First Berry White Closet Grow

It's amazing how just being with these gals reduces my anxiety. They're a gift in every stage!

Ain't that the truth. :green_heart:
I use my girls medically, but you just put a whole new slant on things. The whole process from germination to consumption is medically beneficial.

My little girl growing so fast! Her leaves looked a little pale in the hps so I took her out to check on her... couldn't resist a photo op!
Jean Gray
Ms. Jubilee

My little mutant getting their first real soak. I decided to bottom water because after top watering Glodean she became heat stressed; my theory being the upper soil got too hot under the lights, while Matilda (who was bottom fed) showed no signs of heat stress. I checked the "run off" and all seems to be well between 6 & 7 exactly. I'm not sure how accurate that is as it's just water dripping back out & not actually run off. We shall see. I can see some roots at the bottom of both "pots" so looks like up potting will be happening sooner than I thought. I'm thinking another week or so.
Get this! I got my mutants mixed up... the smaller one is Jubilee & the big sister is Jean Gray... she totally surpassed her sister in about 24 hours! I had to look really closely to find the "mutant" leaf! I'd better mark them this time! I tell you I feel a Phoenix rising!
Question: will I be able to up pot Claudette from her 5 gallon home? I'm afraid the roots might be stuck around the edges & I'll kill her in doing so. On the other hand I don't want the soil to become a problem during flower either...
Question: will I be able to up pot Claudette from her 5 gallon home? I'm afraid the roots might be stuck around the edges & I'll kill her in doing so. On the other hand I don't want the soil to become a problem during flower either...

Is she in a 5 gal pot now? For me, that would be the final pot, but I know there are different ideas out there.
Hey snarly! Yes, she's in a 5 gallon plastic bucket. My concern is the wood chips in the soil... but I'm thinking if she's okay now then as long as I'm diligent in not overwatering then she'll be okay. I don't necessarily need a bigger pot, I can't wait (but will) to flower her. I have about 6' of vertical space that leaves about 12" from the light so I'm not too worried about height.
My calmag came in! So this time my ph runoff is 6 on the dot... does this mean I'll need to start nutes soon? I'm tight on cash, so the longer I can go without it the better. However, I don't want to create deficiencies. Thanks for all your help guys!
also I ponytailed Matilda & Glo~ they have the most adorable little branches coming in that need light! I figured I'd wait until tomorrow to ponytail Claudette. I had to spray her leaves down with plain water because I got calmag water on some.
Matilda *was* the wonky runt... she's almost ready for a bigger pot!
G in all her glory!

The twins loved their ponytailing session yesterday~ the baby branches grew double in the 12 hours I had them done up... I'm just waiting for a couple more nodes to top & my first attempt at cloning. I'm wondering if I should up pot them & let them get used to their new home before I chop the tops... Any thoughts?
The Queen with her hair "did." Claudette really enjoyed her calmag feeding yesterday. She was so perky & bushy this morning!

I'm hoping to get a sample pack of nutes from Nectar of the Gods... has anyone had any experience/opinions on this line? Seems pretty legit to me, but I have no baseline. Supposedly they're supposed to send me an email so I'm still waiting on that.
I think the Cal Mag was the best thing for her atm. She looked like she was due, but the burned tips need to subside before a feeding in that soil. How are the tips on the new growth looking? I'm thinking a transplant to better soil. Hate to go bigger pot but they do make a 7gal. Regardless the better soil will pay off in the long run. Give the CalMag a few days to settle in. Keep the PH around 6. She'll utilize it better.

As for the little ones you can top any time they are healthy and happy like yours. :) Just give them a few days to recover before transplanting. Or transplant and wait a little longer to top. Chances are you could do both at once but no point risking it. Seedlings can be pretty touchy. Clones are far more forgiving that way IMO. I tend to run seeds naturally and abuse my clones from them if I take any. Just kind of depends on the situation at the time.
Hey gypsy! Good to hear from you... yeah~ I was looking at Claudette's tips~ they're definitely frying... and getting worse. I only added 1/2 strength of the calmag & runoff was at 6...
I was thinking is have to get new soil as well... but how in the world do I get her out of the bucket?!
Since I'm having ph issues, I was wondering if I could re pot Claudette into coco coir... in my research I'm seeing that it's "inert" so I could control ph from the beginning. Thoughts anyone?
The bucket :hmmmm: If she has strong roots it won't be to bad. The soil itself is the tough call as to how hard it will be, but I think you'll do fine. You may be able to use the same pot depending on her roots also. I'm usually a gentle trans-planter and don't remove a lot of soil from the roots. I usually transplant while it's dry into soil that has been pre-watered the day before. No watering in, but it's always a bigger pot with the exception of a few rare saves in the same pot. Main thing is be patient and gentle always. ;)
Everyone has their own tricks though and what works for me doesn't always work for others and vice versa. So many different factors as to what is "best". Coir is a prime example. I've seen people do amazing things with it. Some not so much. I can grow several species of mushroom on it all day but try and grow a plant in it? :raspberry: It's ok for me, but nothing like peat based. I prefer my semi-live high brix organic thing lol, but I've spent several years using the standard bottled stuff too. For me peat gives better control either way.

I know a lot of people like the Promix box store stuff. Never tried it myself but it seems like it's close to Sunshine #4 which I used for years. The stuff I use now is local made called Wizard. It's a peat worm casting blend especially for cannabis. Honestly, I'd hate to go back to anything else now.
Thanks gypsy. Lots to think about. I won't have any loot until Monday & I'll most likely amazon it so I won't be doing anything until next week. I just hope she doesn't get worse... or at least I'll be able to nurse her back.
Have a wonderful evening/ weekend gypsy!
G in all her glory!

The twins loved their ponytailing session yesterday~ the baby branches grew double in the 12 hours I had them done up... I'm just waiting for a couple more nodes to top & my first attempt at cloning. I'm wondering if I should up pot them & let them get used to their new home before I chop the tops... Any thoughts?
I'm really interested in following your cloning. I want to do that with a few of my strains but don't have the room to follow through. That's never stopped me before, and probably will try even though it doesn't make any sense. I'm already overcrowded. :)
The happy family just waking up. It doesn't look like Claudette's getting worse, but I haven't brought her out of the hps to look that closely yet. I'll do that later today, but she looks pretty happy otherwise. Happy weekend all!
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