First Grow New Facilities

GMT u gave ambition a lot good info wish u were around to see my grow i did a pretty good job for my first grow check it out in my signature anways rep for good info supporting of others pce

Thank you brother. Only repaying what was done for me by others here aswell. Folks like Butcher, OMM, Cherma and many others. :peace:
Thanks for the advice again, I should start paying you for all of this wonderful information, lol. I hope your Thai plant doesn't let you down, remember sing to it, it will reach for your song as it does for the light. :p'
Thanks for the advice again, I should start paying you for all of this wonderful information, lol. I hope your Thai plant doesn't let you down, remember sing to it, it will reach for your song as it does for the light. :p'

Ambition, you are always welcome brother. As I stated earlier, so many from here have helped me over the years, it is honor to help others in return. I know that it can take up to 3 weeks for the Thai seed to sprout. I still have a few Thai seeds left if this one fails.
Yet another update pic. The Neville's Haze and New York Special have sprouted. The Hawaiin Snow has sprouted, but not broken the surface yet. :)

looking great have u started clone yet and which one is that big bitch in front called thats going to be a nice one have u done any toping or lsting ? GMT
Hi GMT -

Those are the picture of health my friend. Very pretty, healthy plants. Neville's Haze and Hawaain Snow have always sounded good to me. :yummy: Sorry to hear about the Thai. :rip:

Well, yes, I have started cloning, as a matter of fact. :) I took 4 clones of the big lady in the front, the Moby Dick #2. The well water has me a bit jittery, as I let it run for about 10 minutes, and it still came out sorta brownish. Thinking it has a bit of rust in the line, not getting run much for the last year or so. We shall see.

Hi GMT -

Those are the picture of health my friend. Very pretty, healthy plants. Neville's Haze and Hawaain Snow have always sounded good to me. :yummy: Sorry to hear about the Thai. :rip:


Thank you bro. It has more to do with the nutrients than me however. I can't remember much about the Neville's Haze, but I do remember the Hawaiin Snow. You would be happy with both. I buy my seeds by THC content and CBD. I like most to be above 18% THC with a high CBD count as well. Thank you for dropping in, and the kind words as well. :peace:
Updates of the ladies today.


Urban Poison


Raspberry Cough


Northern Lights


Moby Dick No.2


Critical +


The clones, 4- Moby Dick, 4- Critical +

I just cut the Critical Plus this atfernoon. The Moby's are starting to bounce back..whoop..whoop.

Great looking, a perspective in size for sure. Damn!! I'm in for the show. Looking forward to it.


Looking good brother!:thumb:

Great looking, a perspective in size for sure. Damn!! I'm in for the show. Looking forward to it.


Thank you brother, glad to have to join in. I get those results consistantly with the nutrient/soil combination. Easiest grows I have ever done to date. No fuss, no hassles, just consistant results time and again.:thanks:
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