Gtrmike's Crown Royale CKS Grow: Round 2

Mike, any ideas where locally to get a pH reader in a pinch? My hydro shop is closed until Monday. I couldn't get anything to balance tonight, then tried calibrating and found it went out of whack again almost immediately after calibrating. I'm afraid to water now without being able to balance, and afraid I won't put my hands on a pH pen until Monday.

That sucks. If you are always mixing the same amount you should have a good enough idea to get you in the green zone for a day or so. For instance if I mix my regular flower nutes I know I need 4ml of ph up. Almost right on 5.78 every time.
Late night pressing last night. So far, it's my favorite way to use sugar trim.
Couldn't do all the popcorn. Decided to let it dry for another 24hrs. But from 70g of bud trim, I got almost 6g of pretty decent rosin. Not bad. I'll take it!!

Going try that next round man mind if you help me out by chance ? When I'm ready to make it I'll go buy the stuff I need as long as it isn't crazy expensive lol
Looks fantastic bud
Going try that next round man mind if you help me out by chance ? When I'm ready to make it I'll go buy the stuff I need as long as it isn't crazy expensive lol
Looks fantastic bud

Put mine together for 500.00. 350.00 for the plate kit and 150.00 for the ten ton shop press. Other than that the squish bags are cheap. The best part is the experimenting with heat and time and pressure. Anything you need in here to help as well brotha. I think all should go solventless. The taste is beyond compare.
Put mine together for 500.00. 350.00 for the plate kit and 150.00 for the ten ton shop press. Other than that the squish bags are cheap. The best part is the experimenting with heat and time and pressure. Anything you need in here to help as well brotha. I think all should go solventless. The taste is beyond compare.

Perfect I will message u when funds arrive ...
That sucks. If you are always mixing the same amount you should have a good enough idea to get you in the green zone for a day or so. For instance if I mix my regular flower nutes I know I need 4ml of ph up. Almost right on 5.78 every time.

Exactly what I did So. Fed plain water to be safe and pHed it as best I could knowing what it normally takes. I got a reading of 5.8, I just don't trust it.
Its comin along. Much much slower straight into paper grocery bags. I'm freakin out about the possibility of mold though. I open the bags for 60-90 mins first thing in the morning, and near bedtime. Really nerve racking.

It will make your bud rot almost browning . But keep doing what your doing bud.
Crazy how we still have to stay on top of things after the plant is out of the ground. Only a little longer at least. I guess the fridge would take the mold worry down significantly eh? Do you plan to get one down the road? It's so easy to spend on this stuff, I was glad to have one available and lightly used.
I have a mason jar of "well... something else" in my stash. I dread vaping it. I mean it gets me high, and it's a Purple / OG cross so it has nice effects... it's just awful to vape.
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