First Time DWC Grow Here! - Tips & Critiques Welcome!

Hey guys, had to post this up. I received my crafty vaporizer today by storz and bickel, supposedly it's the best aside from the mighty. Anyways main reason.. Gotta give big props and a huuuge recommendation to they are awesome, iv used them to get the volcano a while ago and they always throw in extras. This time I placed my order and it all went threw last minute I asked them if I could also throw a vape to bubbler adapter on there and they ended up adding it for free and always super fast shipping. Anyways that's my speech lol
Little update... Plants were almost killed! Well it looked that way anyways, was to bummed out for a photo opp at the time. Did a water/nute change, came bavk later that night and my girls were curling pretty bad. They looked super F'ed! I quickly drained out about half my mixture from the buckets and filled them up with straight ph'd water. Within a few hours they were looking good again. Crazy how fast they can go either way. Also I received my first shipment of legal marijuana today. Muahaa!
So you think perhaps your nutes were too strong and that's what made you plants unhappy? IMO always good to try and understand the root cause of a problem so you can try to avoid in the future :)

And yeah dude, hydro is like having an IV at the hospital -- what's in those nutes shoots right into the plants FAST... That's why people say other mediums (soil, coco, whatever) are more forgiving.

If I were you I'd increase any nute strength very gradually.. Maybe in 50 PPM increments and see how they take to it before upping again... Try not to do anything too abrupt in hydro, especially when you have seedlings which are vulnerable.

Another consideration is if you'll do mini-flushes... Some people (including myself) will do a 2-3 hr flush every X days using something like Clearex + H20 to flush out any nute build-up and "reset" if you will. Some people don't. Something to think about if you haven't already.

My $0.02 anyway :)

You can mail order cannabis? I never knew that... Enjoy dude!
What was the ppm at ? With dwc you don't need strong ppm. 500-600 works better for me than 1200. Yes plants can go to shit real quick. I stuck one into flower a few weeks ago with fresh water and ice bottles and shit went to all droppy within 2 hours, my res temp was 51 F. I stuck her back into my rdwc in veg and bounced right back. Then the next night to put her back in flower with better res temp. about 66. A guy at my local grow store said to think of dwc as an IV, can go great or crap very fast...
So you think perhaps your nutes were too strong and that's what made you plants unhappy? IMO always good to try and understand the root cause of a problem so you can try to avoid in the future :)

And yeah dude, hydro is like having an IV at the hospital -- what's in those nutes shoots right into the plants FAST... That's why people say other mediums (soil, coco, whatever) are more forgiving.

If I were you I'd increase any nute strength very gradually.. Maybe in 50 PPM increments and see how they take to it before upping again... Try not to do anything too abrupt in hydro, especially when you have seedlings which are vulnerable.

Another consideration is if you'll do mini-flushes... Some people (including myself) will do a 2-3 hr flush every X days using something like Clearex + H20 to flush out any nute build-up and "reset" if you will. Some people don't. Something to think about if you haven't already.

My $0.02 anyway :)

You can mail order cannabis? I never knew that... Enjoy dude!

totally see where your coming from bro, i going to for sure get a little flush schedule going not only to try and avoid issues but to also give the plants a little break once in a while from the chems, totally a good idea. and im thinking it was definitely the nutes being too strong for the girls that caused the sudden wilting. looking a lot better today tho.and yea man soo sweet i ordered on saturday and the goods arrived today. grabbed a few different kinds to try so far i was cut short of experimenting at the east coast sour diesel lol wow.
What was the ppm at ? With dwc you don't need strong ppm. 500-600 works better for me than 1200. Yes plants can go to shit real quick. I stuck one into flower a few weeks ago with fresh water and ice bottles and shit went to all droppy within 2 hours, my res temp was 51 F. I stuck her back into my rdwc in veg and bounced right back. Then the next night to put her back in flower with better res temp. about 66. A guy at my local grow store said to think of dwc as an IV, can go great or crap very fast...

hey man glad to see you stopped by! since this is my first dwc grow im going to keep my nutes around the 5-600ppm range. a lot less can go wrong with sticking in that range lol i seen that first hand, i increased to about 750ppm and thats when they started to say their goodbyes ha.
Something to consider on the nute strength...

You've seen my plants; I'm running them in the mid 400PPM range and they are over 3 months old... I've never run them over 650PPM; and I hit that number only in veg when they had a ton of foliage. Other people run their plants "hot"; well into the 1000s during flower and mature veg and have great results. Obviously lots of variables (strain, nutes, env, defol, yadda).

But a suggestion for you to consider while getting used to your hydro system... Start with lower PPM; better to be a little slow on growth than to damage young plants. When you check PPM daily note if its going up or down.. If PPM goes up it usually means the plant is taking in more water than nutes so you are feeding a little strong; top with water. Vice versa.... Ideally PPM and PH should remain stable as your plant drinks, but in practice this can be hard to maintain under certain conditions.

Anyway point is, go slow and try to read your plants until you get the hang of things.

Again, my $0.02 :)
gotta say tho guys this cooltube has changed my life! everything is waaay cooler and in turn i can run my exhaust fan at a lower speed for now anyways im still running 400watt when should i switch to 600watt?

I run at a minimum of 600w always. Watch the distance of light from plants. It will vary set up to set up, but I'll tell you where mine is usually at when they are that sized, around 16 inches. My seedlings are done around 22 to 24". Watch your plants for heat stress, stretching, etc. They will let you know if they like it or not. Cooler temps are coming here very soon, and I'll be cranking my light to 750w hopefully. Good luck it's looking nice.
I run at a minimum of 600w always. Watch the distance of light from plants. It will vary set up to set up, but I'll tell you where mine is usually at when they are that sized, around 16 inches. My seedlings are done around 22 to 24". Watch your plants for heat stress, stretching, etc. They will let you know if they like it or not. Cooler temps are coming here very soon, and I'll be cranking my light to 750w hopefully. Good luck it's looking nice.

Awesome thank you, I'm going to use that advice for sure. Going to raise it a few inches and run the 600Watt then adjust where necessary
Yah more is less... I ran 1200 -1300 ppm and the strains I had didn't like it.. last grow kept it around1k max and was definitely better. Keep in mind in hydro you need to add some cal mag as needed. This will spike PPm's so make sure to leave head room when mixing each fresh batch. 400-500 on nutes and 500 on supplements in flower is not much but still keep the maxes in mind. Your maxes are going to depend on your strains and what nutes .. supps you run etc... If i base it off the nutes yes i dont usually break 500 but total 1k is goal for me...

Just my two bits but I am still just 3 harvests in...

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