Greetings fellow revolutionaries!


Active Member
Hello all,

Not much to say about myself here. I’m a potter based somewhere in Europe. I’m also a pothead who’s just begun his growing adventures when I discovered this forum of revolutionaries! I had no idea that this forum was about ending prohibition on cannabis as I had come here simply for some help with my first grows, but the activism against prohibition is a pleasant surprise! I am also a dreamer who one day believes smoking marijuana will be legalized and that the days of judgment and condemnation will be long behind us.
Until then, I do what I can to promote the positive effects and uses while demystifying certain ambiguities leading to its misjudgment and dismissal as an actual herbal medicine. So I am very pleased to join the community that will help me in this revolution to bring back the power of ganja to our society!... and also help me grow my own in the meantime

Be well !
Hello all,

Not much to say about myself here. I’m a potter based somewhere in Europe. I’m also a pothead who’s just begun his growing adventures when I discovered this forum of revolutionaries! I had no idea that this forum was about ending prohibition on cannabis as I had come here simply for some help with my first grows, but the activism against prohibition is a pleasant surprise! I am also a dreamer who one day believes smoking marijuana will be legalized and that the days of judgment and condemnation will be long behind us.
Until then, I do what I can to promote the positive effects and uses while demystifying certain ambiguities leading to its misjudgment and dismissal as an actual herbal medicine. So I am very pleased to join the community that will help me in this revolution to bring back the power of ganja to our society!... and also help me grow my own in the meantime

Be well !
Welcome Ups! This place is a treasure of many things wonderful! Glad you found it!
Hello all,

Not much to say about myself here. I’m a potter based somewhere in Europe. I’m also a pothead who’s just begun his growing adventures when I discovered this forum of revolutionaries! I had no idea that this forum was about ending prohibition on cannabis as I had come here simply for some help with my first grows, but the activism against prohibition is a pleasant surprise! I am also a dreamer who one day believes smoking marijuana will be legalized and that the days of judgment and condemnation will be long behind us.
Until then, I do what I can to promote the positive effects and uses while demystifying certain ambiguities leading to its misjudgment and dismissal as an actual herbal medicine. So I am very pleased to join the community that will help me in this revolution to bring back the power of ganja to our society!... and also help me grow my own in the meantime

Be well !
Welcome my friend to 420magazine. :welcome:
Welcome Ups! :welcome:

Happy growing!
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