider vinegar with the mother.

When its done over foaming in the sink I will loosly cap it for 20 days and report back.

It actually didn't stink that badly to me anyway. Had a fan sucking air out the window. Took maybe 20 mins start to finish.

I also had a load of bananas that are required for banana bread, soooo. I cut them up and boiled them on med-low. Going to see if I can reduce the liquid into more of a concentrate once its strained.
You have done well... especially like the boiled peels... surely that had to release a lot of their stored up potassium. The only criticism I can give is that the more finely you can get the shells crushed up before adding to the vinegar, the better. I use an old coffee grinder and get it to a pretty fine powder. This powder will get totally consumed by the vinegar and I end up with a product that will settle out a little bit between uses, but shakes up into a totally pourable product.... you will probably need to filter out the big chunks at the end. I would shake vigorously each day and see how much of that you can get to break down.
You have done well... especially like the boiled peels... surely that had to release a lot of their stored up potassium. The only criticism I can give is that the more finely you can get the shells crushed up before adding to the vinegar, the better. I use an old coffee grinder and get it to a pretty fine powder. This powder will get totally consumed by the vinegar and I end up with a product that will settle out a little bit between uses, but shakes up into a totally pourable product.... you will probably need to filter out the big chunks at the end. I would shake vigorously each day and see how much of that you can get to break down.

Thank you.

Unlikely I would have even done this without your encouragement. Mostly because I still have a liter of Calmag here. Which Im tossing into the garbage right after this Cal-Mag-Pos is completely done.

I also dont have molasses yet, soon as I go get some I will add 1/4 cup to the mix so the ratios are the same.

As far as I understand it, this Calmagpos can be used 1 teaspoon per 1 gal of water? Or is it 1 tablespoon per 1 gal?

Hopefully the banana peels end up being about the same ratios of water to product. My next grow will be fantastic now and alot more All Natural ;)
Thank you.

Unlikely I would have even done this without your encouragement. Mostly because I still have a liter of Calmag here. Which Im tossing into the garbage right after this Cal-Mag-Pos is completely done.

I also dont have molasses yet, soon as I go get some I will add 1/4 cup to the mix so the ratios are the same.

As far as I understand it, this Calmagpos can be used 1 teaspoon per 1 gal of water? Or is it 1 tablespoon per 1 gal?

Hopefully the banana peels end up being about the same ratios of water to product. My next grow will be fantastic now and alot more All Natural ;)
I use it at 1 tablespoon per gallon and it seems to do well when I need it. Good luck! Most of the people that get back to me say that their grows become the best they have ever seen after adding these natural methods to what they do. The more the better, so keep adding to your weaponry as you have time. Have you made lacto yet?
I use it at 1 tablespoon per gallon and it seems to do well when I need it. Good luck! Most of the people that get back to me say that their grows become the best they have ever seen after adding these natural methods to what they do. The more the better, so keep adding to your weaponry as you have time. Have you made lacto yet?

Unfortunately I dont have the free space to make lacto as im sure my family would be pissed about that type of smell lol

Also Im not using "dirt" in my grows, Im using pearlite, so Im hopeful these products will work wonders...

Just squeezed the banana peels and used a fine mesh strainer and got about 1 cup of liquid from 5 banana peels and 3 cups of water starting material.
Nice job. You can buy molasses online cheaper than I store. I got it at Wallyworld for a decent price. I added the bananas to my fermented fish serum. I fed my entire yard and boom me at yard is great.
I would add molasses to the banana juice. That would be a super nute to have. With your food knowledge I bet you can come up with some new recipes for all of to make. Keep us informed please.
Since you are concerned about the smell from the LAB creation, I would see if you can put LAB's in a container then the container in a large zip lock bag that you left open to collect bacteria first. Then zip it to contain odors. What do think?
Ok, I'll give it a try. How often would I feed with it?
only when needed. This is not to be considered food perse... it is a supplement in case extra calcium or magnesium is needed by the plants. Not all will need it, but we find that when using filtered water or high intensity LED lighting, there is a tendency to need more of each, so this is kept around the grow room for when it is needed.
Sept 21st I started the magical smelly concoction... it's been 33 days of fermentation.

Filtering it out now.


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This made 1 full cup of Cal-Mag-Pos, enough for me to use during a whole grow atleast.
I shall be using it as 1 Tablespoon per gal.


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This is an awesome product to use during the changeover period from growing to flowering/fruiting on all of your plants. For most of us, by using molasses we are able to get the magnesium that our plants need, but for our calcium needs, most of us have to fall back on a commercial product, and we end up buying one of the many versions of calmag supplement that are available. Because of a lock on the market by being the only source of an important nutrient, prices for this supplement, especially organic versions, are way overpriced.

I am going to show you how to make a superior calcium supplement that is cheap, easy to make and definitely cheaper than the commercial versions. By using organic materials, not only can calcium and magnesium be easily supplied, but also phosphorus, potassium and natural enzymes, making our homemade supplement just as "plus" as calmag+.

Any bones, sea shells, oysters, clam shells or egg shells can be used. Being severely landlocked in the midwest, I chose to use eggshells to create my calcium phosphate.

First collect about a dozen eggs and wash each egg out after use to get rid of the filaments and protein inside. I washed mine out and sat them on the windowsill for a couple of days to dry out, and then using my hands crumbled them up into a bowl.

The next step is to pan fry the egg shells to the point that most of them are brown or even black, and there are just a few white ones left. Heat changes the shells, and the white ones will be your phosphorus source and the burned ones will be the calcium.

Here they are just starting to turn

And here we have the eggshells burned just right.

Next we put the cooked shells into a coffee grinder or in some other way grind them up into a powder.

Next, add 5 parts vinegar to the pile of powdered eggshells. I used an organic organic apple cider vinegar in order to capture its natural goodness too. This step will fizz up quite dramatically, depending on how well you ground up the egg shells, and I suggest doing this in your kitchen sink. The vinegar is going to eat the egg shells, and it will fizz for a while.


After about half a day, the fizzing should mostly stop. Seal the jar up and let this ferment for 20 days. Filter into another jar, and you have homemade calcium phosphate. Use it by adding 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Add 1 tablespoon of molasses to the gallon and you will have with the combination the equivalent of using calmag+ at the recommended dosages.

I spent $18 on my last quart of organic calmag. My homemade product costs pennies per gallon to produce. Guess what I will be using from now on?
thanks for the tip hon
Has anyone tried using Epsom salt instead of molasses to get Magnesium Sulfate? Just wondering is all.
Um, so I didn’t read through this whole thread, but there is FUCK ALL magnesium in a tablespoon of molasses. You need to add Epsom salts to this vinegar/eggshell stuff to get enough mag to count.

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I felt compelled to comment since without the epsom salt, this mix is only a calcium supplement.
Um, so I didn’t read through this whole thread, but there is FUCK ALL magnesium in a tablespoon of molasses. You need to add Epsom salts to this vinegar/eggshell stuff to get enough mag to count.

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I felt compelled to comment since without the epsom salt, this mix is only a calcium supplement.
Welcome to the forum @Old ST1R but please be sure of your facts before you post something like this. The needs of our plants for magnesium are so slight that in many cases just the little bit that is in tap water is enough to supply everything our plants need. Epsom salt does have a lot of magnesium, and it has so much that if you put more than a tablespoon or so of it in 5 gallons of soil, you have over done it, and the excess of magnesium in the soil can easily lock out other nutrients. This is why people don't just preload their soil with epsom salt just to supply magnesium, since that would be so easy to do... it is much better to give magnesium in very small amounts all through the grow, and this is the reason that calmag supplements have become so popular in the cannabis growing world, because it is the perfect way to apply the needed micronutrient.
So yes, molasses has enough magnesium in it to do the job... almost the perfect amount, actually. Epsom salt is overkill and can easily get you to a lockout situation on other nutrients if too much is used. Molasses also supplies sulfur to the supplement as well as many other trace minerals and amino acids... epsom salt does not. If epsom salt was needed to make an acceptable calmag supplement from eggshells, I would have included it. Thank you for your input, but you are wrong. The recipe as it stands is a good one and does not need the modification that you have suggested.
Um, so I didn’t read through this whole thread, but there is FUCK ALL magnesium in a tablespoon of molasses. You need to add Epsom salts to this vinegar/eggshell stuff to get enough mag to count.

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I felt compelled to comment since without the epsom salt, this mix is only a calcium supplement.
LOL! Another one to take on @Emilya . They never learn, or do their do diligence before questioning one of our most respected members. I enjoy it.
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