Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

Subscribed Graytail.
Is it this site that turns you guys all into mad scientists or were you all born with that curiosity and you were attracted to each other here? :laughtwo:

LOL! This intrigued me, too, when I first started reading and posting on :420:. What is it about a pot forum that attracts erudite, inquisitive, skilled, educated and persistent people? Beats me! :cheesygrinsmiley:

But I Like it! :yahoo:
Hmm landrace strains are not an cannot be salt lovers as they have been cultivated through the ages or at least few decades (Hawaiian strains qualify here I think) in natural soil usually with no fertilization at all or very little of it like Malawi Gold where local tribes use nothing but wood ash. They usually do not react very well for pushing nutrients, which can also screw up their terpene profiles I think. Well, that's the case with nitrogen for sure. Then you are all kit growers, so Doc Bud should be asked about this thing first, but one thing I can guarantee as a LOS grower, more complex bouquet you always get with all 17 minerals present and medium nitrogen. I'm really interested in sulphur's role and biochar plays its part here for sure, but I haven't seen any studies done on that field. Anyway, I'll be exploiting calcium/magnesium/iron presence in soil closer this season. In the potting mix I'll use some local terra rossa I think to up the ratio of these, and see what kind of plants it produces.

Lets say many strains although not known salt lovers dont show deficiencies so close to harvest, but might benefit if extra Mg, Ca, PO4, and NH4-, is added..

When I get a min i am going to look up the terpenes that are present in cannabis, and find their chemical formulas, and possible pathway of plant production...and see if a particular mineral is used in that pathway. Imagine customizing terpene profiles by tweaking the anions and cations even more? :)

Caryophyllene oxide

I don't know if this is all of them but these are the most popular. I'm still looking.
In Cannabis:
-over 120 different terpenes can be manufactured by Cannabis, some only in trace amounts with others in double-digit percentage
-produced in the Trichomes, the same glands where THC is produced, comprising between 10 and 20 percent of the total oils produced by the glands
-about 10-29 percent of marijuana smoke resin is composed of terpenes/terpenoids
-drug sniffing dogs are able to smell odorous terpenes, not THC
-age, maturation and time of day can affect the amount and ratios of terpenes. They are constantly being produced but are vaporized by heat and light of the day… so harvest in early morning!
-climate and weather also affect terpene and flavonoid production. The same variety, even genotype, can produce a different terpene profile when grown in different soils or with different fertilizers.
-in addition to many circulatory and muscular effects, some terpenes interact with neurological receptors
-a few bind weakly to Cannabinoid receptors
-others seem to alter the permeability of cell membranes and allow in either more or less THC
-others affect serotonin and dopamine chemistry (neurotransmitters)

Examples of some common Terpenes found in Cannabis:
-Borneol- menthol, camphor, pine, woody. Can be easily converted into menthol. Found in Cinnamon and Wormwood. It is considered a "calming sedative" in Chinese medicine. It is directed for fatigue, recovery from illness and stress.

-Caryophyllene - spicy, sweet, woody, clove, camphor, peppery. Found in black pepper(15-25%), clove(10-20%) and cotton(15-25%). It binds weakly to CB2 receptor. As a topical it is one of the constituents of clove oil, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment for toothache. In high amounts, it’s a calcium and potassium ion channel blocker. As a result, it impedes the pressure exerted by heart muscles. Since THC does not have a smell, drug dogs are trained to find one, very smelly molecule called Caryophyllene-epoxide!

-Cineole/Eucalyptol- spicy, camphor, refreshing, minty. Found in rosemary, eucalyptus. It is used to increase circulation, pain relief and easily crosses the blood-brain-barrier to trigger fast olfactory reaction. Eucalyptus oil is considered centering, balancing and stimulating. It is possibly the stimulating and thought provoking part of the cannabis smoke stream.

-Delta3Carene- sweet, pine, cedar, woodsy, pungent. A constituent of rosemary, pine and cedar resin. In aroma therapy, cypress oil, high in D-3-carene, is used to dry excess fluids, tears, running noses, excess menstrual flow and perspiration. It may contribute to the dry eye and mouth experienced by some marijuana users.

-Limonene- citrus (orange, tangerine, lemon, and grapefruit), rosemary, juniper, peppermint. Repulsive to predators. Found in the rinds of many fruits and flowers. With the presence of other certain terpenes, Limonene can be an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-depressant and anti- carcinogen. It can synergistically promote the absorption of other terpenes by quickly penetrating cell membranes. The result can be increased systolic blood pressure. Since Limonene is such a potent anti-fungal and anti-cancer agent, it is thought to protect against aspergillus fungi and carcinogens found in cannabis smoke streams!

-Linolool- floral (spring flowers), lily, citrus and candied spice. Possesses anti-anxiety and sedative properties (also in lavender).

-Myrcene – clove like, earthy, green-vegetative, citrus, fruity with tropical mango and minty nuances. The most prevalent terpene found in most varieties of marijuana, it is also present in high amounts in Mangos, hops, lemon grass, East Indian bay tree, verbena and Mercia. Myrcene is one of the most important chemicals used in the perfumery industry. Because of its pleasant odor, it is occasionally used directly. It’s a building block for menthol, citronella, and geraniol. It possesses antimicrobial, antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-carcinogen, anti depressant, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxing effects. Myrcene affects the permeability of the cell membranes, allowing more THC to reach brain cells.

-Pinene- Alpha: pine needles, rosemary Beta: dill, parsley, rosemary, basil, yarrow, rose, hops, the familiar odor associated with pine trees and their resins. It is the major component in turpentine and is found in many other plant essential oils including rosemary, sage, and eucalyptus. Pinene can increase mental focus and energy, as well as act as an expectorant, bronchodilator (the smoke seems to expand in your lungs), and topical antiseptic. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier where it inhibits activity of acetylcholinesterase, which destroys acetylcholine, an information transfer molecule, resulting in better memory. It may counteract THC's activity, which leads to low acetylcholine levels. Largely due to the presence of pinene, rosemary and sage are both considered "memory plants." Concoctions made from their leaves have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine to retain and restore memory.

-Pulegone- mint, camphor, rosemary, candy. It is implicated in liver damage in very high dosages. It is found in tiny quantities in marijuana. Pulegone is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. That is, it stops the action of the protein that destroys acetylcholine, which is used by the brain to store memories.

-Sabinene - Found in oak trees, tea tree oil, black pepper and is a major constituent of carrot seed oil.

-Terpineol- floral, lilac, citrus, apple/orange blossoms, lime. It is a minor constituent of many plant essential oils. It is used in perfumes and soaps for fragrance. It reduces physical motility 45% in lab rat tests… Couch-lock effect?
... some more references ...

[Edit] ... and the rest are bad links, heheh ... I just cut & pasted it from my second journal - outdated I guess. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have some 420 biochar i made when I smoked salmon with some branches....i should try that :)

Excellent idea, wholeheartedly encouraged. I thought that when you mentioned it with the picture. Tempting process that.
sorry im late to the party :high-five:

i always like to come last to make an impression :rofl:

im here to learn stuff :thumb:
...and I'm even later to the party...damn, Gray...didn't even realize you had already started your new thread. (And a nice one at that!)

Good choice. Graytail knows lot of stuff :thumb:

LOL! Mostly I know other people who know a lot of stuff, and I remember a lot of what I learned from them. :;):

I've been sampling some of DestroyerCut2 and my my, she's a tasty one! I'm a bit entranced, if I do say so myself. :love: I was a bit harsh with her yesterday and broke off a little branchlet/top ... :cheesygrinsmiley: darn it ... :cheesygrinsmiley: ... so I washed it up and set it aside and it's just now smokable in a one-hitter. :slide: Very yum, very ... :hmmmm: ... insistent. This one has a sour cherry scent - quite strong in the pre-dried buds - and the flavor translates to my lips - I can lick 'em and taste the fruit. :laughtwo: And the buzz is a bit of a ride. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm the passenger it seems.

Anyway, some visual accompaniment: This is my tray with a little fresh bud of Destroyer, a small dry Carnival bud, and some Utopia Haze powder/kief from the large tray when I snipped the dried buds off the stems before jarring.





Where did you find that tray Greytail? Love it!

Hmmm. Carnival. Making a list. :laughtwo::green_heart:
I love that buffet plate for your buds and kief GT :)

Where did you find that tray Greytail? Love it!

Hmmm. Carnival. Making a list. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Nice lunch on that plate. Your killing it as I suspected

The Wife found that tray in the housewares department of some store. We decided to keep an eye out for an easily cleaned tray, like china, separated into 4 parts, so we could keep a few buds handy. This was in a set of three garnish/appetizer dishes - just ideal! :slide:
The Wife found that tray in the housewares department of some store. We decided to keep an eye out for an easily cleaned tray, like china, separated into 4 parts, so we could keep a few buds handy. This was in a set of three garnish/appetizer dishes - just ideal! :slide:

Looks like an olive tray ive seen...:)
Looks like an olive tray ive seen...:)

My first thought, too. :cheesygrinsmiley: The channels are just the right size for a row of plump olives. :high-five:

BTW, my wife is second generation Greek-American - her grandfather was born in Greece - emigrated from Silivano (sp?) to America in in 1914. :cheesygrinsmiley:
My first thought, too. :cheesygrinsmiley: The channels are just the right size for a row of plump olives. :high-five:

BTW, my wife is second generation Greek-American - her grandfather was born in Greece - emigrated from Silivano (sp?) to America in in 1914. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And I just realized that MrTeddy would probably be a lot more interested in my wife's Greek ancestry that you, DrZiggy.


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