GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

good job,it looks you are very professional!:thumb:
Planting the cannibis is not a easy thing for everyone,but you have the patient to do a good job!Use the LED GROW LIGHTS is the good way to make the cannibis grow fast !:cheer:

Thanks man! :)

I wouldn't call myself a professional other than the fact that I have been raising hybrid Jalapenos and several varieties of Tomatoes for about 10 years for sale at a local farmer's market. Been gardening seriously for over 30 now. (WOW! Where did the time go?) Cannabis has been a more recent activity. 3 years seriously active like I am now, on and off for the last 15. Back in "The Day" usually 1 plant, bagseed variety, out in the garden, natural flowering, nothing special.

When I started to get more serious about growing for medicinal reasons, I just got me some 5 star strains in seed form and some top of the line clones. I then simply applied my previous gardening experience to raising them. Fortunately for me, the process for the most part is identical even down to the optimum soil pH, of which Cannabis shares a somewhat common preference with peppers for a slightly alkaline soil (6.2 to 6.8)

The biggest mistake some overly eager new growers make is over thinking everything. And feeding way too often! Every 7-10 days is the schedule I follow. Also, drying and curing buds is a SLOW process that shouldn't be rushed through if you want top grade smoke! For me that process takes 4-6 weeks minimum, with the best bud having been cured for no less than 6 months. YES! I said MONTHS! ;) Patience is probably one of the biggest prerequisites of being a good gardener. Being a good pot farmer takes about 5 times more! :laughtwo: There are few plants that take as long to raise and harvest as Cannabis when grown outdoors.

I believe in the "Less is More" approach to ALL gardening. Plants should not be run on YOUR schedule! You need to run everything on THEIR schedule. Once you become one with your crop, and pay close attention to what the plants are telling you, then you will do great! ANYONE can do great as long as they learn that one simple truth!

Thanks again for stopping by and I hope that you will stick around for the arrival of my new Olympus E-P3 Camera and the AWESOME photos that incredible new piece of technology is capable of! I CAN'T WAIT!! :yahoo:

One drag... It won't be here till Wednesday! So I won't be able to use it for photos of the harvest of GDP #1 which is planned for tomorrow night! Don't worry! I'm going to use my current camera to get some shots!

Hey GG7
those trichs look so ready! really beautiful stuff!

:adore: CONGRATS on POTM!! :adore: well deserved my friend!

I think your future moms look just great and the dif in the new pots is very noticeable!
Can't wait for the new photos with that new toy of yours.

I am getting ready to post some harvest pics update in my journal, the big harvest is tonight! Yeah!

:peace: brotha!
Hey GG7
those trichs look so ready! really beautiful stuff!

:adore: CONGRATS on POTM!! :adore: well deserved my friend!

I think your future moms look just great and the dif in the new pots is very noticeable!
Can't wait for the new photos with that new toy of yours.

I am getting ready to post some harvest pics update in my journal, the big harvest is tonight! Yeah!

:peace: brotha!

Good morning MS!

Thanks for the POTM comments! Most appreciated! It really was rewarding to read all the nice things everyone posted about my winning plant, and of course about our dear Kimba.

Your harvesting tonight too eh? How exciting! I will definitely be monitoring your journal for that next update! How much are you expecting to pull down from this latest chop?

I was just out looking over GDP 1 with my loupe. I think I could chop her right now and get good, but I'm going to wait for tonight and give the Clearex a few more hours to flush things out.

This plant totally fooled me with her timing! She went from looking like and obvious 2 weeks to go, to I'M READY NOW! in less than 3 days! I've never seen anything like it!

I was telling Budman in a PM that I figure that it must be the HUGE temp swings we have been getting up here. Our low this morning was 49.8 but our high yesterday was in the mid 80s. Thats over a 30 degree swing in a 12 hour period! It sure as hell is responsible for the incredible color change!

While GDP #2 did a respectable color change on its fan leaves back in August, its buds didn't turn this purple. If you thought that the GDP bud I posted a while back was purple, wait to you see one of these dried and cured!

This has definitely proven to me beyond any doubt how important the cold overnight temps are for getting the genuine GDP strain to do its full transformation. I can see now why so many indoor growers complain about this strain not changing color for them even up to harvest day.

That strain is surely a child of her native NorCal coastal mountains, thats for damn sure!
Yay..... harvest time can't wait to see these pics tricomes looks f**kin sexual sends my knees wobbly ;)

So here it's 4.30 pm, am I gunna have to go to bed super late to catch the harvest find it hard being in a diffrent time zone.. heck I'm half way across the other side of the world!
On my iPhone world clock it says uv just woken up 8.30 mayb u will be harvesting when I'm waking up either way sure it's guna be super sticky work!
Hey GG7
those trichs look so ready! really beautiful stuff!

:adore: CONGRATS on POTM!! :adore: well deserved my friend!

I think your future moms look just great and the dif in the new pots is very noticeable!
Can't wait for the new photos with that new toy of yours.

I am getting ready to post some harvest pics update in my journal, the big harvest is tonight! Yeah!

:peace: brotha!

Thanks MS! Your comments about my POTM entry are most appreciated!

So you've got a big harvest tonight too eh? Excellent! How much are you hoping to pull from this latest crop? I'll definitely be monitoring your journal for the photo updates! :thumb:

I was totally caught off guard by GDP #1's incredibly rapid ripening. Just last week I checked the trichomes with my loupe and it looked like she was on the path for a harvest on the 9th. But over the last 4 days, she has turned up the heat on her ripening process and knocked a good week off that time! Don't think I have ever seen a plant change trichome state that quickly!

I could actually chop her as we speak, but I am going to give her one more day in the sun to let the Clearex do a little more flushing. I gave her two treatments 36 hours apart. Because of the rapid ripening it totally threw my whole flushing schedule off. I normally like to do the full two weeks before the chop and then not water for four days before harvest. That isn't going to happen this time, and with that winter storm bearing down on us, this is the last dry day we are going to see until Friday. Will be one less plant to cover tonight before the rain gets here! Damn good thing the last normal feeding she had was almost 10 days ago.

I was telling Budman in a PM that I suspect the HUGE temp swings we have been seeing up here the last week as the likely cause. Our low this morning was 49.8, but our high yesterday was over 78! That is a HUGE difference! Definitely proves beyond any doubt that the genuine strain really does need those cold overnights, just like Ken Estes said it did! After all, he invented GDP so who better to know stuff like that? No wonder some indoor growers complain about genuine GDP not turning color for them. They probably never give it those cold temps. Would be pretty hard to simulate mother nature that well indoors.

I definitely know now that I always need to flower my GDP in late July/early August for a harvest around the first week of October! While GDP #2 had purple in its buds, they were nothing as dark and rich colored as these! :thumb:

Perhaps a Nug of the Month in my future?
Good morning MS!

Thanks for the POTM comments! Most appreciated! It really was rewarding to read all the nice things everyone posted about my winning plant, and of course about our dear Kimba.

Your harvesting tonight too eh? How exciting! I will definitely be monitoring your journal for that next update! How much are you expecting to pull down from this latest chop?

I was just out looking over GDP 1 with my loupe. I think I could chop her right now and get good, but I'm going to wait for tonight and give the Clearex a few more hours to flush things out.

This plant totally fooled me with her timing! She went from looking like and obvious 2 weeks to go, to I'M READY NOW! in less than 3 days! I've never seen anything like it!

I was telling Budman in a PM that I figure that it must be the HUGE temp swings we have been getting up here. Our low this morning was 49.8 but our high yesterday was in the mid 80s. Thats over a 30 degree swing in a 12 hour period! It sure as hell is responsible for the incredible color change!

While GDP #2 did a respectable color change on its fan leaves back in August, its buds didn't turn this purple. If you thought that the GDP bud I posted a while back was purple, wait to you see one of these dried and cured!

This has definitely proven to me beyond any doubt how important the cold overnight temps are for getting the genuine GDP strain to do its full transformation. I can see now why so many indoor growers complain about this strain not changing color for them even up to harvest day.

That strain is surely a child of her native NorCal coastal mountains, thats for damn sure!

Good morning GG7!

Anytime and again so well deserved!

Yeah I took one down on Sat and then the other last night. I have the big 4 going tonight — so I got 507g wet, but expect at least 1800g wet from the next 4 so we shall see!
Yeah I have only watered for the past 10 days on them as well.
She is one great pheno! — I mean holy sh!t she looks ready! Those trichs are amazing!
I think you are spot on in your observations, its gotta be the temp swings. Our lows have been getting down there and I have been pumping in that cold air to them since the temps have come down at nights as well.

I can't wait for those pics!

:peace: and purple nugs!
Good morning GG7!

Anytime and again so well deserved!

Yeah I took one down on Sat and then the other last night. I have the big 4 going tonight – so I got 507g wet, but expect at least 1800g wet from the next 4 so we shall see!
Yeah I have only watered for the past 10 days on them as well.
She is one great pheno! – I mean holy sh!t she looks ready! Those trichs are amazing!
I think you are spot on in your observations, its gotta be the temp swings. Our lows have been getting down there and I have been pumping in that cold air to them since the temps have come down at nights as well.

I can’t wait for those pics!

:peace: and purple nugs!

Sounds great MS! Congrats on what you have pulled in so far! :thumb:

Oh! Forgot to respond to your comment about the Air Pots! You're right in assuming that the plants have taken to them very well! The four GDP clones in the bathroom look text book perfect! I wish they would just stay that size until March, but we know that ain't going to happen! ;)

Might have to do some shuffling around. The Northern Lights clones have me a bit concerned over their Sativa like growth pattern. I guess BUSHY isn't part of that strain's vocabulary. Based on my very limited space for the winter, I may have to kull them to make room for the strains that are more well behaved under a fixed area of light. I already topped them the old fashioned way, but now the side branches are growing out like mad and crowding out the BC clone. I moved the one in the 1.5 pot into the bathroom under the 2x4 fixture where GDP #2 had been to make some room.

I ended up pulling what was left of GDP #2 out of that room and took it outside. The plant is done. No sign of any new growth and the stems are starting to rot, so RIP GDP #2! You did good, but your time is past. :rip: I think I chopped too much of her down for her to survive into a reveg. Thank god my BC plant didn't suffer the same fate! Probably helped that she got to reveg in the strong rays of summer instead of under a T5 fixture! ;)
Dipez said:
Very Nice GDP plants.. I see they are in some air pots too. How are you liking those? and that Blue Cheese is to die for. Its personally one of my favorite buds. Can't wait to see some finished product of that!

Hey Dipez!

Thanks man! The GDP has been a real pleasure to work with! A very well behaved plant in terms of growth pattern (read bushy and short statured)

I hear ya about the BC! I figure a harvest there in about another week to ten days.

Air Pots? GREAT! I really like them so far! Looking forward to using all the various ones I bought next season outside! :)

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner
You'd be surprised how big a plant you can grow in a 5 gallon pot!

My Urkles are 55" tall, White Rhino female is just shy of 7 feet and the Northern Lights out back is over 6 feet!

I'll be using the 5.2 gallon APs next season and I have no worries about them being big enough.

I grow our tomatoes in whisky barrels cause they need that kind of soil volume, but Cannabis... Not so much!

Superoots does sell APs for trees you know! You should check out and look through all the larger sizes. They definitely sell them but personally I think anything over the very roomy 5.2 is overkill. ;)

Sorry to hear about your GDP. That sucks! Fortunately our climate prevents most common pests from surviving up here.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner
Very nice. I cant seem to get my plants that big in 5gallon though! and when I transplanted them out of the 5gallon the roots already were covering the bottom of the pot and growing up the sides. In those 15gallon tubs tho my plants got to just shy of 6' tall and extremely bushy.

and Thanks I didn't even know they had 5.2 gallon size. All's I have seen before is 3gallon or under.

Also Have you seen those mesh style grow bags? Are they supposed to give the same effect as an air pot? They sure are a lot cheaper!

The 5.2 is considerably larger than a traditional 5 gallon pot. They really do hold the volume they list for the pot. Conventional pots are about 20% smaller than their designation. Never could figure out why that is.

I have no interest in those bag things. I need to be able to move my pots around, and those look like they would crumble if you tried to pick them up. I'm all for saving money, but when it comes to gardening, I NEVER cut corners, unless it is something like my home made Clearex where there is no compromise in the quality of the item, only a huge savings! Considering all the personal time you invest in growing anything from start to finish, it seems kind of silly to be risking your success for the sake of saving a couple of bucks.

The thing your missing about APs is the way they guide the roots to the air holes on the sides of the pot. This results in a far more efficient root system and this eliminates the need for a larger pot. You get a physically larger and far more efficient root ball in say a 5.2 gallon AP than you would probably get from a 10 or even a 15 gallon conventional pot.

What kind of soil are you using? That can effect growth too.
Holes alone wouldn't do it. You need the conical shape of the inner wall to guide the roots along to each air hole. They are expensive, but what are your plants and your time worth to you? Not to mention the potentially higher yields a more productive plant could produce?

I bought 35 of them myself. I'm going to use them for my Japaleno peppers next year as well as the Cannabis.

Head over to THIS LINK and watch the video.
I watched it already. Honestly I will have to see one preform side by side to see for myself. I'm not sold on the concept yet. If these things work the way you say they work I should be able to yield more out of a 3gallon air pot than a 5gallon bucket?

Did you actually watch the video in the link I posted? Doesn't sound like you did.

What would be the sense in questioning the decisions of commercial growers who spend millions of dollars a year on maintaining and improving their crops and who would never waste money on a container system if it didn't have published and verifiable results? The product's biggest customers are commercial growing concerns, not folks like us. They buy THOUSANDS of these things at a time!

WATCH the video!

In the meantime, I encourage everyone else to go check that AP video I posted above. The top growers here on 420 all use them, and I can clearly see the benefits even before I ordered my first one. When you've been gardening as many decades as I have, you pick up a thing or two about what matters for the best plant growth. The size of the pot past your typical and common 5 gallons isn't that big a factor. The health and complexity of the root system is really all that matters at the end of the day.

I'm fully expecting to double my yields with these babies! I'd much prefer to get a pound of bud from 3 plants versus 6. :thumb:

The big question is what am I going to do with the pounds of bud I already have waiting to be harvested from this season? LOL!

Seriously, if anyone has information on how to go about supplying local dispensaries, please PM me! I am not exagerating in my estimated harvest. My legal limit is four pounds of dried bud, and I am pretty sure I am going to go over that this year. One of those Urkle plants has about double the bud the winning BBK plant did and I ended up with just under 5 ounces from that one BBK plant alone.

Damn! If this stuff was only legal! I could put an addition on the back of the house! :laughtwo:
Yeah I watched it. They go on to say how Many grows in the UK use it and it saves a lot of money and produces better crops. I clicked the link that they have on their site cuz it plays parts of the video with no sound in the corner.

And I'm not doubting anybodys success with these pots. Just don't see or hear much about them. They aren't that popular.

Its not the just UK AG industry that uses these. They are used commercially worldwide.

Good luck with your grows brother! Sorry I wasn't able to educate you towards a far more productive next season and without using oversized pots! Start subbing into more of the master grower's journals around here like OMM and others. You'll quickly find out why your "They aren't that popular" comment isn't actually a true statement.
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