First Grow: Mental Floss & Satori

Great job with the clones.. i am in the process of learning a cloning method that suits me. Since my bubbler was a complete success.. might build another bubbler but scale it to only 4 plants... Did you use a cutting hormone to promote roots? Wouldn't mind a step by step of your method if you have the time. ;]]

Anyway.. great job.. and that nub just looks like where it had been topped and stopped growth. If you didnt top it.. i have no idea.. lol
Your ladies look very healthy there LB. Congrats on the sucess of your clones, I'm sure they will bring you a nice harvest.
Thank you guys! :eek:) I'm gettin excited that things are finally in gear!! 2 months to some beautiful buds!

luxx- My plants were originally topped at the second or third node. I used those for clones using rockwool. it went badly :eek:( I ended up with 4 main branches after that. I decided to try rapid rooters after seeing some success by others with them. I took the two largest of those from each plant for another batch this time with the rapid rooters. I have a 2 gallon aquarium that I put our soil mix in, watered it and then put the rapid rooters in the soil halfway. I misted twice a day. I had some success with that batch, and the two clones in the cab, plus a couple I potted last night and set under lights, as well as a few still rooting. I lost 3 of them. For the first two tries at it, I used "Rootech" rooting hormone- its a red gel that looks sort of like the sweet and sour sauce for chinese chicken balls, and was very easy to work with.

I was having stem rot problems with those clones, either I kept them too damp or they were just prone to get damaged before getting a chance to root. When I had bought my lights, the guy there gave me some rooting hormone as an extra incentive, so I thought I'd give it a try. wilson "Roots with fungicide" liquid root stimulator. Its very common here in almost any greenhouse or garden center, a Canadian company. It looks like "slimer" from Ghostbusters green slime. I like that it contains a fungicide, and it really does seem to be helping in the root rot area. When I take the clones, I make sure there are three or more sets of leaves on them. I dunk it immediately in some water and clean my blade with rubbing alcohol. I remove the bottom leaves. I scrape the outer bark on the bottom of the stem on two sides with the blade, and then make a final 45 degree cut before putting the clone in the rooting gel. while its sitting in there for a minute, I trim the larger leaves so they don't weigh down and respire too much. Then it is put in the rapid rooter that I've been soaking in warm water, and squeezed just slightly to get the real excess out of it.

I'm watering much less and misting less often with my third batch of clones that I started with the new gel. I used the same method, but I water the dirt every three days, and let the rapid rooters get fairly dry before moistening them again.

There's really very little maintanance with these guys, I had the aquarium open the whole time, humidity runs 70-90 and 85f at all times, mist when the leaves look thirsty (Don't ask how i know when this is...) So far I've only lost one of this batch- there were 14 to start with, and the rest are doing well.

The 4 main stems that developed when I topped the moms the first time have now all been topped 3-4 nodes up on the branch. There is now a LOT of branching happening. They're going to be very productive mommies. A couple of them were not quite topped in the right way to make the most of space, the branches are crossed etc, so if needed, I will use a clone and start over the mommie process. For now I've got those 4 branches tied down on all the moms so everything gets more light. Once we've flowered I will be culling back the moms to two- one mental floss and one satori. I have a hilariously tiny little satori clone that I really want to turn into a teeny tiny bonsai mom ;o) it was a spindly little bottom branch that wasn't getting a whole lot of light. Amazing, she was the first of the third batch of clones to root her way out of the rapid rooters. The one known female mom satori #1 clones very easily compared to all the other plants. She's the keeper :eek:) I have a few pictures I'll post soon enough.

Thanks for watchin!!
March 28 update

I finally have a little of something to show you :eek:)

We have established one satori mom, and she's a lovely lady indeed. She is a taller, more sativa type plant. Other satori growers have identified 2 main phenotypes. One which they call the "spear" type, and one that they called the "bat" pheno. It seems we have one of each. This first mom is the "spear" type, also called the haze pheno. They have big foxtails of buds and are generally heavy producers. Her stems are very strong and she has a trunk that is starting to look like it has bark already. This lady drinks twice as much as everyone else. Prefers lighter nutes and generally is an easy keeper. She clones comparatively (by my cruddy standards) better than the others. More than 50% of our successfully rooting/rooted clones are from this girl. She's becoming quite a nice plant, I've been doing LST training on her to keep myself amused along the way. We also have the other pheno, which I believe is female as well (and will know soon, we have clones vegging for a bit before being moved to the flowering chamber.

Here's a couple mug shots of our lady Satori:



She's one sexy lady :thumb:


here's one of the first successful clones that has been on 12/12 since march 19. There were two... one had a bad run in accident involving lego... I won't go into it.


This one here is a special one close to my heart LOL she was one of the scraggly bottom stems that wasn't getting any light. Surprisingly, she rooted her way out through the rapid rooters in 6 days and is now doing awesome! however, she's like a mini-me version. I wanted to keep her as a mom but decided to wait as I've already got such a lovely girl, she's just a bit too big for my liking. Here she is before being potted into a larger pot and moved into 12/12. She's in day 2 of flowering now and loving the sunshiny rays under the HPS.

here's the clones, one known female satori, one satori of the other phenotype- I think is female but not sure, and one mental floss 4, my runt. I'm pretty sure this is a girl too, but we'll know soon enough.

One male mental floss from the originals has become an experimental houseplant.

These are nuts if I ever saw em.


Also...literally in the space of HOURS this blew up and became.... BALLS.

This is one of our mandala's safari mix seedlings at 13 days of 12/12. He no longer graces us with his presence.

The flowering cab as of 10 pm tonight.


and may I introduce you to my green cheek conure, Jack who loves the ganja too much. His greatest thrill of the day is now when mommy comes home to check on the kids in the closet, he gets to come and hang out and if he's lucky he gets a chew at one of the ladies LOL You can also see some of the LST training I'm doing on the girls.


aww cute, I indirectly had a little sun conure for a while once. hilarious little creature he was and totally changed how I thought about our little feathered friends. I have loads of cats tho so actually having one again isnt going to happen unfortunately (tho I am considering a couple of ducks haha)

Sorry about the males, set up looks nice and tidy and doing good amigo

ya... He has all the pudgy cuddliness of a grade A house cat, with absolutely none of the hunter natural instincts that housecats normally possess. He is actually affraid of bugs. I love him anyway, but he doesn't stand a chance against my conure I think... I had a finch that actually spent a day tangled in a rug in my kitchen on the floor, and was left completely unscathed. I came home to my cat sitting beside the poor little thing, but there wasn't even a feather astray. My 'garden' is the only thing that actually should have anything to fear
Tryin something new again :eek:)

Cruising through a local shopping center we found this interesting self watering system for seeds and cuttings. it holds 28 2 1/2 inch round pots that sit in a resevoir tray. Instructions say to pour 1 Cup (250 ml) into one corner of the tray and allow to sit for an hour, then drain off the excess left in the tray. Seems foolproof. The dome from my rockwool tray fits over most of the tray of little terra cotta plastic pots. I like the rapid rooters, and they seem to work, but I am dealing with too much fluctuation in my watering skills, so tryin to keep the process simple for me. I put plain promix around the rapid rooters and tamped it down and watered it thoroughly from above before doing my cuttings, draining the water run off when I was done. I also tried a few with just straight perlite, since I have some kicking around too, and have seem others do well cloning with it. I don't really need everyone to survive but I want to get my skills down to a bit of a science I'm comfortable with. I got some very decent cuttings from all the plants, trimming about 4 stems from each. they were getting too wild in there again its insane how fast they grow.


ya... He has all the pudgy cuddliness of a grade A house cat, with absolutely none of the hunter natural instincts that housecats normally possess. He is actually affraid of bugs. I love him anyway, but he doesn't stand a chance against my conure I think... I had a finch that actually spent a day tangled in a rug in my kitchen on the floor, and was left completely unscathed. I came home to my cat sitting beside the poor little thing, but there wasn't even a feather astray. My 'garden' is the only thing that actually should have anything to fear

lol sweet.. Yeh cats deffo banned from the grow room..! I do have some raspberry plants outside on the patio that this morning one of them has dug half the dirt out of. grrrrrr
An Easter Surprise!!

hooray!! mental floss 4, the stubby one is a lady!! Her clone in the flowering cab now has the teensiest of hairs!! I read about a stubby pheno that has a very strong blueberry influence and tastes like berry and hash sounds good :eek:) Also, two of the Mandala's safari mix are female, and two lady satoris are flowering in the cab. Still waiting for signs of life on satori #4 the short indica style pheno.

I topped Paradise White Berry at the 4th node and kept the lovely top for a clone. I'm optimistic, it was a very good cutting and by the success of the current clones I'm hoping for the best. Then we can have safari mix, satori, mental floss and whiteberry on the go in SOG :eek:) oooh getting good now! I'll be posting pictures soon.

One of the 5 misty seedlings came out with big nuts and got culled last night :eek:S

and further notes on cats in the grow room. My cat is a bastard. He ate a clone off the table yesterday. ate the top part of the stem right off. Fucker.
Flowering update

here's some photos of the flowering cab taken today


Mental Floss 4 girlie, still a little bit delicate. She has been named "Princess"


This satori clone shown here at day 1 flowering was a perfect miniature- a lower branch that was mature but dwarfed in size- She is now the largest of the clones, and has outgrown the other that is several days ahead of her in flowering. Have a look at the top picture- she is the one in the bottom right corner. Rooted from cutting in 6 days out of the rapid rooter with no yellowing, and taking off now


A Safari mix male that has been culled, this showed up overnight! really gotta keep an eye out!


and last but not least. your first real shot of Satori bud :thumb:

April 9 update :eek:) I also took some of the moms and kids will update soon for those ones, been doing LST with them and they're becoming lovely bonsai ladies



Mandala's Safari mix. Not bad for a freebie!


Satori #1 the spear pheno



Satori #4 the batwing pheno

Lookin good!!!

mmm... updates from the flowering cab YAY!!

Satori is starting to fill out really nice and gettin frosty too. She has citrus/astringent sort of scent to her when you touch the sticky leaves near her buds





Mental Floss. She's still pretty skimpy looking, but I can see where the floss comes from, her hairs are very long. I'm pretty sure she is the purple "blueberry" pheno which I've read is low yielding but an exceptional smoke. her stems are all purple now, and the purple tint is creeping into the leaves. She could have done with a couple weeks of veg before being thrown into the cab.




And finally, the Safari Mix. She's filling in well and is getting to take up a lot of space. The safari mix were flowered from seed versus clones like the others, so she's got a lot more branching. I think she will yield well, but so far, she's relatively unremarkable. She has a mild earthy smell, which reminds me of afghani weed I've had. She is very indica in style which I'm sure will make for a nice couch potato buzz.


Two more clones have gone to be flowered,

White Berry which I'm very excited about, she's on day 3 of flower and she's already grown (ya she was teeenie!!)


And Mental Floss, the same as above. This clone is doing much better than the last one. My cloning method is at about 75% effective now and I have tweaked it so the the little ones going in are in much better condition. I lose the smaller clones but the rest seem to make it alright.

Nice work man, some great pics and narratives.

I topped Paradise White Berry at the 4th node and kept the lovely top for a clone. I'm optimistic, it was a very good cutting and by the success of the current clones I'm hoping for the best. Then we can have safari mix, satori, mental floss and whiteberry on the go in SOG :eek:) oooh getting good now! I'll be posting pictures soon.

You know what? All of this stuff really makes me look forward to expanding, experimenting, extra rooms for vegging, cloning, doing some topping, breeding etc etc .. What a fuckin joke that it is classed as illegal!!! Id live in Holland if it wasnt so freakin cold
Hooray! A visitor :cheer:

Thanks for comin by 3Lions. Hope all is well in sunny Spain :eek:) I know what you mean, all this experimenting is really hard not to expand on. We've got things split in two and so my clones go to the other side of town when they're ready, but I keep dreaming bigger and bigger dreams. Illegal is in the eye of the beholder. I am really refusing to feel what I am doing is illegal, I don't think it could be more linked to the earth if I tried... I dunno, its all expanding into my other gardens as well, and the quality of care they are getting now is so much more careful I guess I am just a little in awe of the way things grow right now.

But its soooo hard not to keep adding strains... little heads up-

the next one we'll be working with is DJ shorts Blueberry :eek:)

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