Fave strain, and how do you guy and gals germinate?


Well-Known Member
Hi peeps. So I've got some Northern Lights auto coming in mail today. My question is that i usually put the seed into one of those seed pods then throw it in the window and it pops up in about a week. Lije i said my fave strain but i ordered from a new company. (New to me) so i got only one seed. What is a fool proof way to germinate?
I keep mine behind my ps4 fan to keep em warm. Then behind the wifi modem when im not using the playstation
I'm a big fan of skipping the paper towel method and after soaking my seeds I pop them in Jiffy pucks and place them in a humidity dome on top of a heating pad. Since I started doing that I have had 100% success... "Knock on wood". I found it was trial and error to find what worked best for me. I couldn't germinate in paper towel for the life of me lol.
I use peat pods myself. I have had 100% success this way. I soak the peat pod as directed, place seed in 1/4 inch deep and cover then place the peat pod directly into my 3 to 5 gallon pot in my soil of choice. To me this prevents transplant stress. I get popped out of the soil within 4 days most times!!

Planted Jan 18th

Last night.. Jan 22nd
I do 36-48 hours soak till I see em crack, or most, say 3 outa 5
Then into moist paper towels till I see tap roots
Usually on cable box, in a plate, but watch and make sure it doesn't dry out
I'll put into Ziploc sometimes asss well

No perfect way to do it, but most do a similar process for sure
I soak for around 24 hrs and then into a small pot of soil (yogurt cup) and place on top of my Modem for the heat. I'm more likely to damage/kill them if I went the paper towel method, and as I'm getting over 90% pop rate it's one of them "if it ain't broke don't screw with it" kind of things ;) :rofl:
after first time, tried to plant the seed right into the soil cause why not. im not trying to offend nature lol, like she need help with what she was designed to do. it worked.
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